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big mario

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Posts posted by big mario

  1. No worries Michelle, it was an honor to grace the home page as long as I did. Ace took a bunch of amazing pics that day at lovey, any one of which would not be out of place on the home page. I just happened to be on my game that day. John, that was shot on roulette, which was awesome even though it wasn't groomed. Here is a link to the thread with some of the pics and a video:


  2. What an great end to an excellent season, other than that little mishap in the park. I any of you see me heading for a feature in the future, knock me over and don't let me do it, thogh I may any way.Thanks to all that rode and tipped a beer back with us, already looking foward to next season, that is, after I heal up a bit


  3. But first,I hope you are okay Don, that was quite the spectacular biff. Thourghly enjoyed my forays into the park, sliding the boxes,rails and airing it out on the step ups, the lovey park rats couldn't give me much $hit, I was riding that crap better than most that were in there. Its nice not havin so much of my Bhudda Belly in the way, I was able to get lower on my toesides without it bouncing off of the snow. One more day for me

    Also coverd Juwhan in slush twice. Seconed time he saw it coming and didnt even flinch:eplus2::eplus2:, very impressive. See you'se next Sunday for the last Hurrah


  4. We did get up on the ridge, we just did a few to the south of the lift. It was fairly tracked up by the time we got up there, especially the lower stuff on the way back to the chair. Pretty awesome day


  5. Guys, no need to get into a flame war here, this is a huge tragedy. As I understand from the news reports that I have read, and being able to see the fracture line above timberline, which was above this doomed group, as well as the drainage it funneled into, there was not much in gear that would have saved them. Bottom line is they made some really bad choices, and paid the ultimate price. Lets be respectful of that.



    At least one of the deceased had an avalung, if not more, and another had an airbag. Ironically, they where all part of an event to promote backcountry safety and awareness. Here is a link to the most informative article I could find:


  6. They paid the ultimate price. It sounds like they might have been a little too close together, as they were all caught in the avi. It's lucky even one of them managed to dig out, and call for help.

    It was a huge slide, 200 yards wide, 350 yards long, they all had beacons. sounds like the whole face of the mountain let go. Loveland resort had one inbounds around 10 years ago when all of superbowl off of the ridge went clear down to rock. Kevin and I where commenting on the back country last week after seeing how spooky the snow inbouunds was. condolences to the loved ones


  7. Pete,

    you know if the snow cat is still running?


    More than likely it is Charles, but you have to be a season ticket holder to get the cat pass if I am not mistaken. See you boneheads tomorrow. Juhwan, did you just ride today? Or where you thinking?


  8. Really tough call. This season is looking a lot like last season, which left us with very little snow and lots of melt/freeze from mid march onwards, some thing I had not seen in 10 previous seasons. Didn't even make it to May last year, they closed a week early and I didn't even bother with the last day, there was mud showing at the bottom of home run. In years previous, esp '11, they easily could have gone into June, but their lease doesn't let them


  9. Get a map, I am gonna give you some runs to hit. But first, never take #2 from the base, your leg will fall off. Lift 1>spillway or catwalk,>mambo>#6 or midpoint reload of 2. Off of 2, firebowl to firecut, or to drifter. Off of 6 hit roulette, nice pitch, gets narrow by the park. If Its clear, go up chair 9 to the ridge, the veiws are amazing, come down rookie road , not a great crving run, but thats not why you are there. Off of 1, hit spillway and richards. If the run under chair 4, scrub is groomed, sack up and do it Take the short bus to the valley, and hit lift 3, and ride switchback, one of 2 fis rated runs over there.

    Go back to the basin, go to the rat(Rathskeller) and get a cocoporter if they havent run out yet. Stop at tommyknockers in Idaho springs on the way down for another beer.

    Leave stupid early on saturday to avoid morning traffic

    Ride hard, have fun


  10. Shelly's knee is royally f-ed, so Sundays are probably out for the rest of the season. Besides, Sunday is a great day for me to twist the throttle on the single-track.

    Hoping to make it up on Saturday...

    What did Shelly do to her knee?

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