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big mario

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Posts posted by big mario

  1. Solstice ride report

    It was just puking snow this am when our band of merry mental midgets ( consisting of  Mr Positive, The Dude, a slightly subdued Odd Job, Jay the telemarker and myself ) where whisked up to the top of  Chair 1 for our first run of the day.  We hit reload, and proceeded to get media blasted  by the time we offloaded, after stopping several times, and weaving our way through a bunch of gapers and jibber wannabes packed shoulder to shoulder on the off ramp.  We rode by braille to fire cut, where (the most insane/dumb/ballsy/clueless) of us dropped in.  It was quite nice, actually. We repeated once more, and decided to head back to one. After a few runs on Richards, the snow and wind got even heavier, and 3 LCI stalwarts decided to hop on the short bus, where we feel most at home, and terrorize switchback for a while. It. Was. Awesome.  We had it to ourselves for a few runs, where Mr Positive and myself  were able to hit the after burners and leave the now less then subdued Odd Job in our vapor contrails, where he claimed "boot  issues" for his inability to keep up.  Riiiiiight.

    Lots of ropes have been dropped, so it was pretty wide open.  If this current forecast  holds up, the ridge may be open next weekend, as well as 8, looking forward to getting the new coila out in some deep.

    This post fueled by several (3)11% holiday beers


  2. IME, Ostrich semen works best. The snow repellent properties dissipate drastically after 48 hours. Keep your large flightless bird warm, dry and well fed and you will be rewarded with many years of snow free topsheets and huge omelettes.

    You are a sick sick man

    I respect that

    Keep up the good work


  3. It's ready for you. Witnessed a full-on, grenade-in-the-pants style yard sale on Firecut from the chair this Friday. The guy may still be sidestepping up the hill to retrieve his gear. One for the ages...

    My one run on that Sunday was not too far off of that... didn't lose anything, but I wouldn't sign my name to it


  4. 8" of freshies by the time I got on the hill, soft groom with 2-3 of fluff on top, just the conditions I had in mind when I was talking to Bruce about this stick. First off, a qualifier, I am 8 1/2 weeks out of knee surgery, so I am not in the greatest shape right now, but I was able to drive the board pretty hard, and I did not stuff, or bury the nose. While I am not trying to go into cliche land, I am finding the ride of this board to be pretty damn confidence inspiring, and really phuckin phun... In my quiver right now I have the following: 195 virus Spartan evo, 185 sg full race t, 184 donek rev prototype, and a 02/3 187tanker helicat wide... this monster might become a quiver killer, stay tuned, next up, powder day.


  5. such cool graphics....I mean, wicked cool graphics!

    I have loved this board since you put the pic up in the new board thread.

    Thanks, but I stole them from my dash board:


    and Bruce's highly talented nephew made it happen. It is even more awesomer up close, it has variegated wood grain as well. I think Bruce might be offering it as one of his custom top sheets, it is a beautiful stick


    • Like 1
  6. Short one today, Dude and I out for a couple. February cold, felt like I had sand paper on the bottom of my board. It felt good to make some turns, I actually got after it a lot faster than I thought I would. Groom was pretty solid, crowds got crazy quick. Plannin on next Sunday


  7. post-1551-141842420782_thumb.jpg

    I will add to this review as the season, and my riding progresses

    Today was a very short day, 2 runs, due to the poor shape I am in at the moment, limited terrain, and the gong show that hit the slopes a half hour after opening


    188, 23 waist, 13/14/15 sidecut, built for a big person, myself. 20 1/2" stance, 45deg back, 53 front

    First impressions

    stiff nose, softer in the middle and the tail

    I had Bruce build this as a crud buster/soft groom/pow/inbetween board, some thing to fill the gap between my racerboy boards, and my 187 wide tanker. With 39.5"(1 meter for you Canucks, eh)of snow falling in the last few days, I figured that these where perfect conditions for the board. The groom was surprisingly firm, and had I known that was the case, I would have grabbed something a little narrower, and more racy. I didn't need to. Set the board on edge, and it engages, and it holds like a fat cop on a doughnut.

    The ride is nice and quiet, and edge transitions are really easy for a stick this wide, it does not feel like I am on the Exxon Valdez

    Synopsis for day 1:

    Me likey:D:biggthump

    Thanks Bruce

    • LOL 1
  8. 188 Coiler monster, 13/14/15 sidecut, 23 cm waist, 16mm of taper. I was looking for a light powder/soft groomer/'tweener stick.

    Thanks to Angie for pointing me towards the monster, Tabby for suggesting the air freshener on my dash for the top sheet, and finally, Bruce for his generous donation and for building such a great stick!



  9. Bigs -

    Hope the surgery went well and that you're only a few short weeks away from being a freak, again!

    Thanks D,

    Surgery did go well, doin a Quasimodo imitation without crutches, get my official rehab scrip on tuesday morning. Original estimate had them in for 45 minutes, they where out in 30. weaned myself off of the perkys, My 82 year old jewish mother in law keeps getting me mmj (that's right , she has a card)cookies, keeping me out of my own stash. They polished the end of my femur, cleared out years of accumulated construction/moshpit/deep squat/snowboard/mountain bike crash debris an detritus, snipped off a few tears on my meniscus and acl and sent my fat ass on my way. So far so good, though I don't see myself throwin 400 lbs across my back anytime soon. Thanks for the call the other night, even in my drug addled state it meant a lot.


  10. sorry to read the news Mario...the Knee is an amazing body part though and can often be repaired with time and brace ? surgery is extreme so please get at least two opinions ? anyway I wish you a speedy recovery !!!!

    I am going to have to concur with my ortho on this one, hurts all the time with a brace, without a brace, loaded up on vitamin I or without, something Is radically phucking wrong in there, and I am severiously missing doing the $hit I like to do to keep my powder dry. Descending on a bike is worse than climbing, and that is the only reason I haul my fat a$$ up hill. The plan is to scope it, clean out the debris, snip off the tear and send me on my merry way. 3-5 days of no weight, 2 weeks of rehab, mostly back to normal in 6-8 weeks. waiting for an opening that works for the surgeon and the insurance. Got my beer and my vape in the interim. Thanks for the good vibes, been a little down at times lately. I should maybe break out the long board, haven't thought about that til now.


  11. No BBq this year, too many projects goin on around the homestead, as well as impending knee surgery have left me a little less charming than usual. With any luck, you may still see me on the white ribbon of death in October, I just might have to adopt a more surfy style, at least for the beginning of the season. Torn meniscus on my back leg in case you are wondering, haven't touched a weight or my mountain bike since the end of june, though I have been drinking a fair share of beer. still feeling a bit grumpy however.


  12. Mark your calendars......

    Saturday July 5th, details to follow


    Details shmetails.

    changed my mind to Sunday Aug 31 for my sometimes annual sometimes not so much bbq. working on a few more sauces as well


    Got my pass for next season today!

  13. It was awesome riding with all of you this season, I just wish mine could have ended on a more positive note. I am looking forward to next season, the boards are away, and the mountainbike will get dusted off and make an appearance next week. I plan on getting out on the longboard as well, i'll see if I can figure out how to pump it. Thanks again, and I will see you next October if not sooner


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