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big mario

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Posts posted by big mario

  1. Once Bigs finishes his honey doo list for the summer, lets spend a day riding the chain and bombing WP. Then, beer and food at the Fraser digs. Bigs its all up to you to call the date. Ive got room if anyone wants to overnight.

    Think Snow!

    Sunday August 29th


  2. If he hasn't told you yet, Mary Beth has given birth to a baby boy. He can't wait to have Karver Kai teach him how to ride. Thats all I have for now

    Congratulations Pete!!!:biggthump


  3. With the roadie training and now building



    You will see me in a few weeks, I promise


    BTW Sukka, t'aint no roaddie here, I was launchin my bianchi off of curb cuts whenever I had an oppurtunity

  4. i'm under 240 now, send sum high cal bbq out east quick!

    Wish I could, the nieghbors show up @ my door with knives ,forks, bibs and an insane look on their faces when they smell the smoker goin. I barely had any

    last batch I whipped up

    Jd, haven't seen em yet, he's been keepin em under wraps, dunno what thats about

  5. Get a bike stand and learn to tune yourself, It will save you a ton of hassles. Of course, when your stem comes loose in the first turn of a short track race on a new build and you are not carrying any tools, you can only yell at yourself for so long.....

    good luck on the bike and your recovery. I have had good luck with my SC's

    Stevo, squats are in the low 400's.

    I'll go back to my own thread now


  6. P is doing better, but she is off the bike for next sat at least for a lunch with her mom. Walgreens now has that cool netting stuff to hold your nonstick gauze in place over your road or trail rash, not that I would know any thing about that:p. I may hit green mtn for a tune up/vomit fest on thurs if anyone is interested.


  7. Phyllis may be out of the ms after a bad crash today.:( We did the ralston creek trail from our house and were in the home stretch, 45 miles into a 56 mile ride, when she laid her bike down after crossing some railroad tracks on 44th out by the RR museum in Golden. For once I was the uninjured adult taking their spouse to the ER, now I know how she feels when I come home bruised and bloody, or calling from an ambulance on I 70 to say I am okay. Scary ****. She is okay, other than a badly jammed thumb and some nasty road rash, at least I won't be the one getting in trouble for bleeding on the sheets for once. As far as equipment, the 29 dolla costco helmet we got her last week is trashed, and I have not had a chance to look at her bike, though her nice Bianchi bar tape is thrashed. Long story short, I will let you know towards the end of the week if she is up for getting back in the saddle, if not, I may move my training rides on to dirt, and she may end up driving sag for the ms


  8. But on the skinny tires till the ms with my honi, so I am out til after the 26/7th on weekends

    could be up for a weekday fat tire ride, maybe next thurs


  9. No Problem Angie.

    It was like a horde of locusts hit my kitchen. 20+ lbs of ribs, brisket, and shoulder,2 gals of beans, a big bowl of slaw, and 2 other side dishes devoured in about 45 minutes, and there was less than 20 people at this point. It was quite amazing actually, a few stragglers showed up later, plates in hand, and all I could offer was a wish sandwhich or 2. That'll teach them to show up late. A fine time was had by all:D


  10. Enzo,

    You have done a slammin' job on past vids, can't wait to see this seasons edition.



    Last years seriously rocked and helped me kick my riding up a notch or 2, thanks for the time you put into these:AR15firin:AR15firin:AR15firin:AR15firin


  11. Loveland was awesome on closing day sunday, not unlike a late winter day, I quit around 1 when my legs got tired and the snow was flying pretty heavy. On the other side of the pass the forecast into next week is looking promising for early May. There will be a bunch of us up there on Saturday, I'm sure one of us could post a report. In the meantime:


    I think Frontier has some good last minute deals going on


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