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Everything posted by Skully

  1. Depends on who you are.... I watched someone change the angle on the exact rear truck we've been talking about just the other day. He flelt his rear truck was too dead for the course we had set. 10 seconds later, he's happy. I'm with you though, I don't think that I'd be changing truck angles that often. I've found that a quick bushing change works wonders for me. Although if the option to change angles easily were there, I might do it more often... What I wouldn't do for a front GOG right now though......
  2. They're basically not available in the US at this point in time... If they are, someone please fill me in!
  3. Do you mean complex to make? Cause changing the geometry is as simple as taking that one bolt out.....
  4. You're absolutely right on that one.... And dinosaurs too!!!
  5. Vernal??? WTF??? I didn't think anyone knew that Vernal existed? (I used to live there in another life....) Back to your normally scheduled program.......
  6. This Thursday's session will be held in Park City at Kimball Junction. Last time we met there we were near the Starbucks, so I guess that's where the spot will be. If we're not near Starbucks, we'll be somewhere close in a parking lot.... Around 5 PM as usual.... If anyone needs directions or more information, PM me....
  7. Good to hear from ya Jared. We wondered if you guys had dropped off the face o' the earth.... (I thought you may still be working TOO much....) See you next week.
  8. We're on for the Rice Stadium Parking lot at the "U" for a sesson this Thursday (5/24) Next Thursday, we are planning on a session up in Park City. Probably in the parking lots at Kimball Junction as usual. If anyone needs directions or additional info. please PM me....
  9. How come no-one mentioned this: Hardbooter Price Almanac Probably give you a good idea about how much something is worth on Fee-bay, and when the best time to sell is.....
  10. You and your wind....... You should have come to our session last Saturday. Ya could've used your kite to pull you back up the first hill we set cones on. We decided to set on a different hill so we had a tailwind going down the hill. It was much faster.....
  11. We're skating tonight at the parking lot of Rice stadum at the "U" if anyone is interested........
  12. We're having a session this Saturday (5/12) around noon at a new secret spot.... If anyone is interested, let me know. Slalom, longboard, speedboard, whatever you'd like, it's all there...
  13. The weather is looking pretty sketchy at the moment. It cleared up for a while, but looks ugly again now. It is supposed to clear up as the day goes on, so maybe by the PM there will be dry pavement. Yup, we'll miss Martin, he's a class act. Lone Peak skatepark - I need a park board. (damn quiver thing - gotta have multiple skateboards along with the snowboards now too...) I haven't actually skated on campus for quite a few years. We usually just set up cones in the parking lot of the stadium, and haven't had any problems. Back when I used to skate on campus, they had a "speed limit" for skateboards, but I never had too many problems with the "cops". I got chased off more on my trials bike when I used to ride that on campus. They didn't like us riding our bikes all over their decorative fountains and stuff. Too bad the security dweebs were scared to ride down stairs on their bikes, or they may have caught us once in a while.....
  14. There's a group of people who usually get together near Salt Lake City, Utah to skate slalom, longboard, carve pavement, whatever. We're meeting at the University of Utah, Rice stadium parking lot around 5:00 PM if anyone in the area is interested. We'll be there 5/3, weather permitting. Everyone is welcome. Any Bomber members interested in riding demo Loaded gear let me know and I'll make sure I have something there.
  15. Skully

    Steep and cheap

    Think you guys got it bad? I work like 2 minutes from their warehouse. I have to answer lots of questions every month about the credit card bills. "What did you buy this time?!?!?!?!?!"
  16. Anyone want some Purple TD2 E-Rings? I've got an extra pair, slightly used, so I'd trade for Yellow or Red, or if you'd like to purchase them, than can be arranged too. Sooooo Purdy. How can you resist?
  17. You Asked for it: Dupraz Pintail Review
  18. Skully

    Nos Madd 158

    Cool! Will Cheri show me her tatoo live and in person too? (Just kidding, don't kick my a$$ if we ever do meet.)
  19. Skully

    Nos Madd 158

    It's up: Trying (not to get) Madd We're slowly working on getting all the articles back up. If there is an article that anyone is particularly interested in seeing again, let us know and we'll work on it.... P.S. I've ridden an original Madd... And they do live up to the hype....
  20. Chris Karol Dsub beat me to it....
  21. Here's Some Pics... Weren't these basically made by HOT? Anyone? Anyone?
  22. Here's probably the best explaination / history I've seen about the break: Teahupoo
  23. Skully


    This sucks Buell. Heal up well! If there's anything I can do for you guys, let me know..... Be carefull out there people! Too many carvers are gettin' injured this year!
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