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big mario

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Posts posted by big mario

  1. You're one of us so expect to be slapped around when you miss game day,(bylaw #1: EVERY DAY IS GAME DAY) Especially if its due to a late night. No exceptions


  2. oh posh one, you are going to miss the short bus for the rest of the season, for sunday is the last day at the valley

    I'm too good to go slummin this week :eplus2:

    I'm gettin' taken to the fancy dancy Symphony on Saturday night, so I doubt there is any riding in my Sunday future. I still have a few tickets to use, so I'll be back soon enough.


  3. Fun day, Jeff, way to step it up today, nice snappy transitions! I just realised I softend that nidecker nicely before I sold it to Pete, time for yet another step up. 183/13 is easily within your grasp, time to go for it:biggthump


  4. NIX-NOX was groomed!!! Ink, werent we just talking about this?? Hopefully they keep mowing it throughout the week so we have some new steeps to play on.

    That would be thoroughly bad ass:eplus2::1luvu::freak3:


  5. So what I'm wondering about is what can I do to make that radius tighter and still get the board carving at those same speeds?


    Leave the hordes at the park(winter) and come and play with us @ lovey, Or join me @ the basin next Sat, and lets see what you are doing and what you could be doing. If I can't help, I'm sure one of the other lovey knuckleheads could help you out. Sometimes it is easier to show than to tell


  6. Conditions on 4 where interesting, windblown, wind scoured, wind packed 2x firm and a perfect groom, all within 50 feet:AR15firin:AR15firin:AR15firin:AR15firin. I won't be walking very well tomorrow, that was phoookin' awesome :biggthump thanks everyone, it is really cool to see over a dozen riders killin it like we where, it didn't take very long to totally desecrate firecut

    up for 2 days next weekend, might check out the basin on sat.


  7. Sunday for me, I think it will be a fricken zoo tomorrow with all the freshies an spring break:freak3::smashfrea. It is supposed to be sunny and warmer sunday anyway, and I blasted my quads wit some heavy reps last night and need at least another day of recovery


    ps Ink, you solo? I can pick you up on the way if you want

  8. And I was a little sad to be missing a Lovey day. 40 and mostly sunny in Aspen. Did my first outdoor rock climb and hiked today...rode Ajax in the 45 degree blue bird yesterday. Nah, I think I didn't miss anything ;)



  9. To quote the Sheriff. Don was ripping on those sticks, matching my turns on the hot, very cool to have a 2 planker shadow you and know he's not going to run you over. Very impressive display dude, Phil, thanks for coming all the way from Ottawa to play with us. Friday was an anomoly with that sunshine and nice temps, today was the real full on Lovey experiance with the snow blowing up the hill, sideways, ect. I thought I was going to drown in snow a few times today. I think Karver Kai was the only sensible one out of all of us today, smart enough to bag it in the parking lot.


    I really need a nap

  10. Thanks to all for the tips.

    Looking to ride all day Sat (if the legs hold up) and hopefully Sunday am. My flight back to Ottawa isn't till 5:30 pm.

    See you there!

    Save some for sunday, less people on the slopes and more of the LCI


  11. After watching a thread about a softboot carving forum grow to a gozillion posts, I thought " Hey, why doesn't someone just start a thread for softboot carving" ? No one has yet so I thought I would take a little initiative and take a page from Ais's off topic super thread and some of the ride board threads. So here it is. Use it, Ignore it, let it thrive, let it die on the vine, or start you're own.


  12. It is my opinion, and I tried to show this in my review, that for a firmer ride the HSP's work just fine without any modifications, that they are comparable to an all red bts setup right out of the box, and any modifications would be superfluous.


  13. After 5+ seasons my Suzuka's where starting to show their age, so I decided to get some new kicks. I went to my local crack dea errrr snowboard supplier and wanted to check out the Track 700's. He was out of stock in my size and had me try on the Heads instead. Fit was fantastic right out of the box, with great heel hold and nice wiggle room in the toe box. The liner is moldable at the foot, and densely padded in the non moldable shin area, with a layer of plastic reinforceing the tounge and a small velcro power strap on the liner. I did have the liners molded by Larry to speed up the breakin process, though it wasn't really that nessescery

    The shell is equally impressive, with real micro adjustable buckles, and a springloaded lever on the ankle hold down for a little extra oomfp when cranking down on that particular buckle. The shell is not Bts compatible without minor modifications, though there is a spring system similar to the one found on the old Raichle Af 700, so you may not need to add the bts. The lean is adjustable, though not quite as easily on a chairlift between runs as the BTS equipped Deluxe's. It also comes with a powerstrap.

    I rode the HSP's for the first time yesterday and was very impressed. With the stiff tounges in (they also come with a set of soft) they flex was somewhere betwen a heavily preloaded blue or a lightly preloaded red bts spring. I was running all reds on my old boots. I initially felt the boots where a bit mushy, but this was quickly remedied by tightening the top buckle a bit more as well as the power strap and the boots came alive. I hit it hard yesterday, and felt that I did not miss a beat, the HSP's felt as though they had been on my feet the entire season. I experienced no heel lift, and I only had to loosen them once during a bathroom break. I rode a long day yesterday and experienced no discomfort.

    For all of you that are thinking of a new boot, give the Heads a serious look. For about a Ben Franklin less than comparable Deluxe's, you get burly construction, great buckles, a powerstrap, and awesome preformance.

    Try them.

    Buy them.



  14. The weather, the snow, the company, the fact that I was able to pull off a few runs on that steep narrow groom on scrub on the f2 without getting my ass handed to me, and having the the pleasure of watching Kai tear up the hill on his little virus made yesterday one of the best days I have ever had on snow.

    Thanks all,


    Ps do I always look like I am going to smack someone when I am on the hill?

  15. Anybody up for car pooling at Morrison PNR?

    Oh wait!,.... I just put $20 in my tank today.....never mind.

    <marquee>Hello,.... is this thing on?...... :confused:</marquee>


    7:15 @ the Wedge, 8:30 chair one


  16. Question- were there any pics or video posted from the session a couple weeks ago?

    Chris Webster brought his own film crew, Ice was filming but has not figured out his editing software yet:p and I saw Winters shooting a few frames................


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