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big mario

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Posts posted by big mario

  1. Grooming was a bit inconsistant in places. It was most Excellent on firecut, spillway and switchback. In attendence: Ice, Ink, The Awesome, and myself. Loads of fun was had by all especially after this seasons inaugural ride on the short bus. We also had plenty of shout outs, but no one thougt about keeping a tally. I am out for next week, P and I will be in Aspen, though I might try and get a few runs in off of 3 on our way back into town


  2. winter has arrived, temps in the low single digits, the sherrif didn't even have enough puffa's to keep warm. On the hill today:

    Dustin, Shelly, Tony, Ice, Dusty Bottle, Ink, Karver Kai, the Sherrif, Teach, yours truly, and a special guest appearance late in the day by MR. AWESOME.

    Skippin tomorrow, too cold:o


  3. will be there Sat and Sun Dec 3-4 to start my season (later than I wanted, but still earlier than here). You meet at Chair 1?
    yep, 8:30 or at the wedge bar after 7:00am

    I will be up on sunday, I'm sure others will be up sat, see you then


  4. Excellent!

    Ice, The Sheriff and myself started on spillway, made our way to firecut, which we than proceeded to absolutely destroy, I felt bad for the lovey jr race team doing 1 legged drills over our trenches, but it should make them better racers. We then went over to Roulette for a few, which we had to ourselves, they opened up all of the trails to the south, so no one was interested in the bigger pitch. The only racers we had to deal with were the aforementioned lovey team, and they where a non issue. Lot was only 1/2 full by the time we where done, and the only liftline we had to deal with was on our last run, and that was becuse someone bullwheeled up top and it took a bit to reset. Conditions=hero

    A very good day


  5. Glad I made the choice I did, they have delayed opening due to high winds, you know it has got to be bad if they are not even spinning the chairs yet. Heading to Green mountain in a few hours if anyone is interested


    ps 1 did not start turning til 9:30, 6 and 2 are still idle

  6. We welcome all. But if you still want to get some turns in before you come and play with us, here are a few runs, and you do not have to wait for the whole mountain to open up

    Lift 1


    Chair 2

    Firebowl/Turtle creek to the mid way reload, and repeat

    Chair 6

    Dueces wild(green/blue)turtle creek

    Our numbers are usually greater on Sundays, all you have to do is show up at the wedge bar before 8, or at lift 1 before 8:30

    see you soon,


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