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Plenty Snow at Timberline


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I am still in for Monday if anyone wants to still go. I will be doing a tour/climb of Hood on tuesday also with a coworker if anyone wants to join. The weather is mostly below tline so it will be likely clear up top.


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I am still in for Monday if anyone wants to still go. I will be doing a tour/climb of Hood on tuesday also with a coworker if anyone wants to join. The weather is mostly below tline so it will be likely clear up top.


You're tougher than me Jim, I'm afraid I'm out as well.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks Buell for keeping me motivated to go up as I probably would have passed on my own. It ended up a really nice day except for losing one of my approach skiis to the devils kitchen! The snow on zigzag glacier is primo right now once its warms up. It is at that magic stage where it is smooth and just like butter. Any pdx locals should seriously check it out soon... (more snow this week again).

here are more pics ....of Buell on the hogsback, putting crampons on, climbing through the gap.




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Yeah, the happy dance was only because I did not know what was to come. Forty feet of knife edge ridge you could not fall off either direction, gusty winds, and a snowboard (sail) on my back. Then there was the steep ice for 400 feet. I finally made it back down to where Jim was looking for his approach ski at the Devil's Kitchen, an area of steaming rock smelling strongly of sulfur that you really do not want to get too close to, especially since it makes a deep hole in the snow. It was fun riding the rest of the way down.

The crew that was right behind us (I only counted about 12 people on Hood all day) posted up their trip report on TGR. Jim and I are actually in a couple of their photos although we are very small.

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Nice to see how the other half plays

while I'm stuck at work.

Pearly Gates still a no-go?

You may have to finally get that splitboard,

those little approach skis are hard to find.

Yes Eric I might be asking you for a loaner:). I really need to get a split soon...


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splits rock!!!!

Yes I really do need a split but like big boards and no one makes anything bigger than a 172... I want a tanker 192 split and might have to get something custom made or split my own. The approach skiis work great for PNW snow but would sink like lead in central BC fluff. I have been doing a yearly trip to MPA cat lodge in Cherryville near you.

What split do ride? Prior ? Size?

BTW Tline/ MtHood is getting new snow again this week 4-8" tonight and 4-8" tomorrow. Looking good for next tuesday or wednesday nexy week again ?


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I do know what you mean about wanting a bigger board. You always want something big in all that fluff, but will make the sacrifice to be able to manuver through the trees with a pack on.

I weigh about 160 and ride a 166 voile since i only do day trips, but might have to think of something bigger because i plan to do some overnight trips at rogers pass next year.

I'm sure if you talk to prior they might be able to do something for you and everybody seems to rave about neversummerbut if you have a little technical ability dont be afraid to split your own. Ive even seen guys put inside edges on thier boards and it worked out fine. think of it as a summer project .

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Another 14 inchs new in the last 24hrs with cold snow levels for a week.



A Bermuda High has parked its sorry ass over the Southeast. 99 today and 100+ tomorrow in piedmont NC. Bloody high humidity, too.

Dangerous stuff, this.


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I'll be in Asheville, NC in a couple weeks, please tell me it'll be more comfortable by then.

they're predicting a regional "cool down" to "normal" in a few days. Showing Asheville in high 70's, low 80's two weeks out.

Hope they're right.


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Did anyone get some up at TLine? I thought about it but couldn't drag my @$$ out of bed early enough on Saturday. My 5 yo kept waking up. I got her back, we went hiking and I refused to carry her.

Actually I need a nice, firm Saturday morning on Palmer to test some boards. Wonder if I'll get one before mid-July!

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Did anyone get some up at TLine? I thought about it but couldn't drag my @$$ out of bed early enough on Saturday. My 5 yo kept waking up. I got her back, we went hiking and I refused to carry her.

Actually I need a nice, firm Saturday morning on Palmer to test some boards. Wonder if I'll get one before mid-July!

Good Luck, Its just not happening so far this year. How about a Fathers day ride like last year?


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Hey MikeT...

Thanks for the tips.

Snow was great....

My legs may be stronger than yours...

But I'd switch mine for tired legs any day ...

If only I could look as good on the snow as you did today!

(as good as your carving...that is ... not your face) !

Thanks again to you and John from Seattle who was up here as well.


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Hey Gavin,

I guess you are the spokesperson for all of the carving world this time of year. I had a great time up there and left with my legs pretty much cooked. Windsurfing was great all three days.

I would really like to thank the Calgery guys who helped and inspired me with their awesome riding and Kesler boards.

Gavin is looking better every every day and will be a force by the end of the summer.

See you next weekend.

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