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big mario

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Posts posted by big mario

  1. .

    1) How is loveland for carving this year? I have only ridden Copper, WP and Eldora. From what I'm reading it's a total no-frills area, which I dig. I'm worried about ice (from wind blown slopes) and painfully slow lifts... I can't seem to get a straight answer on this place - can't tell if the "negatives" are just the locals trying to discourage tourists or if I will find some nice carving runs there. Price is an issue for me, but I have some wiggle room.

    Hey Nick,

    Lovey is a fun place, no frills, all the lifts are fixed grip, and we are all fairly sarcastic. We do have a slight attitude problem at times, sort of a reverse snobbishness for some of the other skiers and riders who look down at our beloved little mountain until they invade on a powder day. What you will find at Loveland is a bunch of carving geeks who just want to ride hard, good snow, very little ice, wind, and an occaisionally severiously cold day.

    What you wont find are 20 dollar burgers, high speed quads, starbucks, people handing out cookies, escalators, 3 mile long runs....

    The carving has been excellent so far this year, bring your longest board

    You will find most of us on sat/sun, 7:30 am at the wedge bar,miss us there, 8:30 lift one


  2. soft surfy snow at snowmass today. Filtered sunlight made for a downright beautiful day to be riding. Everything should set up perfectly for hero conditions tomorrow, first tracks...mmmmmmmmmmm.

    caption this photo:


    who stole my beer!!!

  3. Of my 11 riding days in CO 4 were at Loveland; when people say "you flew to Colorado and rode 4 days where???"...I just smile and say "the lifts are slow and the runs are short; you wouldn't like it...."

    All the while trying to figure out a way back.


    That right there is Awesome


  4. observation

    my friend blew out his knee today skiing. world cup downhill racer, best

    skier on the hill every day he is out there (which is almost every day).

    i asked what happened, and he said he was too comfortable, too confident,

    and doesn't even know exactly what happened. except his knee is blown apart.

    we ride at loveland on the same terrain for years, and are super comfortable

    with it. last year i was too comfortable, too confident, and got a concussion

    late January.

    My observation: keep thinking out there, and realize just how fast these

    boards go. and let'm go fast.

    Thanks for the reminder Pete, Though that little meeting Arne and I had earlier this year drove that home for me


  5. 10-15 depending on the time of day. Good times today, big thanks to all that came out and played with us, Paul and Cody, safe travels, and thanks for joining us. and for buying beer today


  6. No such animal unless you are on the front range in the fall, then you can buy a 4 or 7 day aspen classic pass, which lets you ride for around fiddy bucks a day. Once you have it, you can renew on line, but you have to get your first one in person in dec , if you want to ride one of the four, your gonna have to suck it up and pay full price. Or go to sunlight. or skin/snowshoe up


  7. I was just tuning my boards, and double checked my bindings, turns on when I switched to Phiokka's for riding this past sunday, I was heelside biased heavily, on both bindings... O_o

    make sure every thing is tight be fore you get to the hill!!!:p;)

  8. I haven't been around much and you miss me. I know. thanks Lee. I miss you guys too. I have been hurt and not boarding much at all. Now it is going to lawyers and depositions and fun stuff like that. I would rather talk about toeside initiation problems for the 32nd time than that, but here we are.

    Sorry to here that Jerry, get well!


  9. Soft slow goomers today. on the hill in now paticular order, Ink, Karver Kai( rockin the 136!!! in true colorado big board fashion) Paul,Cody, James, MR.Positive, Tinkerbell(aka Juhwan,aka noirx252)and myself. good fun was had by all, James got A"Holy sh!t is that James! (in a good way) from me on Richards, keep droppin that hip, it suits you well. Tinkerbell, remember your homework for next week. Paul and Cody, glad you came in for recovery drinks and geekspeak, it was good to meet you!


    Ps almost forgot Matt j

    my apoligies

  10. Eff, due to emergency meetings I couldn't make it to the machien shop today to pick up my bindings with removed stripped screws, does anyone have any hardboot bindings to lend for this long weekend? if not, I"ll be ripping it up in hardboots! :D

    24.5 boot :)

    edit-- softboots! lol wow...

    Sunday for me. (Notice that I said me)


    Ink, see you at the pnr betwen 6:20/6:30 Nice shot at the D-man btw, he hasn't been getting much respect lately

    Juhwan, got you coverd with some td 2.75's, are you riding stepins or toe clips?

    Saw the Revrend Horton Heat and Reno Divorce at The Black Sheep last night in the springs last night, and realized that I can controll both the velocity and the direction of the pit at the same time, good times. The are all over the state for the next few weeks, http://www.reverendhortonheat.com/tourdates.php so if you like yo self some psychobilly and old school punk, then I strongly reccomend that you check them out. Feelin' a little wrecked today though, stayed out well past my bed time


  11. does lift 8 lead to the bowls?

    I'm going sat/sun/mon :)

    You are thinking of the lift that goes all the way up, 9. We need a good storm or 2 before they start spinnin that one. I wouldnt take any thing but a rock board over on the north side of the highway until we do

  12. BIGS, you talking to me ?? Or you hattin on the HULK ??

    Either way your gonna be hurtin !!


    P.S Nice clock management by the Denva Donkeys. Now I have to watch Old Man Ray the murderer run around like a moron next weekend. Its a U thang...Bra !!!!!

    Did I strike a nerve there? Actually was directed at one of our otha rida's who shall remain nameless, but if the jacket fits......

    Didn't see the end of the game, I had a prior engagement. Our usssa masters gs/sl national champion summed it up best, its hard enough to win when your defense isn't playing, your offense isnt playing and the officials aren't paying attention, there is no way you are gonna win when all three happen at once.



    I absolutly love the sartorial splendifersnous of the matching jacket and boots!!!

  13. It was a balmy -17 at the snotel station @ 11,400' ('Bout halfway up the mountain) at 7am, and rose to a tropical -8 by 11. There was steam coming off of the clock in the clock tower. It was so cold at the top of 2 I had to adjust my bindings because my boots where loose from the cold, or it might have been because of my lime green jacket that matches some other infamous tinkerbells, at least that's what Mr. Positive said. He also gets bonus points for greeting Juhwan, James, the Sheriff and myself at our table as "Fellow Idiots for leaving our nice warm beds and coming out to ride on such a spring like day". Suprisingly, the slopes were empty today, I guess most others 'round these parts are smarter than us. Sun was out for a bit, and the warming hut on top of 1 is pretty nice, especially for lovey. Juhwan gets bonus points for dressing like its April, and for drinking cold beer in the rat while shivering uncontrollably from the effects of hypothermia. The events guy was asking about a session this year, He also bought a used set up and wants to join us at some point. I'm thinking we try the sunday after nationals, let me know what you think


    at least it wasn't windy

  14. Hey guys, can you tell me, what is so special about this final banquet on SES? Is it worth 65dollars? What do you do there?

    Decent food, all the beer you can drink, and the chance to win some cool schwag at the raffle

    Jibbers 1 LCI 0

    It looks like we will no longer have the opportunity to carve turns on Roulette for the remainder of the season with the construction of the terrain park now underway. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news.

    I saw that on the public face book stuff earlier this week. They say that skiers right will be unparked and still useable. Glad we wrecked it like we did on sunday, I'm sure we could leave some grafitti in the park to show our displeasure:eplus2::angryfire:AR15firin:D

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