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big mario

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Posts posted by big mario

  1. Well, due to lack of interest, we'll be at Copper, first chair, instead. Maybe another time, LCI!!!

    No lack of interest here, Always enjoy making turns with you Dave, you just picked the wrong day! (I know, you and the boys are racing, Good Luck!)

  2. Patience grasshopper, I didn't think it showed up until after Thanksgiving...

    There where rumors circulating that it wasn't happening this year, I spoke with the food and beverage manager yesterday and she confirmed it, no Cocoa porter. They only sold 4 kegs of it last year vs 125 of that pbr hipster swill. The Oatmeal stout is pretty tasty, but its not the same


  3. It was awesome today! At least for a few hours before the lot filled up. Snow was midwinter grippy carvalicious. Broke out the SG 185 race t today. It was burly, but ohhhsooo niiice. Monodude was on one of Bola's ufc 185's, which had one of Sean's AF plates built for mono mounted on it. The Dude also had the stack of the day, in the lift lin. it was so embarrassing that we had to leave him flailing on the ground. A few racer grommets pointed, laughed, and kicked snow on him as he lay there helplessly. Finally, a lifty shooed those brats away and helped the dude to his feet. Arnie and Ice where in attendance as well, tearing it up as usual. No Cocoa porter this year, apparently we where about the only ones drinking it.


  4. +1 on Wendler's 531 . Heavy barefoot deadlifts and oly squats til you puke. wipe off your chin and repeat. many times. do not wear a belt unless you plan on wearing it when you are riding. If you cant go bare foot get a pair of pink hi top chucks.


  5. Thanks to good drugs, I Haven't been able to form a coherent thought in days, must Feed the addiction...

    Fixed that for you, since you teed that up so nicely for me! see you in the am, might be a bit leisurely getting up there


  6. Out for this weekend, but in for Friday, P and I are headed to Ouray for the weekend, gonna grab a few turns on the way out of town. hope I can fit one of my sticks in her new ride, mini countryman all4. It is a blast to drive:D:eplus2:


  7. Question for the mountain bike gang there. Has anyone ever dealt with PUSH in Loveland ?

    Hey John,

    I'm about as subtle as a sledge hammer as far as shock settings go, and not much of a tinkerer in general, though I do like the fox ctd shock on my new Santa Cruz heckler v6.3. You might want to take a look here: http://forums.mtbr.com/colorado-front-range/

    I have read more than a few testimonials about these guys, and most people love 'em. If you are a member, try a search first before you ask any questions, most of the posters over there can be worse than those goons from loon, at least they have been in the past.


  8. Centennial cone from mayhem gulch today, 17 miles and 3000 vertical. felling a little tired. need to have word with my bike mechanic, 2/3rds of the way through the loop my left crank came off. what a hack, has he never heard of a tourqe wrench?


  9. I have a possibily of having a brief stay in Summit County again before continuing to San Fran. My question is for the locals, is the snow good enough by Nov 15-17 to make it worth a trip, or is it still to early in the season?

    A few less runs than when you where out a few Decembers ago, snow may, or may not be the same. There will be a sh!tload of race teams at both lovey and the basin until thanksgiving, making the potentially limited terrain that much more interesting. The short bus may not be running yet at lovey, so your favorite run over at the valley there may be off limits. The cocoa porter should be flowing, however


  10. Ben, glad you had a good couple of rides, I thought about lair last night,but figured it would be a bit crowded and opted for Inks back yard, Aldefer/Three sisters instead since it was on they way home from the job I am currently on. Just got back from a monster 2300' elevation gain ride that I haven't done in years, Elk Meadow/Bergen Peak. And I apparently did it the hard way, counterclockwise. Its always been tough, but now it is truly a technical nightmare, lots of rocks, roots, and about 2 dozen switchbacks on the way up. I lost track after 10. I. am. tired.


  11. Looking to hit North Table the morning of June 26th, first ever mtn bike ride out west... Hoping to rent a XL Pivot Mach 429 Carbon bike from Golden Bike, supposedly it will fit my 6'7" frame...

    Ben, let us know what the rest of your schedule looks like, maybe some of us can get out with you. If Ntm proves to be too tame, I know of a few nearby that might be a touch more challenging......:eplus2:


  12. Thanks D.T., we're all good and back at the house. Still packed up just in case we need to evac again. Should be ok to stay at this point though.


    Glad you'se are all okay, that is some scarey!

    New heckler is built up and I have 2 rides on it now, hitting some where at some time tuesday eve with farmer if anyone is interested, it'll prolly be easyish since he is coming back from his place on padre after 3 weeks, more than likely north table or the big green mound

  13. Ben

    if you have a double squishy id say bring that, or your geared bike, altitude can and will whip your buttocks. Our front range trails tend to go ftom 0 to 110 per in a few hundred yards, and I have seen a few uber athletes of less than manly stature such as yours (less than 200 lbs) really suffer on a single speed(, Ink, that would be Mike Drummond) and our trails tend to be fairly steep and rocky. Pm me and I will be in touch in a few days when I get back in the states


  14. Been out twice so far between driving on the wrong side of the road, deep sea fishing, where I caught 30 lb wahoo, dr

    inking too much rum, and basically being a bum. Caught a wave on my own yesterday, and manageged to stack as soon as I stood up, got to far foward and managed to stuff the nose and pitchpole. The instructor and i where chatting after that, and I quote" maybe someday I can come to your mountain and be the kook" it was awesome. Heading out again on monday for one last session before I leave on Tuesday


  15. Don't wheel drop a curb with your flat barred road bike after having a couple(3) of >9% beers after your morning moutainbike ride.

    You may end up on your a$$ in the middle of the street

    words of wisdom to live by,


  16. Mr Webster, It was truely a pleasure having you and Meg join myself and the other knuckleheads over at lovey, and I hope you continue to join us on sundays in the future. I did not know Meg very well, but the impression that I got from her was of a truly sweet and genuine person, free of any pretentions. That was so cool of here to join us for beers at the end of the day a month ago, and not be put off by all of our geekiness, and not be offended by Juhwans "mini mario" comments just because she was wearing a lime green jacket like mine. You have my deepest sympathies and condolences, and that offer of a bike ride stands, just give me a yell when you are ready


  17. I might be up for a mellow ride on Sat. Trying to nurse a sprain back health this week, so I don't want to push it and re-injure myself.

    I will let you know, blew the rebound on my rear shock last night, thing makes a lot of ugly noise and kicks like a mule right now


  18. Got in a quick ride at the big green mound today, and in my less rotund shape it was a relative breeze. Planning on another tomorrow night, and one on thursday. P will be in Boston next weekend, so planning on rides both days. Venues not determined yet, if any of you knuckleheads are interested let me know

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