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big mario

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Posts posted by big mario

  1. This took place during a carving session, people brought their carving boards to a place that is noted for its grooming, and carving. If you look at some of the responses from people that rarely see freshies, most don't even own a pow stick, or if they do, they more than likely weren't willing to pay extra baggage fees to bring it. So, many where stuck having to run what they brung. I am obsessed with carving, and will admit to preferring a good solid groom over powder, but I am not getting rid of my tanker anytime soon. John, when I was still running softies, I spent many a day doing laps off of the Ridge and 8 in freshies, I just don't find it that magical anymore, kinda ... meh... I must be getting jaded in my advancing age


  2. Not sure if these records would really mean anything with a whopping 8 points put up.

    Most Super bowl completions "Manning"

    Most Super bowl catches "Thomas"

    Most Super bowl loses "Denver"

    Pretty dismal showing by far. Best thing about it was I was able to get back into town from Snowmass in 3 hours on a sunday afternoon in the middle of winter.


  3. Hey Dan,

    Some potentially beautiful lumber in there, it will more than likely be rough sawn, so after your glue ups are done, a trip to a local mill maybe in order for an hour of their time saver, which runs about 80 bucks. but first, check with the general to see how the house is going to be taken down, more than likely with a track hoe, so he may not be interested in your desire to recycle any of the framing lumber, though he may let you pull a stick or 2 out of the dumpster. You could try bribery with a case of good beer. Or you could show up at you friends after the abatement is done, after hours and go nuts with a sawzall and get what you need. Find a big room, and take out every other joist, making sure there are no bearing walls or point loads above, and you wont need to worry about anything falling on your head. Bring a BFH and a wrecking bar to faciitlate removal. Be safe and have fun.


  4. 1. Jimcheen

    2. James and Daneille Ong

    3. Corey Dyck

    4. Randy Tognoni, Jami H, (+ 2 skier friends, shhh)

    5. Dave Wiencke

    6. Ann and Steve Recsky

    7. Mike T

    8. The Callens (Angie and Jim)...The trip is going to be a real pain, but I suppose we don't have anything better to do

    9. Evan H

    10. Mario, I'll be around here and there for a day or 3

    11. Norman B. & Diana R.

    12. Lamberto Smigliani

    13. The Grand Junction Crowd (Dag A, Doug M., and Steve S.)

    14. UTAH: Rocket Ron, H. B. and Sam Elliot. Here we come homies!

    15. Matthew and Tina Harris will be there the second half of the week...

  5. Okay, so they won. More importantly, the winds have subsided, the sun returned, temps where closer to 0 centigrade than 0 or below Fahrenheit. There where no snow squalls limiting visibility to less than 10 yards. And it was relatively uncrowded. It was good. My teeth are once again sunburned. Joining in todays festivities', in order of appearance at the Wedge: Myself, Arneburner, JohnE, The Dude and some random socal monoskier, Oddjob, and DustyBottle. We where later joined on the hill by Everette, and Snowboards fast. I called an audible at the Lovey convergence of the universe, skipping reload and going right to 6. Unfortunately, Arne was the only one who heard me, leading to a day of riding in ever smaller groups. After a recon run/ sampling of what 2/6 had to offer, and due to inconsistent and narrow grooming, it was decided that we would return to 1, but not all got the message. I spent 2 hours with OddJob trying to break him of his bad static habits, as well as his back, while everyone else kind of went off and did their own thing. Along the way I had 3 confrontations, one with a bone head skinning up drifter, another with a guy who popped out of the woods on Richards in front of me without looking uphill, and another with some random guy who some how mistook me for another 5'-10" 250 lb hardbooter in a neon green jacket that he saw commit some egregious offence earlier in the day. Saw his riding buddy later, whom had taken the time to explain to him what had transpired, to which the numbnuts that I had almost struck down with some serious vengeance replied "oh, must have been someone else" In the end, a most excellent day was had by all. Checking the weather for next weekend


  6. 1. Jimcheen

    2. James and Daneille Ong

    3. Corey Dyck

    4. Randy Tognoni, Jami H, (+ 2 skier friends, shhh)

    5. Dave Wiencke

    6. Ann and Steve Recsky

    7. Mike T

    8. The Callens (Angie and Jim)...The trip is going to be a real pain, but I suppose we don't have anything better to do

    9. Evan H

    10. Mario, I'll be around here and there for a day or 3

  7. eff disappointed, I'm scared. Hell must have frozen over and I didn't even notice!!! :eek:

    Just being succinct. Arne asked two questions, and I gave an all encompassing answer. I promise to be more loquacious in the future, if it will restore order to the universe.

    Relax, have a cream soda:

    Not safe for work or small children


  8. Well, what can one say? If you weren�t there Sunday, you missed out! Besides, �Yep� probably best describes a classic Lovey day! Cold (single digits), snowing, windy, limited visibility due to the last two, and there was about 4� of fresh snow on top of the underlying groom, which made for some great (albeit slower), unlimited-hold runs! Bravery was not needed, however layered clothing and skin coverage was the smart route! The �Real Men� list included, The Dude, Ice, Odd Job, Big Mario, Ink, Karver Kai and myself. We bombed Mombo and Richards, until our legs gave out, mixing in only one pass on Roulette, due to the northwesterly breeze. After the others gave up, the Dude and myself (the older, Real Men� or is that the Real Older Men?) continued to enjoy a couple of non-stop, top to bottom runs, before retiring to the Rat with the rest of the misfits. We determined no one had frostbite, enjoyed a brew and left a little before 1:00pm, with very little traffic to speak of and were even greeted by sunshine, as we approached Denver. So there you have it� a perfect day at Lovey! Good friends, tolerable conditions and another great day of carving! �YEP!�, says it all!!!



    now there is a Panini bar in the new part of the rat:D

  9. I think I ordered everything on line about two weeks ago ... do I pick up my tickets there or are you actually going to mail them to me all the way in Canada?

    Very very excited!

    we will park at the base of tiehack lift Saturday morning and you can get your stuff then

    see you in a few weeks


  10. We were a bunch of sissies yesterday. We where in the Rock House after our 2nd run trying to clear ice off of goggles, restore circulation to extremities... we ended up in the Rat by 10:30. not a very pleasurable day, but a day nevertheless. Nice having a season pass


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