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big mario

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Posts posted by big mario

  1. Added Wrinkle

    since I am not far from Elitches and Mile High, we could do a post bbq bike ride down to the platte and catch the fire works at both, if you are interested bring your bike with a blinky taillight


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  2. My baby has been dormant long enough, bunch of slackers

    Even though I saw some of you knucklehead's last Saturday, I figure I might start missing some of you in another month or so, so it's BBQ Time! open to any BOL member reading this thread,and a guest or two, just let me know so I can plan accordingly.  if you have my numba, text me and let me know, if not, reply here.  On the menu : Smoked Beer Butt Chicken, pork shoulder, baby backs, brisket, dem awesome beans, and my slaw.  Bring your own damn beer, and a small side or desert if you would like. 3161 west Denver place, Denver. I 70 to federal south, and right on to west Denver place, look for the older f-twofiddy on the right once you pass grove.  6pm july fourth

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  3. Thanks for the food Sean, The beer Jim and Angie, and the camaraderie of everyone there! It was a perfect way and day to end the season. Dude, well what can I say, you have found a home amongst us, and you give me some one to point to when we get the strange looks.  Glad to have you around 


    right around freezing at open, heating up to the 50's by end of the day, so totally righteously abfab

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  4. One of the pics taken by Tom Winter last Sunday, one of the first things I noticed was the violence in the snow contrails and in the bend in the board, juxtaposed with my excruciating placid demeanor. All in all a really cool picture!


    camera whore


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  5. I am a camera whore

    One of the pics from sunday, I love my placid appearance juxtaposed with the extreme violence of the board bending, as well as the snow contrails swirling, just a cool shot!


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  6. Not kidding lovey is loosing about an inch of base a day. Temps have been hitting the mid 40's at 11,000 feet. If this keeps up, season is going to end early....

  7. I suck.

    Spring has arrived with severious melt freeze, making any flaws in technique painfully obvious.  Ice, Odd Job and myself spent a bunch of time on easier stuff after I flailed horribly on anything with the slightest bit o pitch. None of that Colorado hero snow to be found anywhere, must have moved to the east coast.  Reminds me of the session.  Bike on Saturday, attempt to carve next  sunday


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  8. Got out on Wheels today.

    NTM for a less than quick lap, first ride since I tore my meniscus last June. It was good

    Long term forecast=bad news for snow, good news for hitting the trails.  Inky, what's you back yard looking like? might try to head that way next Saturday am.

    On the hill tomorrow, see ya then


  9. Thanks Nate, I try,  My abs, neck and ribs on my right side are definitely none too pleased with me at the moment.You made the right call, we went up there for nostalgias sake, the view and to do the "indy 500" turns at the bottom of rookie road.  there was plenty of ice to be found off of, and on the groom as well, you weren't missing anything by staying off of 9

  10. Nothing elicits oooohs and aaaahs from the lift like great riding, or a great wipeout.

    Combine a great wipeout with so so riding under a lift, and you have released a crescendo across the mountain.  More on this later.

    With temps expected to hit close to 80f in town (that's 27c to any wayward Canadians that have found their way over here) Lovey was mostly back to normal today, so I can park the whambulance for now.  We had a nice crew with us today, stalwarts Odd Job, the Dude, Ice and myself where joined by multi 4 pak holder John E, the ocassional Mr. Awesome, aspen fancy lad Jim and lass Angie Callen( thanks for the cronut Jim!) as well as recently off ir/game time decision Ink and Karver Kai.

    Whilst waiting paitently for the other side of the divide crew to saunter up to the lift, I happened to glance up at lift 4 and see that scrub had been groomed.  One of our rules states that if it is groomed, we must ride it, (unless we don't want to).  Scrub is usually a  steep, big ass bump field that is only groomed on special occasion's.  When it is groomed, it is usually a  narrow path bordered by big ass bumps.

    After lapping 1 for a run waiting for the latecomers, and then again for a bathroom break and a board swap(me, I love my big virus!) we headed over to 4. after one run on scrub, another was in order. I rolled it from the top with a few speed check slarves, and made it about 3/4's of the way down without incident.  I ran out of room after a screaming heelside before I could make the transition to toe, and launched ass over teakettle, cartwheeling into the bumps. I pivoted off of my massive cranium at least once.  According to the Dude, at least 3 full chairs witnessed the carnage, and commented accordingly. when the guys on the 4th  chair saw I was alright, I was rewarded with " that was awesome" .  I could deny It happened, no one else I was riding with saw it happen, so maybe it didn't. Except for the pain my ribs.

    More laps where done here, there, and everywhere, Including a foray up to the ridge. We rode until lift 1 went down and was running at 1/2 speed. It was decided that  beer was a good idea at this point.

    Smiles abounded, and a good time had by all


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  11. Angie, I am in

    Grooming: Inconsistency is key


    very firm on spillway, firm on mambo, stupidly soft on fire cut, as several of you witnessed. Spring break madness is upon us, so keep checking your six, especially after 2 near misses on Roulette.

    On the hill: Ink, Kai,  Mr. Awesome and Mr. Positive, John E, The Dude, myself and

    Terry from Castle rock


  12. So I was right, sorta

    early groomed slopes had a boatload more than the reported 2" overnight, we where blowing thru 12" plus push piles on Richards all morning. Snow totals where all over the place, I hit keno after a whole bunch of Kooks decided it would be a good Idea to stop under the roller on roulette , and shut me out. I was in a foot in places, while over on Bennett's face, there was maybe 6" on firm wind pack. Firecut was grippy carvaliciousness with about 3" of dust on a nice firm crust. Too bad reload had a 3 mile long line waiting for chairs, Or I would have kept hitting it due to its awesomeness, but It was a crowded mess.  The kitchen never recovered from the 7am onslaught due to cdots bombing of the seven sisters, and the basin lot was full by lifts opening.

    Openings could be found, but the sketch-o-rama really ramped up by 11. We decided to hit the rat before a protruding lower lip became the face of the day. Where are all of these people coming from? Many long time lovey riders are wondering the same thing.

    Ice, Odd Job, Shelly the gnar shredder, DT, Terry and myself in attendance today, Whilst The Dude is off in Wyoming with his posse of misfits whoring it up for the Warren Miller Peeps.  For the gozzillionth time, bomber cards where handed out, and a patient explanation of what we do and its incredible interplanetary awesomeness was delivered by yours truly 


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  13. There where a few nice comments on the shuttle, but we where double teamed by a fat late 70s man who wanted no one to have any fun, and to get off of his lawn while we where at it, and a 50ish woman whom said she skied and snowboarded ( neither without any style I suspect) . The trenches left by the session apparently ruined their day, so they unleashed their vitriol on the 2 of us.

     No pics on the virus, and details are sketchy.  Fin was afraid of it, and wanted me to keep it for the week, it was built as a prototype for the Russian snowboard team.  It is beefy with an elliptical side cut that felt like it was in the 20's. I did not like to go slow, or be babied. It really liked to be hammered hard in steep terrain, then it felt like it might want to turn. It was one and done for me, way too much work


  14. A very sweet older skier watching Arneburner and myself coming off of Sneakys at Snowmass:

    What you guys are doing is so pretty, graceful, just beautiful!  Good thing she was out of earshot as I tried to turn the Virus Frank made for the Russian team, there was nothing pretty about all of the grunting and cursing I was doing to get that beast to come around.  Her comments more than made up for all of the hate we would experience on the shuttle later


  15. Back from glittergulch in one piece.  except for the SG, may it rest in piece(s)

    Ha! I made a funny

    What a difference a week makes, last day I rode it was 55 degrees, sunny, blah blah blah....  Pulled into the parking lot to around -9, which I found to be rather bracing.  Still had warm wax on the coiler, couldn't flex my boots, or any of my body for that matter, yet I still managed to make a turn or two. Most of the snow stayed on the front range, so I still haven't had the chance to ride any powder on the coiler. Left a lot of heinously deep trenches wherever I went, Just ask the Dude. Short day due to a feeling of general wimpyness amongst all in attendance, I think the temps had climbed to 0 by the time we called it and headed to the Rat. It was nice having Richards to ourselves, but the grooming was  a touch on the wavy side, should be real nice by the time the next storm rolls in to soften things up again


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