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big mario

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Posts posted by big mario

  1. some guy named RICHARD went to the "toy store" today and sent me this pic:


    he'll have to provide the details...

    notice that being the narcissistic person that he is, he had to include himself in the photo. :barf:

    Friccken flat brimmer... he sent me a pic of some other stuff he is going to be testing, should be an interesting season


  2. I may be a bit biased, but he has not hesitated to provided boots, bindings, boards, sponsership and time for our carve sessions since our very first one, asking nothing in return. He is a stand up guy, he has put a lot into this sport. I would strongly suggest giving him a call with your concerns.


    ps, have you ever had a bad day?

    just sayin

  3. Rode 12+ miles on centenial cone with Farmer yesterday, we parked at an upper lot, and Farmer let me ride the downhill to the mayhem gulch lot, and picked me up. Called me phukken shuttler:biggthump. Ink, I am in for Thursday night, I'll try and make it up a little sooner if I can


    Ps found an old niterider handlebar mount and was able to screw my lite right to it, no more annoying lite vibration on the descents:biggthump

  4. hey mario - do you remember that one time we were snowboarding and you fell? yeah, that was funny!

    Remember that one time you went down under lift 3 after you hit one of my trenches.......:eplus2:


    Most awesum ride tonight, thanks for joining me, that was pure soul, back to the roots of riding.



    Lovin the magic shines

  5. Had some lite and motion from like 10 years ago, cost a fortune back in the day, went budget this time with 2 magicshine 1000 lumen, one for me cranium and one for the bars. Preliminary backyard tests are quite impressive.


  6. Try ahaving a name that begins with two 'A's! Although this tells me Mario doesn't have me in his caller list. : (

    If you actually made it out here a little more often....I lost your number 2 or 3 phones ago, are you gonna make it out this year?


  7. Either Mario misses me too or, more likely, you should all be glad your name doesn't start with A....since his pocket and phone have become quite fond of POCKET DIALING me :eplus2:

    I actually thought he wanted to talk to me this week since there was a message this time, but alas, it was just a butt dial. Sigh.....

    Yes Angie, I and the rest of the LCI miss you... my crackberry knock off has a bad habit of goin on the web, and dialing you miss pink pants, sorry.... I could take you off the list....:eplus2:

  8. what size of rotors are you using??

    Avid bb7 w 8 front 7 rear, with avid speed dial levers set up for modulation, I like simple systems and am less apt to break a mechanichal cable than a hydro. Prior to this stopping has not been an issue. Had my butt nearly dragging on the back tire (gravity dropper seatpost... awesome) just pointed the bike at a big boulder so I could stop and reasess my line, no big deal I was moving slow but starting to accelarate. Made me laugh


  9. Rode Dedisse with Farmer yesterday, I love those oldschool denver mountain park trails, stupidly steep, rocky, bouldery, off camber, poorly signed and at times completely nonsensical. Did the lollipop on the northside of upper bear creek road counter clockwise, and rode down a fricken waterfall on the west end, brakes couldn't stop my fat butt, It was Awesome! Good times, can't wait to do it again! You could tell that sustainability was the farthest thing from their minds, they looked at where they wanted to go and just built it


  10. And there was blood! Attempted a 2 wheel drift into one of the lower sandy berms on my way to the sista's trail at speed, but laid the hekla down as well as my left forearm instead. Opened up som trailrash from an unfortunate otb rock garden incident the other day. I need to add some more preload on my new shock. Good times :eplus2::1luvu::freak3: East side of the sista's trail has lost a bit of soil, those rocks and rainbars are looking huge! Fun day, we need to get together soon, 2 months till snowmaking


  11. And he is working on becoming more socialable, poor guy. It's almost as bad as TGR in that front range forum if you are not careful. Did a 10+ miler with Farmer at the cone sunday from Mayhem Gulch, nice change of pace from the usual steep, root, rock, repeat of most of the other rides around here. Fun stuff. Heading to LOTB on thur.


  12. 4, feels like 40 for a petite flower like myself. Haven't done it in a few years and don't plan on it anytime soon. Shelly did it a few weeks ago, along with squaw and vail pass in just over 10 hours. She is a beast :biggthump


  13. This is too much, ED-ZO is either from New Jersey or Rhode Island. Im surprised his MAH let him use the whole front porch for his personal gym. I can only imagine what this steak head has on his walls for posters.

    I'm thinking, Lou Ferrigno, Rambo, Rocky, a mid 80's IROC-Z, an all white Lamborghini countach, some samurai swords, nunchucks, a picture of him somewhere on the Jersey shore after prom, etc, etc. hhhmmm, And Ill bet his girlfriends name is Lisa and she's a hair-dressa !

    Im so proud of my italian heritage :biggthump

    GFY's :biggthump

    Eddie Difruscia from Methune Mass.


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