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Goggles / Lenses for flat light????


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I've got some Oakley H.I. blue/yellow, and they do pretty well in flat light. Very fog-resistant, and very light (83% transmission). Plus, they look incredibly badass. If I had $200, I might be interested in the polarized h.i. amber lenses, or Zeal's polarized photochromic ones, as they both avoid the too-dark problem a lot of polarized lenses have.

I've heard good things about the Smith Sensor Mirrors, too, and they tend to run a lot cheaper than Oakleys.

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I have and love my Dragon DX http://www.dragonalliance.com/products/snow_goggles/dx.html

with http://www.dragonalliance.com/products/snow_goggles/snow_accessories.html

Blue anodized lens for midday with clouds

amber for overcast midday and/or snowing and

the gold anodized for bright bluebird days.


ps. sorry it's flash, hover over product to change it. I can't stand Flash sites.

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In 42 seasons of teaching ........

persimmon is pretty good in flat and low light.

the best I have ever found is still Bolle's Vermillon for flat and end of day low light. The big tric is your eyes have to adjust to the light levels with any goggles on. Very, Very sensitive in low /flat light.

So even if you take them off to clean them (like during a snow storm) , put them back on immediatly so your eyes stay adjusted.

Grandfather Wolf

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We'll have the Oakley H.I. Yellows at the Welch races this weekend....you're welcome to try them out. We will also have the Pink Iridium which also do a good job (though I prefer the Yellow). If you are not there we could meet on a Sunday at Buck. They also work well under the lights....

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We'll have the Oakley H.I. Yellows at the Welch races this weekend....you're welcome to try them out. We will also have the Pink Iridium which also do a good job (though I prefer the Yellow). If you are not there we could meet on a Sunday at Buck. They also work well under the lights....

Thanks for the offer Oldkey. The only time I will make it out this weekend is Monday, which isn't really the weekend. Maybe another time.

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  • 1 year later...
I am a huge fan of Zeal and along with Haborvision, they are my main goggles. Don't think I'd be able to swing $170 this season. Those are the ones I'm looking at for next season though. Do they really work THAT great in super low light?

Better than my Carrera's with yellow and orange lenses. Low flat light for me is: in the shade in the afternoon, cloudy weather, when the sun is behind the mountains. You can also take the ones without the spherical lenses (rounded), they are cheaper: http://skiershop.com/itemdetails.cfm?sort=branddesc&id=1055

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We'll have the Oakley H.I. Yellows at the Welch races this weekend....you're welcome to try them out. We will also have the Pink Iridium which also do a good job (though I prefer the Yellow). If you are not there we could meet on a Sunday at Buck. They also work well under the lights....

Anther vote for High Intensity Yellow, great stuff to our dark and flat days here in dark North where sun does not rise during winter :rolleyes:

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If you are using Oakely googles their "High Intensity Yellow" lens is simply amazing for dark days with flat light (even dusk and night riding in well lit ski areas). It really brightens everything up amazingly.

Oakley's Persimmon lens is good for flat light as well but needs more light so it ends up being the better all around choice if you can't buy both.

I've been using both for well over 15 years. The persimmon longer actually.

THough to be fair, I have blue eyes and am sensitive to light. I've known people with dark eyes who don't have the same reaction to Oakley's lenses as I.

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