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big mario

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Posts posted by big mario

  1. EZE- If mario opts out, let me know...I did not get to ride the 180 Proteus at ECES before the powder came...I rode the 185 FC Metal 12-16 scr and the 179 Carbon FC 18 waist with 12-14scr....I think the Proteus is probably the blend I'm looking for. Thanks

    I am out, just put 4 g's into my ride, not by choice. Just paid the damn thing off last week. Figures


  2. John,

    I watched lots of the snow get blown up to the top of the divide and over the other side. Switch back was awesome, and for the most part empty, until about 11. It was blowin' hard over ther even with the extra trees and lower elevation. All in all a really good day


  3. Man Down-

    Unfortunately Jeff broke his collar bone in the fall at the bottom of Home Run this morning. Let's send him some good vibes for a speedy recovery.

    Damn that sucks, I was watching him make some really nice turns right before he biffed


  4. I bought the last prototype(before production) Proteus 180 at Sean's demo sale this summer. I was expecting the ride you folks have described,

    but very unfortunately my meager 155# frame cannot bend this board. I have had to adjust my stance to as forward as possible just to be able to get it to engage.

    I bought this for 600+ shipping. If anyone wants this please make me a reasonable offer, only riden 3 times and not very long. Would be looking to trade for newer set of TD3.


    Very interested, I have a profit sharing meeting next wed and I will let you knowfor certain, but I am thinking the cost of new td3's/shipping to you, I cover shipping the board to denver


  5. Did all of the right safety checks before I started a run yesterday, and yet I still almost got tagged by a straightliner on my second turn in. Luckily I was turning away from his line, and he was able to slow enough to avoid me. Classic situation of an obliviot bombing a run and not caring what was happening on the other side of a knuckle before proceeding. I had waited for a group of 3 who where traversing across the slope to clear before I dropped in, and had that straightlining tool been a minute sooner, there would have been major bloody carnage. I quit for the day after that. Sometimes it doesn't matter how safe and careful you are.


  6. okay i give up... stupid question but what is the LCI?

    A bunch of knuckleheads that ride lovey regularly. LCI stands for Loveland Carve Initative, taking over the mountain one rider at a time. The name stems from a sims "dinner jacket" I picked up at a clearance outlet a few years ago, which made me appear much more dapper than I truely am, almost "Bond like". We even have a secrect hand shake. Thats all I can tell you for now.:cool:


  7. crashed under 6 sunday -- worst fall in 750+ days of riding

    in colorado. don't remember the fall, getting up, or twenty

    minutes afterward. not ideal.

    many thanks to ice, jon, and mario for picking up the pieces.

    many thanks to doctor scott for his expert advice via the phone.

    lesson learned: focus on every turn, every run.


    After a a head shot and knockout, downed rider is to be escorted to patrol no matter how lucid they seem, or how much they fight the idea.

    Sorry for not being more aggressive with taking you down the hill Pete, we all thought you seemed okay... glad you are in fact alright

    lesson learned


  8. Rode the piss out of mine today on plates, even managed to air out some of my transitions, this is a super, awesome, rugged, fun board, and was perfect for the soft groom at lovey today! I really enjoyed the small playful sidecut.


  9. I planned to ride Lovey yesterday and hang with the LCI, but my son and his co-pilot friend flew some folks in to Beaver Creek Friday and invited the wife and I over to ski/ride on Saturday. I thought we could swing back by Lovey on Sunday morning... little did I know...

    The wife called it quits after lunch on SAT and retired to a base restaurant and as I can remember, I was having the BEST CARVING DAY OF MY LIFE, so I went back out with the boys for more.

    The next part is per the boys, as they say I supposedly avoided an out-of-control skier getting a beginner lesson on a blue run? screaming as she squated over her skis straight-lining. They said I was locked on toe edge, looked up and saw the girl, tried to change directions, high-sided down the mountain, smacking the left, rear of my head (helmet), then flipping and coming to rest on my back. I don't remember. They scored it a solid 9.8... prior to impact.

    I guess I was out for quite a few seconds before I could speak and I vaguely remember the ski instructor asking if I was OK and did I hit my head. I remember mumbling yes and asking for my son, who showed up with his friend a few seconds later. The boys said the instructor then skiied off with his student making some remark about how I shouldn't have been on the mountain on an old directional board, with ski boots (Donek FCI with Raichle 324's and TD3's), as they clipped me out of my step-ins. They helped me sit up and after a few minutes, I somehow rode down the mountain on beginner trails.

    I barely remember walking in to the restaurant where my wife was waiting and we immediately went back to the hotel room, where she watched me closely, while I nursed a pounding headache for 2 days. We made it home last night and the headache has now gone, but the ears are still ringing, the memory is spotty and I'm bruised and bumped all over. Bottom line? I'm here to relate this story, thanks to my new helmet, my wife bought me over the summer. I haven't felt like inspecting it yet, but I know it must have taken quite a smack, so it will likely be replaced.

    Hope to see all the LCI again soon!


    Buy a helmet and wear it!

    Sorry to hear that James, take it easy for a spell, and do not head back to the hill for a bit, let your noggin heal!


  10. That is excellent, I can't wait to see him ride again!


    ps Trust me, my head ain't gonna 'splode, I have not made that turn in that spot for forever, that run has humbled me lately

  11. 4 foot level, pencil line, and a ledger board. Lay out your first full tile line, mark it with a pencil, scew a straight stick (ledger board) to the wall at your pencil line, butter the wall above your ledger, stick tile to wall resting on ledger board, remove ledger when mastic/thinset has set up. Butter the back of you cuts, stick to wall, shim up with tile spacer to underside of the first course you set, Grout, clean and enjoy.


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