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big mario

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Posts posted by big mario

  1. Thought I had gotten another.... Way to throw down Dan! We where thinking the same thing about a warmup

    Sunshine bluebird with awesome groom, they mowed scrub like a superhighway :1luvu: :1luvu: :biggthump :biggthump

    Day kinda went like this:







    dueces wild/drifter/4





    spillway/lower richards

    spillway/lower richards

    upper richards/mambo/collapse/done :sleep: :D :1luvu::smashfrea

    fried legs


    one of my better days

  2. Sorry to bail early guys, Lovey ate me up and spit me out, and my right lat suffered from the carnage. I couldn't even close my right bail with my right hand, thought the best thing was to bug out. Hopefully its just a pull and not a tear, R.I.C.E. is in full effect.

    Any way it was great taking a few runs with you guys and hopefully ill be ok for SES on Saturday. Beautiful day, hope everyone had a good one.


    Sorry to hear that, you were looking pretty good up until that spill, rest up and I will see you next sat at the milk


    ps did hit one of my trenches on fire cut?

  3. I just finished waxing 2 sticks using the wax wizard kit/method, nice Idea JD, and way to go Tony for combining the Hot Rod and the Wax Wizard in one kit.

    For those of you concerned about waste, there is none using this method, and you actually use very little of the product with the new method. Cannot wait to see how the polishing method works for glide tomorrow. I will update as to wear and glide in the next few days.


  4. A few extra $$ spent on insulating interior walls is well worth it. Did you go with the upstairs laundry? Make sure you do the walls in there - it cuts the sound way down when the machines are running. Do the bathrooms too. Unitl you have a roommate coming home and showering at midnight, you don't realize what a bonus this is. :)

    Just be sure you use a sound attenuation blanket like rock wool (nasty stuff to work with!) and not regular fiber glass, the sound deadening characteristics of R- whatever are negligable. There are also new drywall products on the market specifically designed for sound attenuation. There are lots of nifty little tricks you can incorparate into construction to eliminate sound transmission, such as mass loaded vinly, rc channel, automatic door sweeps, double wall framing, isolation clips ect.....some are cheap, and some are budget busters.


  5. actually... Bigs is the one who got his arse kicked there on more than one occasion :eplus2:


    I thought it was more lawn dart......

    Do not fall there on a deep day, cause ya aint gettin up


  6. Dude, no head slams. We have already tested that enough to know that it is not fun AND not good. How did Dirk do? 200.....huh, cool.


    I know, I wasn't paying attention to what I was doing in the middle of a turn, looking up to see where Dirk was and...... BLAMO

    He did well, first time up this season, maybe 4th time ona board, I had him get the board up on edge a few times, but I think that tiny sidecut was hindering him a bit. He wants to come back up a few more times and get a few more short lessons, watch us, and go off to try and apply. I am going to put a few runs on that beast next week, freshies or not just to give Sean an idea of how it handles. It is a clone of a 03 deuce, with 12.45m of side cut, the thing is scary big......


  7. I knocked my head pretty good, shook off the cobwebs and rode for another 1/2 hour with a bit of a headache. Crowds started to get thick so Dirk and I bailed

    I picked up a 200 cm pow board from Sean that he wants the tanker riders to test, he wants to get it dialed in and add it to his line of stock shapes.....

    checking the weather forecast for next week right now.......:eplus2:


  8. Still very happy with the HSP's I picked up last march. No compaints after 25+ days, and I have still not and will not need to modify them. I have found a few things to be aware of however. I had not ridden them in below zero weather until this season, and they are a touch chilly on colder days, and without the BTS mod, I have to pay attention to the preload on the "RAB" on colder days, the boots will stiffen up considerably below 10 degrees f, so adjust accordingly


  9. Fun day today, scrub was mowed in its normal three track wide configuration, Pete and I spent the first hour( 5 runs) trying to make it down with some sense of style and aplomb and not make total asses out of ourselves. Greenleaf, glad to see you back out today, it has been too long and too deep into the season to finally ride with you.

    Geoff, hope you are making some turns this weekend, if not I will make a few more for you

    see you sunday


    loveland blows

  10. Got out and spun the pedals up Apex tonite to celebrate the solstice, and I didn't do too terrible considering I have not been on a bike since july. Fun way to spend an evening.

    Back on topic, I am planning on friday if anyone is interested, see you at the wedge


  11. John,

    I stuffed the nose on my ax while you where changing boards,and was not feeling the love after that, tweaked my back, neck, and bit my tounge pretty bad. I waited for a bit at the bottom of 6, than I took off. Sorry I didn't see you before I left, and I hope the rest of your trip goes better


  12. You won't see me til Sun John, you might run into Arneburner during the week.

    Great crew and great day today, with the inaugural shortbus ride of the 10/11season. Nice to meet and ride with you Geoff, hope you enjoyed our little mountain, good times. Did I mention I love that pitch over at the valley even though I end up feeling worked after a few runs?

    KK, nice job today, only a few trails left and you will have riden the whole mountain!


    D, tell Tony he aint gonna ride any betta talkin about his wax, he's gotta start ridin'

  13. I knew you were gonna give me crap for not having been to lovey yet!!

    Just kidding, I was in Utah riding trials and didnt have a good season of sliding.

    Welcome back Slacker


  14. That takes you up to about 13k has a bunch of acerage, lots o bowls and like 2 actual marked trails. It may be open when you get here this year, it get's really windy above timberline


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