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Carved - a shortfilm about extreme carving

Jonas Rejman

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Thanks Jonas

Donation Sent .... only 25% downloaded so far.... 75% still to go .... Can't wait to watch !!!

28% now ..... getting there ...slowly but surely ....

(Almost like my time to get down Palmer at Timberline.....

At least the download has not crashed yet) !


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If you are interested to play all kind 1080p stuff from "computer", please check Dvico players. They are nicely priced and very good option to take with you when traveling. I have not (yet) downloaded this film, but i know that even my older 4100 wil play it.

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Still trying to download the 588 MB version.

It stopped part of the way the first time ....

Now trying again ....

but seems to have stopped again (21%)...

Will let it run a while longer and see if it starts going again.

Anybody else doing any better than me or having the same issue?


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Still trying to download the 588 MB version.

It stopped part of the way the first time ....

Now trying again ....

but seems to have stopped again (21%)...

Will let it run a while longer and see if it starts going again.

Anybody else doing any better than me or having the same issue?


I'm trying the ~1BG version I had some trouble at work, and then I tried again when I came home ... have half of it downloaded at home in under half an hour, when I couldn't even get a few megs to download at work. if you are having trouble try a different network. That worked for me (so far so good anyway).

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Well I had no trouble downloading the 1080 version ...

It was just too jerky to watch on my computer ...

It is the 720 version that I am having trouble downloading.

It definitely seems stuck at 21% now.

this is my 2nd attempt at the 720 version ... both got stuck.

I'm no computer expert ... but presume that if the 1080 downloaded with no problem ... the 720 should do so as well.

Will give it a rest and try again later.


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Jonas, all Alpine riders are very lucky that you followed your passion with this movie project!

I will watch your movie over and over, in the middle of our 30 degree Celsius summer, and dream of winter.

The 5 minute 8 second mark of the movie has me just speechless! This portion of the movie is how I feel or see EC riding in my minds eye.

All I can say is that I want more! When is the next project going to be complete?

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Check your mail that is linked for this forum. You get some special treatment. Use it well. :-D


Thanks for the compliments. Yeah, what comes after that 5 minutes 8 seconds mark... that always makes my day too. :) We gave it a name, with the editor Raphael Nomine: The Reichenbach-Shot.

To honor Daniel Reichenbach, the Dop of this project, who did this crazyness himself. At the age of 50! Drop him a line, if you feel so. He is totally cool and I learned a lot from him.

Next project? Well, I am recovering still from this one, to be honest. Took some pretty hits at all aspect, life has to offer. The birth of a movie is never easy, even such a little one. Suffering is a good word to describe that. Have a look at the Production Diary on the Carved Webpage. The postproduction was not much easier. :)

For the future? Well, a lot of depends on you guys. The EC community is not a multimillion market, but a niche. Growing, but a niche. And it will stay one. Your reaction and support seem to prove, though, that it is an honor to create something for this community, and that you can give back. And I think I want a lot for a 7 minutes flick.

So write, blog, digg and spread the word about Carved. Next winter is not that far away, actually. Let's see how this works, and most of all, how the distribution model of Carved will work out. Remember, my ass is blank out there, no DRM and other $hit. It is a risky move, and I have been warned not to do it.

This is important, because all the enthusiasm aside, the bottom line of each project has to be black. Thats the same thing for ski-areas, snowboard builders, ..., as for filmmakers. If I can show an investor some numbers, he might actually give me the $$$ $$$ that I would need for a feature-length movie. Not that I would not have ideas what to do...

Its a great feeling reading your comments here. Considering, that on the end of day 3 out of 3 shooting days, I still did not had what I came from. The now famous Reichenbach-shot was done in 3 hours in the morning of day 4 (with half of the crew already left). With 2 film cameras with beta firmware, that is quite a feat.


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Jonas, thank you!!!

Beautiful poetry on snow. I agree, the 5m8sec onward are just amazing.

Like Rob, I now wish for snow in the middle of summer.

PS: downloaded fine in just over 30min. Quicktime worked better than VLC on my 2 yrs old laptop. Now to try on the big TV.


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I just sat the family around the TV and watched the Toronto premiere of "Carved". At the 6:08 mark, Patrice makes a turn where it looks like the board is inches from the camera. That took my breath away. Excellent film. I wish it were longer.

BTW, I ran the full 1080p version on my 1.83 Ghz Mac Mini (Intel Core Duo) with 1GB of RAM and it ran just fine. At first, I tried to stream it over a network and it was jerky but running the file from the local disk resulted in smooth playback.

Nice work Jonas.

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cid:002101c8db4e$2271bb30$6501a8c0@Gavin Well I sure struggled from 8 AM till 11:30 PM to see the movie. At first I managed to download the 1080 version which was jerky on my Desktop. I then had trouble with the Wireless Connection where I am staying in Hood River. Eventually I ended up at a coffee shop using their connection and then I had trouble with QuickTime and had to download Version 7. I had some great help from Jonas along the way though.

Well, now that I have seen the movie .... I have one huge complaint ... It is definitely not LONG enough and I am sure everybody who sees it will say the same. (Well, maybe not those Brat Ski Kids in the Timberline lift lines). Hello !! What were you thinking Jonas????

That is like giving a recovering Alcoholic one little glass of Whiskey or some Fat Lady who has just lost 200 lbs one tiny chocolate. Of course they (we) are going to want more. For those of you who are old enough to remember the movie "Oliver" ... one line from that movie definitely applies here .....


Other than that ..... Jonas ... you did a GREAT JOB !!!

Totally awesome. I have been scouring the internet for good Carving Videos ..... and NOTHING comes close to what you did here !!!!

Now I can finally go to sleep with a smile on my face.

And ...

Hopefully dream that it was me in your movie !!!

Thanks again ..... you deserve more than our donations.... I truly hope it makes it onto the big screen or TV!!



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Gavin, it is a short film, and did you read the production diary? I think there was a good amount of struggle in making those 7 minutes.

Ice- it's 12 Euros.

I've got some money in my paypal..hopefully whatever amount it is will add up to 12 Euros..geez, whatever happened to the near 1 to 1 exchange rate? When my aunt could send me 20 euros, and it would be respectably close to 20 dollars?

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The problem with the Movie is that it is so darn good ... ....that I want more... but will just have to settle for the "Replay" button. (which I do keep using)

Hopefully Jonas will be inspired to do the longer version at some point. I'll be first inline to donate some more $$$ (even Euros) at that point. So ... Hurry up Jonas ... before it is $100 to the Euro !!!!

The donation I made for the movie is the best $$$ I have spent on this sport to date and truly appreciate every minute of those seven minutes and all the time, trouble, money and personal financial risk that Jonas and crew put into the movie.

Everybody, especially those who ride alpine boards, should help him out by making a donation and downloading his movie. Even if you just like snow sports or watching SUPERB action sport movies .... Jonas's movie "CARVED" is well worth watching and well worth every $ donated and some more.

AND .... maybe more importantly ..... If you ever want to get a friend or family member into the sport ... I can think of no movie anywhere .... that will get their blood racing and excite them enough to go out and buy an Alpine Board and start learning to CARVE like this movie will!!!!

I know from Paragliding ... when you show friends and family paragliding movies ...even us pilots get board watching them .... and friends and family walk out the room ... but with Jonas's movie "CARVED" .... I cannot imagine a single person on the planet ... not thinking that this is a totally amazing movie and not getting the urge to try CARVING. This movie has to be the BEST recruiting tool ever.

Once again ....

You did a GREAT job Jonas !!!!

Thanks a million !!!!

(You deserve a Million $$$ as well)


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Jonas, I see that it's already had some public exposure - have you thought about submitting it to any of the film festivals? I'm thinking the Banff Mountain Flim Festival specifically, but I know there are a couple of dozen similar festivals worldwide.

It's at least as good as most of the Banff films I've seen and better than some. Amazing work.

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