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Poach, poach, poach, and poach again!


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I ride burton, and think this is one of the most idiotic things I have ever seen. How embarrassing.

If you don't think this is the wrong way to go about changing things.

Grow up.

I personally think its a big publicity stunt designed to recover burton's image, which has been walmartized by the masses of anti-conformist snowboarders. "The most popular is always the wrong way to go, it isnt core!" It's an attempt to look really "core", not an attempt at reform if you ask me.

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I personally think its a big publicity stunt designed to recover burton's image, which has been walmartized by the masses of anti-conformist snowboarders. "The most popular is always the wrong way to go, it isnt core!" It's an attempt to look really "core", not an attempt at reform if you ask me.


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Aspen Skiing Co. has reversed its 20-year-old ban on snowboarding on Ajax Mountain, calling the decision a proper welcome to the ``next generation of snow sports enthusiasts.'' :nono:

``For years, we believed that a skiers-only mountain was what the market wanted,'' said Pat O'Donnell, Aspen Skiing president and chief executive officer. ``But we have come to understand that snowboarding across our four mountains is the right way to welcome the next generation of snow sports enthusiasts to Aspen.'' :nono::ices_ange

The ban was imposed in the 1980s when snowboarding became popular, with company officials calling it a business decision because some skiers didn't want to share the mountain with boarders. :nono:


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I think Taos' official stance is that you have to be on SKIS, not a monoski or anything else. You might be able to get away with a skiboard on one foot and a skwal on the other and just say that you have a "back problem" or something.:biggthump

What's a skiboard :confused:

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, the USSA bashing campaign in the 90's, amongst many others.

you mean the anti FIS thing?

that was not just burton by any means, allot of people and organizations had allot against FIS, some still do. ****, IMHO I kinda feel that they could care less about snowboarding unless it brings in allot of money. I can't help but feel that they'd love to kill alpine snowboarding and even most alpine ski events(SL and GS) if they thought there would not be a serious revolt if they did it.

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No good can come of this poaching video gambit.

I'm sure this campaign was vetted by Jake's corporate lawyers, but it just begs for irresponsible actions and possible tragedy.

We boarders won this 'War' a long time ago. Simple economics - advanced by many and most certainly Burton - did it. We can now ride almost anywhere we want, and the few holdout resorts simply don't matter. But the negative vibes

generated by immature, even abusive, behavior can impact all of us.

Snow's here. Go ride. And get over the corporate behemoth's cheap PR stunt.


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ahh, I see where you're coming from.

I can certainly see both sides of that one and it's fairly close to the grumbles you hear about FIS from time to time from skiers as well that is by no means snowboard only issue. but for Burton to come out and rail against USSA is weird to say the least.

I just don't see why they would care so much.

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ahh, I see where you're coming from.

I can certainly see both sides of that one and it's fairly close to the grumbles you hear about FIS from time to time from skiers as well that is by no means snowboard only issue. but for Burton to come out and rail against USSA is weird to say the least.

I just don't see why they would care so much.

Believe that most of this pissing match started when FIS saw the writing on the wall and started trying to take over snowboarding even though the ISF already had a good series in place. USSA sided with FIS so they would get some pre-Olympics qualifying races and then someone ......... oh who cares, but it wasn't all Burton who was trying to piss on the parade. Some of the top ISF guys who stayed with their series got completely screwed.

You have to give a few props to someone with the balls to run an ad like this.


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I think the deal is that some people are just Burton bashers no matter what. And they have that right to their opinion certainly. There are always battles between athletes and/or manufacturers of equipment, and governing bodies, in every amateur sport - especially a new and growing sport. I've been in 'em and watched 'em from the sidelines as well. It's part of moving forward. Terje was in the middle of all of this, got flack from all sides, and is still one of the most respected figures in the sport. Anyway...the point of this thread was a discussion of the current Burton poacher contest, not to drag out and beat a dead horse. Some will see it as more Burton BS, some will think it is "core", some will dig it, some will not...but it sure makes for a polarizing and thus interesting topic. FMRG.

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burton puts out a good product. period.

and i personally dont think its some sort of publicity stunt, burton doesnt need it, they have shawn white for that. everyone seems to think this is the wrong way to go about changing things, but im sure that hundreds of people thought the same thing in the past when reform was needed. be it for any set of people. it was always the peaceful yet extreme forms of protest that seemed to prevail, why should that change now. simply because we arent fighting for a race or a creed. were still fighting for a civil right. so why argue over which form of protest is right?

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and i personally dont think its some sort of publicity stunt, burton doesnt need it, they have shawn white for that.

Think what you will, this is *absolutely*, a publicity stunt. I would bet my hands that this idea has been run through both their pr and advertising agency, and that it was both honed and blessed by both, to create marketing buzz and more to the point, to validate Burton to the contingency of riders they are seeking to appeal to with it.

Plenty of money and thought went into producing it, and I guarantee you it was built in an advertising/interactive agency.

Don't fool yourself, It is about the bottom line (not that there's anything wrong with that).

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burton puts out a good product. period.

Like every manufacturer, some of their stuff is better than others. A whole lot of it is fashion victim pure and simple, but if it floats your boat, go right ahead.

I still laugh when I remember being at Sun Peaks last year, and copping flak from a hardcore backcountry boy riding a 2004 T6. First he tried to tell me carving boards suck. For backcountry, sure they do. They're way better on groomers. Then he tried to tell me that it was "outdated technology". Actually, it's the same technology that was used at the last Olympics and is still used at high level racing all over the USA.

The he tried to tell me it was "old school". Actually, my board is 2 years newer than yours. And his Burton was "the pinnacle of technology", to which I told him that it was a nice board, but it wasn't a Vapor, so wasn't even top of their line.

By this time he was getting a litle agitated that I knew as much about his gear as he did, and that I wasn't taking the bait. So then he started getting into my riding - "I want to see you ride that thing". To which I said sure, come carve with me. He never did.

Sigh. As Phil once famously said "I'm glad I'm old... so I don't have to put up with dumb s**t like that any more"...

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hey, my carving boards a burton FP, wtf mate? just goes to show you, while some gear is superior to others, there will always be people who will let you know they dont like yours. look at klug, before kessler, he was a burton maniac.

If you don't like it, take it up with Burton, preferably Jake.....

See my point?

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dont like what? boarders hating on boarders based on gear choice?

DUDE! Do I have to spell it out for you???????

Burton made the video...... Right??????

In a perfect world only Burton would have to pay, but unfortunatly it will be all of us......

I have nothing against anyone. Just point out how I would like it to play out.

Burton played, they should pay. NOT US!

I guess my point is; I don't see it as a responsible way of behaving.

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anybuddy have the link to Bordy interviewing Jasey Jay(wayne's world style) and he's basically saying that the UPs were crap. Not that many of us come anywhere near Jasey's ability but don't kid yourself, young lad.....much to learn, you still have.

proud to say I've never owned a burton alpine board other than my first PJ, ridden a bunch of FPs and UPs but only bought several pairs raceplates and ended up with some rental reactor raceboots when my Nordicas broke. Reactors are not so great, still have a fresh pair of red/white blue uncle sam Reactors collecting dust.

Blind we are, if creation of this clone army we could not see.

Powerful you have become, the dark side I sense in you.

-- Yoda

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no matter where you go the same argument is always had over burton

"its quality"

"it sucks"

"burton's original snowboarding"

"burton's walmart"

i wish i could find that picture of the dead horse being kicked around that got used a while ago... pretend its right


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