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big mario

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Posts posted by big mario

  1. I just showed my old board to Frank last year at the session, and he said that it had bad titanal in it and would build me another board, gratis. What he built me was this 195 sparten. It looks like it'll turn just fine


  2. So I walked in the door, wound up, and kicked him in the nuts. As Bola laid on the floor writhing in pain, I stood over him and said " thats from MR. JOHN PHUCKING DEERE!!" As he slowly got up, he said " tell mr. john phucking deere to go phuck himself, his $hit is in the mail" To which I said "okay" . Then he handed me my warrenty replacement for my old virus, a brandy new 195, thas right, a 195 sparten. Thing is huge



  3. Yo Ink & BIG, next time you GoOns see Bola kick him in the nuts for me !!!!!


    Will Do MR. JOHN DEERE!, goin up to AllBoardSports tonite for a board swap out/warrenty thing



  4. Hey John,

    I will be up for opening weeekend, then back into town, than back up for friday and the banquet, riding saturday morning and back into town. Don't know any thing else at this time

    Other stuff

    Was up at the luv on saturday, snow was okay, but more importantly, the hard work that Mr. Positive and I put in, with an assist from Tony has paid off. Our official analgesic and recovery drink is now flowing. 3 will be open to the public this weekend, and there is a chance that roulette will be as well


    ps 6 opens tomorrow

  5. loveland website says their terrain park will be on 6. hopefully in the woods, but

    i doubt it.

    I talked to one of the marketing people about that on sunday and was told it would be off to the side of roulette, and that most of the run would be open


  6. post-1551-141842373996_thumb.jpg

    Remnants of Casino Pier and the Jetstar rollercoaster in Seaside Heights NJ

    Since I moved west over 20 years ago, I have only been back to my hometown of Bayville NJ but a handful of times, and I had not anticipated heading back any time soon. I have always felt that it was a good place to be from. I used to feel that Snooki was the worst thing that ever happened to my old stomping grounds, the boardwalk in Seaside. Then came Sandy. The meager wages of my teenage years spent on pinball, games of chance, record stands, the jetstar, and boardwalk food. The incredible people watching, Pineys, tourists(bennies in local parlance), Bikers, drunks, bums, guidos, surfers, wanna be surfers, hippies.....an amazing kalidescope of humanity drifting by. I once saw a Dominatrix sitting in a booth of a clam bar. Stockpiling 25 cent beers during punk shows at the Chatterbox Bar and getting stupidly drunk there on my 19th birthday. I returned to the boards as a tourist 15 years ago with my wife and rode the ferris wheel on funtown pier, and now, most of that weirdly magical place is gone.... :(



  7. short but sweet, zooish by 10 as more race teams streamed in. Turns where good, snow was awesome for october. Everette and Mr. Positive partook in the festvities as well. No Cocoa Porter yet, we have to drain the kegs of the seasonal offerings they have at the moment, so the rest of you knuckle heads have to get up there, we have work to do!:D


  8. Hi All: please help refresh my memory. Is there an exceptionally small family hill that has night riding somewhere S/SW in CO (Wolf Creek-Durango part of the state)? Maybe just surface lifts, I think. Maybe just open on weekends? Aside from Keystone, others with night riding? Thanks for any effort that goes into replies.

    I think you might have been thinking about Cuchara, down by westcliffe, which has not been operating since 2001, it is currently undergoing redevelopement as an all season non profit mountain resort


    Read a facebook post about the park going back in off of 6, no specifics, I hope we aren't going to lose roulette.


  9. I am thinking it will be thursday for lovey, based on this:http://forecast.weather.gov/MapClick.php?lat=39.671717250801436&lon=-105.89837487426757

    Based on what I've heard from years past from people whom have been to both lovey and the basin, lovey's opening product is usually much better than the basins. I won't be up until the weekend of the 26th, they should have a few more trails open by then, but the mountain will be full of spoiled brat ski race teams from all over the place. Such are the trials and tribulations of early season riding, I shouldn't complain too much.... at least it will be windy! :D:eplus2::biggthump

  10. WROD:



    They are close, but home run needs a bunch of snow. Prolly early next week. I'll be in Sante Fe wit my Honi next weekend for our 17th anniversery:biggthump


  11. To convert a step in to a bail configuration, what exactly must be needed? I'm looking at the store and not all parts are available :(, are they interchangable with td1 parts/ (I have td1's currently).

    you are going the wrong way, most go from standerd to step in.

    you will need heel bails, which are not interchangeable with your step in toe bails, 2 more sole blocks which are no longer available, toebails with clips, lugs, shoulder bolts...... or you could trade with some one whom wants to convert to step in, or sell the 2's for new 3's, or learn to like your step ins and get the 3 elastomer and center disk. Dont know about th etd1 interchangability, you just might give it a try and see if things line up.

  12. Whilst he was doing time in the wilds of Wyoming, Monodude was ruling White Pine. They had never seen the likes of such a freak, and decided that they had to have him on patrol, but he said no, I cannot abide, and be the man at the same time. They where so devastated by his rejection they had to close for a year just to recover


  13. hmmmmm, interesting...

    I may have to meet up with them. If so, I'll start early, entering at the northern-most trailhead, and drop down to the coachline lot at my midpoint. Tell Farmer to keep his eyes open for a fata$$, who can't catch his breath, riding a "natural aluminum" colored Cannondale.

    I am there as well, you will fit right in! One of the guys is a 275lb rocket scientist, he just finished a sprint tri. Thanks for leaving the agave wheat, they are quite refreshing

  14. the food was great Bigs, thanks to you and P for hosting!

    it was great to see everyone and to finally get to meet the "G"

    Thanks for your help! The rugby gang will be riding your trails tomorrow, meetup is @ 9:30 @ the coachline trail head


  15. Less than 2 weeks out, pulled pork, ribs, brisket, beerbutt chicken, dem awwesome beans, horseradish slaw, and a few other sides. open to all that have ridden with us. Bring your own libations, you all know where it is, pm me if you don't. Let me know


  16. What a great day yesterday fellas! Bigs, good to see you keep the rubber side down.


    you forgot the slow-mo endo swan dive to face plant. Came close to needing some serious orthodntia work there! Severiously fun day, definately want to do that again!


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