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Stolen Boards


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Guest Dimbeanu

If you have aproblem with the sale let me know!!! I thought that everything was ok.

How do you dare to say that something is odd about me?

So Bob, sounds like you must hang with an interesting crew.:rolleyes:

OK I agree that there is something odd about this guy. He doesn't respond when asked if the board is his and I specifically asked him about "Le Bob" engraved on the bindings and got no reply. But....the bindings did come absolutely complete so if they are hot, he must have gotten all the hardware and the elastomer upgrade from whomever he stole them from.

And I checked into his sketchy feedback before I bought from him. It was one item from '02- five and half years ago.


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Guest Dimbeanu

Hey Man, Your attitude fits your picture... very well!!!

I have posted the serial number of the board Im selling.

You need to appologize for your unsupported assumptions.

IMHO, knowing people who run scams and how they list on ebay I'd say that board is hot.

Also, the guy has skit feedback on ebay, probably ran some ebay scams in the past too.

go get him!

it says the board is in canada........

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Guest Dimbeanu

I have posted the serial number.


It isnt nice to interrupt a sale... you know based on assumptions.

I've had a few people write to this guy and ask if he is the original owner, and he ignores the question. He's also been asked if he picked out the graphics, and he said yes. Hmmmm, how many carver guys would choose flowers on their board? Suspicious that this is his first post, and the board is one of 2 that were ever made by Prior. I'm not accusing, just saying it's definitely a coincidence.

I don't think anyone will touch this board until he can provide proof that he is the original owner.

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Guest Dimbeanu


Posted by my friend for me before the board was "presumably" stolen. I travel extensively for business between <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" /><st1:City w:st="on"><st1:place w:st="on">Toronto</st1:place></st1:City> and Melbourne Oz. Never at home.

I hate to do this in the middle of a salem but the way the "story" was handeled here on this forum is totaly unprofesional. Someone should make sure this practice stops.


I don't think anyone will touch this board until he can provide proof that he is the original owner."

Your words... I know you suffer for your loss but let be mature enough and not create an identical issue for someone else...

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Michelle can I say that you need to pay me $400 plus shipping? (Sorry.. and I ll give you the board of-course)

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I don't know Dimbeanu at all, but I think a public call-out deserves a public response. Maybe over the top, but it's hard not to get emotional when people are calling you a thief...

Some people mocked me for locking up a board at SES. Meh. I figure a casual thief will just steal the unlocked board further down the rack because it's easier.

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whats wrong with you people. Leave the guy alone and go out and ride instead of private emailing trying to frame someone.

I usually don't get into these flame posts but I have seen so many of them lately and some of you guys have pissed off lots of new board members. It is making me sick. Get off your high horse and keep your keyboard unplugged.

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well, if I saw a custom metal WCR just like mine pop up on ebay with a listing that resembles a infomercial a few weeks after mine got ganked and to top it off the guy had terrible feedback on ebay I'd be all over it for obvious reasons.

I don't see why Michelle or the rest of us would not scrutinize the seller, it sucks when you're not running a scam but at the same time with so few of these boards out there it's common sense that people would take notice.

You have a combination of bad timing and a a slightly shady ebay rating that I based assumptions on. If you don't like it I understand but I/we were looking out for a fellow rider.

Unprofessional? this is forum on the internet, do you read any of the posts I spew in the off topic forum? I'm one of the least PC people on the forum but most of us are here don't exactly feel like we need a PR firm to post.

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Hello Bobdea,

Is that the best you can do? This situation has nothing to do with being politically correct. It has to do with giving respect to an individual and with taking responsibility for your actions.

You called this guy out on BOL in a big way and it would certainly look like you were wrong in a big way. There was plenty of evidence that Dimbeanu has nothing do to with Michelle's boards but you chose to overlook that in favor of you pronouncements that this was most likely the guy.

Certainly it makes sense to look into the matter, but it was handled incredibly poorly by you and Michelle and an apology would be much more fitting than your last post.


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well, if I saw a custom metal WCR just like mine pop up on ebay with a listing that resembles a infomercial a few weeks after mine got ganked and to top it off the guy had terrible feedback on ebay I'd be all over it for obvious reasons.

I don't see why Michelle or the rest of us would not scrutinize the seller, it sucks when you're not running a scam but at the same time with so few of these boards out there it's common sense that people would take notice.

You have a combination of bad timing and a a slightly shady ebay rating that I based assumptions on. If you don't like it I understand but I/we were looking out for a fellow rider.

Bob, well said. If you are selling something online, WHEREVER, let the buyer beware. I PUBLICY said "i am not accusing this guy" so I didn't accuse anyone of anything. Boards are bought and sold through many people all the time. But yes, it does look suspicious. There were only 2 of these boards ever made according to Prior - this must the the other one. When asked "are you the original owner" I never got a response, neither did a few other people that wrote and asked.

All the seller had to do was respond OFFLINE and this would have never made it to the forum. So MY APOLOGIES if anyone felt like they were being accused, but communication is the key here.

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Our esteemed neighbors to the north just haven't met all seven of the Dwarves yet. Bob's the Grumpy one:lol:

I am sure that since this last exchange happened over the weekend that Michelle was just out riding and hasn't been on the computer. She's a classy gal and will no doubt get it all cleared up shortly. The rest of us should just back off until the dust settles:biggthump

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Are you quite sure about this? I've seen one around here, in 169 size, last fall. I even think that one of our local carvers, member here too, have bought it, following my tip.

Unless that's the no 2...

This came directly from Prior. The top sheet was stock, but you had to specially request it to be on that board. Prior 169 4WD.

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Guest Dimbeanu

It’s ok...

<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /><o:p></o:p>

Maybe I have lost some of the potential customers based on some comments... <o:p></o:p>

<o:p> </o:p>

I’m moving to <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" /><st1:City w:st="on"><st1:place w:st="on">Melbourne</st1:place></st1:City> and I’m very busy arranging this. It’s painful moving the family. I have asked my brother to try and sell my ski and snowboarding equipment while I am away.<o:p></o:p>

<o:p> </o:p>

Good luck finding your board!<o:p></o:p>

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Dimbeanu, I dont think anythig here posted on Bombers was a personal attack upon you. IF anythign, it shows how close knit the membership is that we all keep a lookout for others.

If a Rozzi MINI were to pop up somewhere, I would surely want to know about it also as also with Miche`s board, mine is not quite as rare (1 of 50 not 1 of 2) but still the feelings are the same about a swiped beloved item.

You provided proof the board was not the same one, and that is all anyone was looking for (here) and in questions to you from e-bay.

Good luck with the sale, I'm sure knowing the FACTS about the board will only help the sale now rather than cast a shadow of the doubt upon it had they gone unanswered.



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Hello Bobdea,

Is that the best you can do? This situation has nothing to do with being politically correct. It has to do with giving respect to an individual and with taking responsibility for your actions.

You called this guy out on BOL in a big way and it would certainly look like you were wrong in a big way. There was plenty of evidence that Dimbeanu has nothing do to with Michelle's boards but you chose to overlook that in favor of you pronouncements that this was most likely the guy.

Certainly it makes sense to look into the matter, but it was handled incredibly poorly by you and Michelle and an apology would be much more fitting than your last post.


no, I don't read every post on this forum never looked in the classifieds for this guy's listing there.

what I do know is according to prior there are two of these boards and one just happens to pop up on ebay a few weeks later. looks bad.

I know you think I'm a ass-hole for calling out Bryan and so now you're using this to try to say I'm a prick but it's just being dead honest and being deductive. It would be a different story if brYan's tinkler got lifted and one popped up on ebay a few weeks later in the same size or with a similar or estimated size. You'd be telling him to check it out I bet.

Sometimes I do troll here but other times I'm just being dead honest and when I am nasty I am open about it.

Your thinly veiled attack is petty, as you've seen when I do attack people I am open and straight forward about it. At least you're not emailing and editing posts like your buddy though.

Buell, like bryan you're probably a nice guy in person but on this forum you're lame.

You are allowed to think so about me too, it's okay.

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Huh? No Bob, I am just responding to you posting stuff like this (see below) about a fellow BOL simply trying to sell his board and then not having the balls to apologize when it is clear you are wrong.

IMHO, knowing people who run scams and how they list on ebay I'd say that board is hot.

Also, the guy has skit feedback on ebay, probably ran some ebay scams in the past too.

go get him!

it says the board is in canada........

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Guest clabucet

I (my brother) need to sale the board that all !!!

I appreciate some notes and also the unity and open discussions on this forum but I hope this is the last thread here.

Cheers All !!!

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