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big mario

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Posts posted by big mario

  1. Another rider down

    OddJob is out with a jacked up ankle, but today saw the return of 3 of the walking wounded, The Dude, Inky, and Karver Kai.

    Mr Positve and Everett have returned from their racing jaunt on the east coast, and we were treated by are rare appearance of Mr Awesome. I even got an "awesomely smooth riding" from Mr Awesome.  Conditions were mixed, with Roulette wind  burnished nice and firm, and firecut groomed, variable on the soft side. Everyone was laying down some nice turns despite the 150mph winds laced with 00 buckshot sized ice pellets.  Oh, it was sunny for once as well, and relatively empty, we didn't even need to hop on the short bus today. I could say that I will miss all of you when I am in Aspen next week, but I would be lying


  2. I never subscribed to the hype and marketing end of sportslegs, I just tried them on an early season bike ride and my legs felt pretty good, so I used them again, and again.... For a little over a buck a day (based on 6 tabs ) it is not major monetary investment that for me helps extend my riding time, totally anecdotal and non quantifiable, but worth it


  3. As well as your whole outlook, you are much calmer these days.  We will have to find a new sheriff. These are all good things, looking forward to riding with you again when your schedule permits


  4. Sorry I couldn't be there for you Pete, but you have not been paying attention to my riding needs for quite some time now.  I may be feeling a bit miffed


    well actually, I was working

  5. Nice day today, though short for me due to a lack of fitness, which is getting better thank you very much as time progresses, and the madness accompanied by the invasion of the MLK holiday hordes. After some initial tailgate tinkering, got out on the Big Ass Virus today.  If the Monsta is a caddy, the virus is a twitchy, nervous Ferrari.  I mean that in a good way. You have to work, but damn, you are definitely rewarded for your efforts.

    ArneBurner, Dusty Bottle, Odd Job(first place in his second gs race!) Odd Jobs college buddy Christian,esq., The Dude and myself lapped1 for a few, where I was complimented on the depth and general nastiness of my trenches.  Arne, Odd Job, Dusty Bottle and myself soon adjourned to the short bus, and hit the valley for the promise of empty chairs and lack of gapers over on switch back. We made it pretty unrideable  in about an hour, and retreated to the Rat for analgesic recovery drinks.

    another fun bonus day, looking forward to some non holiday riding


  6. Sorry to hear that Matt, man are we getting rickety. I was just thinking about you the other day and was wondering how you where doing, I was thinking you where ditching us 'cause we are a bunch of freaks ( not me, btw ). How is your rehab going? From recent experience, I have lost a shitload of strength in my left leg, and my fitness in general is not good.  I can at least get to the lift without stopping now, albeit slowly.  I will be doing a bbq this summer, so maybe we will see you then.

    Stay sane,


  7. I am in for sunday.  Whilst getting a drywall screw inspection the other day, ski patroller/building inspector Ken invited the carving crew to a breakfast he is doing over at lift 5, the non connecting  connector lift,  both Saturday and sunday. 

  8. Without being too snarky, you might want to check out the thread you started, first time out and some?'s, last Feb. 20th about this same board. 


    I will tell you that it is a very fast stick, and well mannerd, but you better be paying attention, 'cause it will get away from you right quick if you don't .  Had one and rode the snot out of it for a few years. Launched me into the woods once too

  9. Hey John,

    Since my knee surgery, I have not been out on the hill for long days.  I left Sunday a little after noon, and was home before 1. Right now the in early, ride hard and out early paradigm has still been working well for me


  10. That's what Ice and I did today, very good stuff. I just looked at today as a bonus day, happy to get any decent turns with all of the tourons out and about.  Felt colder than it was, might make it out again on Friday


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