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Guy you beat me to it. The 11 vid was way better…………..

This 09 vid just wore me out watching it !! That was 2 hips ago for me. A wrecked back for Bucyrus, a completely destroyed pelvis for Enzo, Mojos last year on Alpine before he went to the dark side and a lingering knee issue, finally getting fixed this spring, Hollywood was still in business at T28, Mackchatta stache is now on full retirement and on pension from our old benefits package and Guy aka chuck norris, still hasn’t fallen 15 year later !!!
New members spicolli and Richards non alpine but hard charging soft carvers. 

we were just saying Saturday that we thought those vids were gone. Then we all quickly agreed the lack of motivation to ride in front of a camera again. No promises, but a team trip is 95% finalized for late March, and we are taking our mustaches to one of the best groomed pitches IMO in North America, aka the Granite Chief chair !!!! There is a new go pro with a selfie grip in Hollywoods quiver, so stay tuned in. 

Anytime, anyone wants to join us, let us know, most Saturday and sundays 1st chair. 
Kanc 8 side, Babes blu balls after for pitchers.

the verbal beat downs will continue until morale improves !!


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Well Carve points system (CPS) has been activated.


Big Duke 6 (BD6), Bad Dad #1, Cully, just don’t call him Joey (only his mom can)

Polaris, Guy, The Guy, Our Guy, Guy Father… ok you get the idea

Spicoli, Bad Dad #2

Keith “Richards”, Mc”Guy”ver

Hollywood, Chappy

Gleb, No Show, Camera Guy

Cps Totals for Feb 4-6. Read-em and weep boys.

BD6: sleeping beauty points -10. tinker bell points -10. ripping Gondi +20. Not getting caught ripping Gondi +10.

Polaris: figuring out how to get the work ski trip to fall on the best POW day in 2 years +20. Bogarting the Lazy Boy for 3hr nap -10.

Spicoli: Getting pitcher #70 +20. TML (too many layers, when you exceed 10 layers on either the upper body or lower body) violation -10.  Getting lost violation (am I at Babes or PBR???) -10.

Richards: Tinker Bell points (there is a 2 board per day allowance, board changes for broken gear do not count, board changes showing off “look how many boards I have” will be penalized) -30 or was it 4 boards -40??? Carrying a NH steak knife ready for BD6 tinker bell session +10

Chappy: 3 hood violation -10. Half pours out of the pitcher -10. Duct Tape violation -10. Reactivating CPS and keep totals +30 (Ha! I like this game; the only official rules are: I get to make the rules).

Gleb: MIA, no show either day -40. Come on dude, come up and get on the board. Video of team is big positive points.

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31 minutes ago, powdahbonz said:

What's the resy name at Babes Blue Ballz? I'll be there Saturday, leg up and shooting the breeze with the kougars..turned the crutches into flasks..one side jager, one side rumple minze..screaming nazi's FTW

The resi is pitcher 70 !!! Any other questions, the standard answer of GFY works well. They'll know your with the BAD DADs, based on the decals on #70. We will limp up later to put out the vibe, no later then 12:30. Depends if we do a hot cocoa/Waffle break. Last weekend we charged through noon time with no breaks, with - temps, without the use of boot gloves, and gaydas.  

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Last weekend the snow was too soft to give out many "on the hill" points but all points will be in play next weekend. Time to bring the "A" game. Just so you are warned riding down Seven Brothers trail is -10. If you come in from Picaroon, LMP or Springboard you are ok. Don't ask me why this is a rule but it has been since the beginning.

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3 hours ago, McGUYva said:

Game on, See you Saturday 

MCgUyVA, Will you be shredding with the Team or chewing on electrical wire and banana ends with Hanzi ??
Some of us GUYS integrity was challenged this past weekends CPS recap.  I expect Big things on the hill and then in the bah for the Team.  Lots to talk about already, like what should Frank call Benjis gold METAL Bod ? My vote CoronaVirus  






Edited by MR. JOHN DEERE !
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I’ll take my -10 carve Points now like a MAN, for being late tomorrow to start the day off.  
Not leaving NY till 6:30/7:00 tonight, it will be a Red Bull night.  Mack says her skis aren’t hairy enough, so I’ll be on the Panzer early am on all 3 sets. 
on another note, mcGUYva might need a quick refresher on how to earn points in Hollywoods CPS on the first chairlift ride up. Doing nice things like buying waffles, bringing breakfast burritos for the fellas, baking homemade brownies , etc, etc, does not earn you points in the CPS regular season. However, those kind gestures will go over well at OFF the hill team functions, only when all the snow is melted, and we genuinely miss one another. 

Rule 1.069.69b states: The only way one can earn a point in the CPS is as follows:

You have to be on your bod or with striking distance of your bod, not in the kitchen. No points earned, vacuuming, doing laundry, baking, keeping the wood stove going, basically any domestic engineering. the Spicolli amendment. 

facial hair , it has to be past the point of maintained. The AKC kennel club should frown upon us. Scruffy, naturally grey, or completely white for some/one of us, cannot be colored at a salon, oh natural only. 

Beer benders and QA sessions for the audience. a gong show can only happen after 4 beers minimum, or 4 half beers for some/one of us. These public appearances are for the general public, the GP needs to talk about what they just witnessed, so we make ourselves available for interviews and questions in a Bah. This also gives us even more opportunity’s to be total wise asses with erroneous answers. Not the easiest way to earn points, but they’re on the table, so grab them when you can. If you’ve had a bad showing in the hill, you can easily earn a +10. 

Holding a table, although it is the equivalent of jumping on a grenade to save others, it can only earn you +5. A long Hard way to earn points. 

Note: obnoxiousness, debauchery, Tom foolery, swearing, degeneracy, cutting someone off, ducking ropes, cutting down trees on private or government property, cutting down one’s self confidence and self esteem,  driving a truck a minimum of 33” tires that can get no better then 18mpg, aggressive driving in the snow, oral tobacco, OG T32 uniform all black/Jonny cash, run what you brung, deliberate gaper gaps, Maine lingo, NH lingo, North Shore mass hole accents, the worshipping of the following, Donny Pelletier, toll booth Willy, chopper Reid, the hill Billy weatherman, and more beer,  are all welcome in the Hollywood CPS. 

Edited by MR. JOHN DEERE !
Gfy guy
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5 hours ago, MR. JOHN DEERE ! said:

I’ll take my -10 carve Points now like a MAN, for being late tomorrow to start the day off.  
Not leaving NY till 6:30/7:00 tonight, it will be a Red Bull night.  Mack says her skis aren’t hairy enough, so I’ll be on the Panzer early am on all 3 sets. 
on another note, mcGUYva might need a quick refresher on how to earn points in Hollywoods CPS on the first chairlift ride up. Doing nice things like buying waffles, bringing breakfast burritos for the fellas, baking homemade brownies , etc, etc, does not earn you points in the CPS regular season. However, those kind gestures will go over well at OFF the hill team functions, only when all the snow is melted, and we genuinely miss one another. 

Rule 1.069.69b states: The only way one can earn a point in the CPS is as follows:

You have to be on your bod or with striking distance of your bod, not in the kitchen. No points earned, vacuuming, doing laundry, baking, keeping the wood stove going, basically any domestic engineering. the Spicolli amendment. 

facial hair , it has to be past the point of maintained. The AKC kennel club should frown upon us. Scruffy, naturally grey, or completely white for some/one of us, cannot be colored at a salon, oh natural only. 

Beer benders and QA sessions for the audience. a gong show can only happen after 4 beers minimum, or 4 half beers for some/one of us. These public appearances are for the general public, the GP needs to talk about what they just witnessed, so we make ourselves available for interviews and questions in a Bah. This also gives us even more opportunity’s to be total wise asses with erroneous answers. Not the easiest way to earn points, but they’re on the table, so grab them when you can. If you’ve had a bad showing in the hill, you can easily earn a +10. 

Holding a table, although it is the equivalent of jumping on a grenade to save others, it can only earn you +5. A long Hard way to earn points. 

Note: obnoxiousness, debauchery, Tom foolery, swearing, degeneracy, cutting someone off, ducking ropes, cutting down trees on private or government property, cutting down one’s self confidence and self esteem,  driving a truck a minimum of 33” tires that can get no better then 18mpg, aggressive driving in the snow, oral tobacco, OG T32 uniform all black/Jonny cash, run what you brung, deliberate gaper gaps, Maine lingo, NH lingo, North Shore mass hole accents, the worshipping of the following, Donny Pelletier, toll booth Willy, chopper Reid, the hill Billy weatherman, and more beer,  are all welcome in the Hollywood CPS. 

To many rules to read, Does riding a badass HD score any points 



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8 hours ago, Hollywood 90210 said:

One of my rides, this has a 1200 conversion. I did the cafe conversion. It was a fun project.



Would you two get a room !!!!! A private one please with rubber sheets.  Broloving Droolfesting this thread is a -25 CPS deduction each. 💕 

+50 for me for putting a stop to the public display of over affection. 

You two would look like Candolini and toecutter from the original Mad Max,  Driving around little squamie with your a$$le$$ chaps on , cranking the mamas and papas !!!!! 🏍 🏍 💕 

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Today is officially Valentine’s Day extension. 
I filed for it late last night. So some/one of us can get around to something that should have been done yesterday morning as McGUYva patiently awaits his results from Saturdays Session. 

lots to discuss, analyze, embellish, cheat, lie , point fingers, blame and make new rules up as we go.

Are there any decent GUYS left in this world !!!

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CPS week #2

It was good to have nearly a full squad on Saturday. Gleb….Gleb…(Mr No Show). There is a rumor he is coming up soon. In attendance BD6, Polaris, Spicoli, McGuyVa and your humble point keeper Hollywood.

Points carried over from last weekend: BD6 10, The Guy (Polaris) 10, Spicoli 0, McGUYva -20, Hollywood (Chappy) 0 and Gleb -40

This week the snow was very fun on Saturday warm and a little soft. Sunday was firm and fast. Some may call it icy but that would be a deduction. While complaining about the groom is ok, complaining about ice is not. Acceptable terms for ice are: firm, very firm, wicked ****in hard, hey bro you got your panzer with you?

Gleb adds another -40 for another no show. His new total -80 (ouch). He always has a chance of racking up big points filming and buying pitchers of beer.

McGUYva started out the day strong, He was first in the lodge (7am) and he brought the team breakfast burritos. Those things were awesome. I ate half mine in the morning and the other half at lunch. That is worth a solid +20. While on rode hard but used the “I have to go check on the timing excuse” to pull out early, -10 for that little charade. If he can bring a note stating he actually did some work, we will readjust. His trash talk was landing a few solid blows +10. Iron man points for skinning up on Sunday +10. His new total stands at 10. It is a little tuff being the new guy on the team.

Polaris (the Chuck Norris of alpine) was crushing on the hill. He was loving the snow and making it work. He was giving Max “the mini team tag along, and comic relief” BJJ lessons throughout the day. +20 for the quality of riding and +10 for distracting the munchkin. Total for the season +40.

BD6. Made a self-proclaimed rule that looking like a castoff from MCC with an bright all green outfit is not a deduction -10. Trying to make his own nick name while wearing said outfit “incredible hulk” -10. The team settled in on “Kermit”.  As usual his riding was outstanding, +20. Bringing his side kick Max for comic relief +10. Giving my wife equipment advise +10. Total for the season +30

Spicoli. While he was on time for the first lift, he did miss the burrito session. His on the hill presence was outstanding, while he is on soft boots, he is killing it with his new K2. His carving has improved, I like to think it is because of the constant beat downs, trash talk over the past few years.  Riding performance was a sold +15.

Chappy. There has been a little push back as well as questioning my integrity with me assigning my own points. I will let the team captains BD6 and Polaris chime in on this and take my point tally like a man. Total TBD.

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Fact checking, it appears that Our CPS dictator Benito “Hollywood” Mussolini is MUCH better at throwing punches. I’ll circle back to our fearless dictator in a minute.

first I’d like to take this moment and apologize for the confusion with the new herk jerk rules in the evolving CPS . What should have happened when T32 filed for chapter 11 back in 2019, a new rule book should have been re written and a bad dads handbook should have been given out for clarity and to make this fair to all current and future bed wetters. Too many demerits from the old days are now being rewarded , celebrated imo. It’s bad enough that our daughters now think we are adorable , a total 180 from our old image of being total ass kickers, that used to ride till 2pm. 

with that being said , hollywoods cps totals for last weekend and my underStanding of his sick and twisted views on the cps . 

+ 25 points for bringing it 78% of the time. Still ripping Hollywood !!
+ 20 points earned two consecutive mornings. Carb loading new way to earn points not through beer consumption. Saturday watching him devour a breakfast burrito, then on Sunday hiding in a corner crushing a double sausage egg sangy. Note -5 was deducted, it’s called a breakfast burrito , not a half breakfast half lunch burrito. You know what , screw this, finish what you started -10 points for not hammering the whole thing at once. Net + 10 carb loading 

- 2 points for each 1/2 beer poured as you fill the rest of our cups to the brim. 3 - 1/2 beers x -2 = -6 points 

29 + points aka last place in the standings !! 

note: it’s too late now for me to bring this up. You should have been deducted -20 points for NOT bringing the van. Next year please do your maintenance during the off season. no excuse !!!


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On 2/16/2022 at 10:18 AM, Hollywood 90210 said:

Van was there both day last weekend. I did not want to bring this up but one of the team members missed the first run due to a forgotten pass. That should be a -10 for not showing ready to play. Add it to my tally.

At least you didn't catch an edge, struggle to recover for a good 30s without blowing out a knee while two friends laughed their asses off, almost get hit in the back of the head by a chair, accidentally switch four positions on a quad from left to right, only to bring the chair to a complete stop, on one of the busiest days at South. 

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