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big mario

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Posts posted by big mario

  1. Changing to SATURDAY..tomorrow...... James, BM, ennywun? ;)

    Hey Chas,

    Tailbone is better, but not enough that I want to get on the hill, so I am out. There may be a few out tomorrow, oddjob and Ice at a minimum

    enjoy your day


  2. Sounds enticing, but P and I are going out of town shortly for her big B-day and we are running out of time for stuff we need to get done before we leave. I would like to take you up on that a little later however, Ang an P could road bike, and you and I could hit the trails, as long as you don't mind waiting up for an old fat guy like myself


  3. I did get out on Sunday, rode a less aggro board than I normally do, which took some getting used to, I even went back to where I had my unplanned exit. It's pretty amazing that I came out as well as I did, I don't think I could have threaded those trees any better if I was trying. Though this point is debatable, mentally I am good. Physically, not so much. Tailbone is still pretty tender, I bounced off of my a$$ on a heelside, resulting in some severious,(one of my "special" words) blinding pain, ending my day after an hour and a half of riding. I may just sit out the rest of the season and heal up. Since I am not always rational however, I may still head up and try a few runs, riding right now is basically a game day decision


  4. Got out Sunday on the Donek, had to take it a little easier than normal since its one of my softest sticks, but not too easy. Started on spillway as per normal, and went to reload. And into drifter. I needed to do that, first turn was a little slarvey, but nailed the rest. Stopped at my unplanned exit point, I still don't know how I came out of that with as little damage as I did. After a few here and there, went over to Richards, where I bounced my butt on a healside. Instant pain, day over. At this point I am game day as to whether I come up or not, unless my monster magically shows up, than all bets are off.

    Maybe I will see you bone heads next Sunday, maybe not


  5. Plus I got to do a job for DMR on my ride up the hill, you know a job !:AR15firin !! The kind of job that requires a fur gayda and a whiffle ball bat :smashfrea ?!?!?!?! CME wouldnt let me re-route the shuttle so I'm gonna need you to pick me up at DIA at 9:30pm.

    GFY !!

    What is your preferred mode of transport, Honda Element, or gas powered F-250, no oil burners around since the wife got rid of her TDI Bug. You are on your own after the job. What airline, flight and day?

    With all due respect,



  6. I figured that was your second favorite song, right after "Living on a Prayer"


    When I was like thirteen! I don't understand why you keep transferring your Bonjovi fixation onto me, enough already :D


    A little confused by your description as to what happened exactly, did you just lock yourself into a toeside turn too close to the edge and couldn't pull out of it in time?

    Thanks Nick, It is a fairly narrow run which we usually take edge to edge. On my virus, which I can turn pretty tight, I need to be very centered, or it will get unhappy and take me places I don't want to go. I let my trailing hand trail way too much, which put too much weight on the tail, and I couldn't get out of my toeside. This has happened before, but not on a run this narrow. By the time I realized what was going on, it was too late to turn, I managed to muscle the board around and jam on my heels and hope for the best, which is what I got.

    Arne, Kurt, Kelly, Jim, John, John, and Tabby, I am really glad to be able to read that all of you'se are glad that I am okay.

    And for the fact that my sarcasm has remained intact

    Thanks, mario

  7. Mario -

    Maybe a 245 pound rider on a 195 cm Virus down a narrow run may be a bit much to attempt again this season. Maybe save that for next season. Glad to hear that you're going to get back on the horse again this year.

    - John

    You might be right on that, I just might stay out of drifter the rest of this season, and we'll see about the virus

    bigs, a rotted stump is what took enzo out

    glad you're AOK

    How is Enzo, does he still ride? As for AOK, we shall see, squat 3's night tonight, with some stiff legged deadlifts Ghrs and back extentions for accessory work
    Bigs, glad you didn't get seriously hurt! I thought you learned from hearing of my tree hugging experience to not try it at speed and that they WILL win. I agree as well, don't rest on what you have done many times before, each new day brings new challenges on the slopes along with each runs ability to change with each passing. Heal up and hope to see you next weekend.


    Me too Inky, but you know I don't learn well by hearing, I need to see and do for myself, Lesson now learned


  8. On narrow tree alley that I have run for years, big boards, small boards, medium boards, you name it, I got really lucky today. I didn't break any bones, get concussed, or worse, die. I have ridden Drifter at least a hundred times if not more without incident. Today I got sloppy, let my shoulders get parallel with the board, and locked into a toeside, heading towards some really big trees at speed. I managed to get on my heal edge to check speed before I bounced my a$$ off of one 20" diameter spruce, my head off of a second, coming to a stop with my back resting against rotting stump of a third with my board uphill, my head down hill, in 2 thankfully well consolidated tree wells. Just like that.

    Don't take what we do for granted, I did today, yet thankfully rode away with only a bruised butt and a stiff neck. And I am alive


  9. Do you even have an alpine setup? If not why are you on here? Are YOU trying to be an elitist yourself?

    He does, 3 strap. The stoke and carving, would be my guess, no matter what the conveyance. Having had a few beers with him, I seriously doubt it


  10. Back from my hiatus at glitter gulch, boy did I miss our fixed grip catapult you down the steep icy ramp lifts. I had a feeling that it was gunna be a zoo when I was already reverting to old driving habits by the time I hit Morrison at 6:15 this am. Amazing how fast that little 4 banger is up hill when you put your foot in the throttle body. Had to call on the short bus by 8:45, before we even made it down Richards on our first run. Nice and firm over there, and even that was stupid crowded by 11:00, we where in the rat by 11:30, but aren't we always? In attendance today where the abnormal Odd Job, The Dude, the very surfy Mr. Webster, Ice, Racer H and myself. Jeff showed up in tele boots, and Pete was in ski boots. Hell even The Dude was in hard boots. We had to make them move to another table, we could not abide.

    Racer, congrats on you impending move west, that is very cool! Odd Job, turn that filter back on when you get a chance. For the rest of the season, just ride. No more asking about what you are doing wrong, no more reading about technique, no more asking about technique, just ride. Don't even think about it, just ride.


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