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big mario

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Posts posted by big mario

  1. That's 6 months of riding. What are you going to do for the next 6??


    Mountain bike, some road biking, hop on the long board, squat, deadlift get ready for next season. The season started late this year, last season I was on snow in the first week of october :eplus2: :)


  2. Bigs, do you still have the big WC Virus? I'm interested in testing out that one.


    Is that the red and black? If it is, Dustin has that right now, if it is the gray metal topsheet with black and green lettering, than yes I have it

    I am in for saturday this week, It is looking like another in between day on sunday


  3. So looks like saturday is the day. I think I will mount up the 185 Sigi and make a few turns after I give my Virus some love. Still in possesion of a few other toys if anyone is interested



  4. Anyone who has ridden with us knows a few of our rules, 1 being if someone says "lets run scrub" or " hey, knix knox is groomed" we have to do it. Another is lift 1, 8:30. We don't need to be on first chair, but we like an early start before too many kooks get on the hill. With that in mind, I would like to be done with any ticket sales before the lifts start turning, but I will gladly make a run to the base to meet anyone that might be running a bit late. Our discount rate lift tickets for sundays festivaities is 35 bucks, not a bad deal. If you need a ticket, please have cash, exact change prefered. This will make mine and your lives much easier and get us making turns a lot sooner. If you need to reach me on the hill, call me @ 303-884-3768. We will be set up in the first 4 parking spots at the basin lot.

    We will have a few demo's from All Boards Sports, as well as a few more goodies that will remain a suprise. We will be manning the demo tent as needed early in the day, so if you want to try some thing early, try to get there an be set up before the lifts start turning. If you get on something and are not feeling the love, let myself or one of the other LCI knuckleheads know and we will take care of you. As the day progresses we will have more of a presence at the tent.

    The forecast is looking like we will have a nice firm day on sunday, as always it may be a tad breezy, cloudy, high of 35, with a chance of some precip.

    Once again, thanks for riding with us and see you on Sunday!

  5. So this is what I am thinkin':

    Post ride later in the day I plan on firin up the grill and for your usual summertime grillin type stuff, I will supply burgers,brats ect...I can bring some chicken and portabello's for any one not interested red meat. Feel free to chime in with anything you would like to bring, we are going to need plates, forks ect, as well as rolls, condiments, sides, cookies....

    So post up what you want to bring, and how much if its paperplates or rolls so that we have enough for all, for sides use your discretion, and be sure to bring your favorite beverage(s).


  6. I talked with the events guy today, and he mentioned that there may be blackout days on those shell 2 fers, so check the fine print, if there is a blackout date, let me know, discount tics are still going to be pretty reasonable, about 5 bucks more than those vouchers if there is an issue.


  7. Lets use this thread for who is coming, what they are bringing ect., instead of cluttering up the main forum, I am planning on bringing my grill, and doing a few burgers and brats, ect, I am keeping it simple, bring whatever you want, I will attempt to cook it to you specs, if you want to open up your quiver, please do, and if you have any old or spare bindings or boots to loan to anyone who wants to try hardbooting, bring em!

    see you in a few weeks, if not sooner,


  8. Its back once again, the carving non event of the season!!! Sunday, April the 3rd, the 4th annual Loveland Carving Session, brought to you by All Boards Sports, The LCI, and anyone else who wants to contribute beer, swag, a tent, ect.... We decided to move it to later in the season so we could cack open a beer and actually drink it before it froze. I will be putting up another post in the Co ride board shortly with the particulars. I will be able to get discounted lift tickets, the amount will be dependant on the amont of riders we get. We will also have some sexy demo's from Bola, so let me know!:biggthump


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