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big mario

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Posts posted by big mario

  1. It was fun having all of you over! I finally got a bite to eat around 10, then a shower around 10:30. I blame those damn chickens for the delay, and I noticed that Pete managed to survive without starving to death. We need to do this again sometime


  2. Ugh i'll be bringing my own food, probably being the only vegetarian there.

    There may be another, I know that there will be 2 meatless sides, and I can pick up a portabello for you if you would like. Honored that you are making the trek down the mountain. Addy for any that need it: 3161 west denver place, denver, celly 303 884 3768


  3. Gonna try to get there after building trail all day. May be a bit late so hopefully there will be some of the best BBQ still available.


    You should be okay...

    13 lb brisket

    15 lb pork shoulder

    4 6-8lb chikens wit a beah can up day butt

    assorted sides

    glad you can make it!


  4. Not going to ride either, I will be shooting paint in the basement office tomorrow night, the amount of prep I had to do was almost overwhelming. Painting sucks, but almost done with this phase. The remaining parts of the reno are going to be much more low key with more play time.


    ps Avid mechanicals are almost Idiot proof, even I can work on them!

  5. a real bear or was Mario running around butt naked? I've heard that he's done that more than once...


    Glad to see you still have your sense of humor, but, he did say " little bear", which would probably be more Pete sized than I


  6. Sounds fun Bigs!

    I picked up a Spec P1 the other day to replace my BMX cruiser. Sweet ride! Tested it in the yard and at the GBP. Good times were had by KarverKai and I. Testing at the Denver skatepark today. See you on the trail soon.


    Looks like a grown up modified trials bike, wonder how far I could hop that.......:eplus2:


  7. Lair of the Bear

    Nice and tacky, no mud from the parking lot to the top of the first set of climbs (white rocks), did not go much further than that, feeling too lazy. Glad to get out and spin the pedals


  8. Well not yet, one of these days when the rain stops.... Put a gravity drop seat post on the heckla, that should eliminate any shock rebound rock garden nut slams like I had that day on chimney gulch, very funny if it wasn't you. Actually really looking foward to getting back out into the hills again, it's been a few years since I felt the jones and the stoke that I am now. I may see how long I can last on Lair o de bear on sat am, depending on what the weather does.


  9. Getting ready to put away the sticks and break out the wheels, mountain, road and skate.

    What an Awesomly Awesome season of Awesomeness!!!! ( i'll lay off that word and all of it's variations now) The whole season felt like a highlite reel, from GeoffV's early dec visit, Pete and I runnin scrub first thing on xmas eve, That killer day in Jan with John, Ink and myself hitting firecut, roulette, scrub and upper richards til we couldn't stand up any more, let alone ride,( or drive ) to Ace and Snowmans visit on April 9th and finally May 1's day of awesomeness, this has been a season to remember. Thanks to all that made this year so much fun, and I will see you in October on snow, some sooner out on the trails.



    ps, did anyone ever tally up the shout outs?

  10. Nice shots. Bruce @ 3:37?

    So is early to mid April generally a pretty safe bet for getting decent conditions in Colorado? Thinking that might be a good time to plan a trip and extend the season. (Season's been long done over here.)


    Even early May at higher elevation resorts can be good, last weekend @ Lovey was like febuary....

    Leaving in a few for my last day of the season:(


  11. I have a neat new little watering hole in my hood:


    Not that my waistline needs it, but lots of interesting pizzas, and 18 taps on continuous rotation, none of them wasted on piss water macrobrews, but most importantly they have a pandora ska station on at all times. I am slowly adjusting to the concept of higher IBU brews, and thoroughly enjoying the journey

  12. The snow was Awesome, the board I was on was Awesome, the riding was Awesome. It was Awesome that I got knocked over by the Awesomeness that was pouring off of Greenleaf when he went by. Did I mention that you guys are all Awesome!!!



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