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big mario

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Posts posted by big mario

  1. almost, Derek Dustin and myself are headin to the basin next saturday for one more day of carving.

    Man, what a season, first week in October to first week in May. A little light on snow, but awesome carving, great company, an all around blast. It was very cool to see Angie, Jeff, and Kai up their game week to week, anchors DT, Ice, Ink, and the Sheriff bringing their A game every week, watching The Dude rail on his virus ski's, having Greenleaf join us out of nowhere and absouloutly kill it on an ancient secret team and ski boots, and having riders show up from all over the continent to ride with us. I still cannot believe how many riders would show up on sundays, and the carnage that was left in our wake. I really enjoyed all of those trips on the short bus to the valley and making Angie laugh at all of my dumbass jokes. I have three turns that I made this season burned into my memory, The hover toeside I did in front of DT and Ink, the hip bouncing heelside on scrub, and the euroroostertail heelside I laid down in front Of Ice when I hit that soft groom on scrub.

    Thanks to all of you whom came out and played this season, it was my most memorable so far.

    See you in October!


  2. Today was....AWESOME! I got to witness the locust horde of hardbooters that is the LCI devour and destroy the groomed runs one by one leaving a rutted nightmare in their wake.

    :eplus2: :eplus2: :eplus2: :eplus2: :eplus2: :eplus2: :eplus2: :eplus2: :eplus2::ices_ange :ices_ange :ices_ange :ices_ange :ices_ange :ices_ange :ices_ange


  3. we did not see you on the hill much this year so.....

    All gloating aside, today was one of the best carving days of the year. Good snow, good light, good wind, warm temps. Sorry to do this to you, but needed to share the view.
  4. Lovey's still open ?!


    One more week.

    Dan, way to listen and apply, and good on you for taking notes! Join us next season, ther is nothing like riding with others to bring up your game, and you could have the oppurtunity to repay me for that pasteing I gave you. :eplus2: Thanks for your kind words


  5. Today was not a day for groom. Chairs 4 and 8 were fun later in the day with the amount of snow that had fallen. It's very rare that you get a pow day that gets better as it goes along.

    I got there @ 9, and not enough snow had fallen yet to make it a pow day, it seemed more wind scoured than anything early, I was out by 11. I may have had a better day if I waited a bit longer, but I did not have the patience, I think I am getting a bit tired of the wind as of late. Glad to hear you had a good day Jim, see you on sunday


  6. Funky today, windy low viz, dust on mushy concrete. not much fun

    Talked to the groomers today and thanked them for a great season, and asked where I could leave them a case of pbr tall boys. They where very glad for the beer coming there way and where very glad to hear that we liked what they had done. They where very proud of their work on scrub, and wanted to know what I thought, I told them we loved it and enjoyed having to sack up before a run. Expect more scrub next season, as well as nix nox, and I think we need to start a bribe fund for the gooming dept for next season:biggthump


  7. With a few lone wolfs that we did not know. We have had a few sundays with over a dozen this season, it's been pretty cool, lots of great comments from the ski race coaches, patrol, lifties, and random people on the mountain. We have a pretty strong presence at loveland, at least on sundays


  8. I will gladly give you a ride next sunday the 25th if you can be @ my house, 3161 w denver pl (38th and federal)by 6am(hard deadline, I hate traffic) when the bus leaves


    ps inflexible on the time, but other meeting places could be arranged if reasonable

  9. Who's in for some high speed falling leaf action this weekend?

    Don't faget to detune ya decamba'd bods and bring ya ultra high angle, three strap softies for when it gits slushie. Maybe even break out the gaydas fo old times sake.



    Plannin on sunday

    Ang, the 8th was the day we where plannin for our invasion

  10. Rode 3 hours with Daniel today, great conditions and perfect weather.

    The Neidecker rocks!

    Anybody going up tomarrow?, I'm trying to help the Sheriff with his fleet and need to catch a ride up.

    I knew you could handle that board, good job!


  11. I know that could rock a Ricolla scarf like Larry does in that video. I did get to ride with Cliff a few years back on an early april saturday in 08 @ the milk, it was a treat. Bob, I think I may have ridden with you that day also, I was the only freak riding racer style on a euro super board amongst the surfers. That was a very memorable day. Oh, most awesome video


  12. Got rained out today so I loaded up the element and went to lovey. Conditions where funky, had to break out a baligayva due to wind. 3" of dusty chopped up funk with more coming down, so I could'nt open it up like I wanted to, but where I could get after it, I reaalllly liked what I had under foot. This is gunna be a fun board, I hope I don't break it any time soon. May end up back up tomorrow, weather does not look very good for exterior paint work, and it looks like it may be a tanker day. And Fin fixed the pin on my fintec heel. It sucks riding 2 from the base.


  13. even with visibility less than 20 ft at times. 8 just rocked, all of the snow that fell on the ridge was transported down to the valley by the 80ph winds

    making a 2 inch powder day a 2 foot day. Had the tanker out for the first time this season, and I see the salesman tomorrow to pick up the vamp replacement. Life is good


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