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big mario

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Posts posted by big mario

  1. BC still got cookies?

    I was on patio at the base and had just started to walk out. The walkway was about 4 people wide. Coming straight at me three across, filling the whole walkway, was a three-some of the most beautiful women I have ever seen. They were decked out in furs, etc, hair was perfect and makeup stunning. They would yield absolutely nothing in their strut. They would not make eye contact as they approached, filling the entire walkway. The attitude I percieved from them was "We are beautiful!!! On this alone... the whole world must get the hell out of our way!"

    Thats when you stop in the middle of the walk, stare straight ahead, stand motionless and drool. that should get them out of your way. I cannot abide that sense of privilage.


  2. Including Karver Kai making his 2012-13 inaugural apperarance. They tilled deep last night, 'cause it was not as firm as I was expecting with the current lack of snow, heavy holliday traffic,and cold temps. I was expecting a little bit firmer, a bit more grippy carvalicious instead of the softer hero we were on today. There are still a few random obliviots roaming the slopes from the holiday, but that should change in the coming week(s) and things should get back to normal until presidents week at least. Cannot wait. For one of the first times in recent memory, I was actually over dressed in the first week in January at lovey, and I had fewer layers than normal. All in all a rockin' good day, I would put it in my top ten. Lovin' that monster virus, alot. Enjoy your new stick Mr. Awesome, your purchase will definately help with my visit to ses.


  3. sorry, I only have SI'S

    hoping to make it up both days this weekend...

    Cool, I can race you on the virus on sunday!


    I have heel and toe bails I can loan, call me @ seven 2 zero 469 8748 and lets figure out how we want to set Greg up


  4. I was planning to be there today, but the "stupidity factor" took me out on Friday. On my last run (one more than I planned to do, of course), a skier slammed into me from behind, and I wound up with a concussion and whiplash. At the hospital, they thought I was confused because I said I was snowboarding but had on "ski boots."

    Sadly, I'm heading home to Illinois and not sure when I'll get to ride again, but I started to get a good rhythm with my "new" setup. I'll hit the midwest slopes when my doctor clears me.

    Well that explains why I couldn't find you out there today, really sorry to hear that your day ended that way, Sad way to end your trip,take it real easy for a while. We always toast to no injuries in the rat when we are done for the day, it can be down right scary on the slopes. Heal well, and look us up next time you are out this way


  5. Good riding with ya'll today :biggthump

    Good to see you and Shelly on the hill as well. You and the other slackers missed a good day today, the groom was awesome, and the holiday stupidity factor didn't start ramping up until about 10:30. Had fire cut and drifter to myself for the first hour, and did a whole herd of nonstops,then went over to Roulette and managed to get 4 nice, clean , unintterrupted runs. And then the hordes descended. One run on Richards and then onward to the Rat to meet Tony and freinds, I timed it perfect, the pitcher was already on the table and a beer awaited me as I walked in. A good day indeed


    Ps stopped at Tommyknockers on the way down to fill a growler and inquired about the suppy of our magic elixer, they actuall brewed more this year, so we should be good for a while yet :D:biggthump

  6. John,

    Check with Bola for demo boots, best I can do are my beat to $hit mondo 28 deluxxes. we could put him on my 177 ax on a softer groom day, and I still have heel and toe bails to take a pair of my stepins back to reg.


  7. Thankful to have survived a collision with big Mario this morning with only a destroyed goggle lens, a cut on the nose and a stiff neck. Mario, I hope your jaw is ok.

    Merry Christmas to all!

    Jaw is doing better after additional ingestion of additional malty analgesics. Once again my cro-mag skull has saved me from severious injury, sorry that my chin scruff destroyed your goggles. My honi has always told me that it was like sandpaper, I guess your goggles are the proof!

    Fun day today despite that little hiccup and the wierd light, or lack thereof, it was a blast running that monster stick in drifter, it tightened up just fine. Looking foward to next sunday and monday


    Happy post apocaypse/wintersolstice/hannuka/kwanza/festivus/and Merry Christmas to all!!

  8. Juhwan,

    I saw that car as I pulled in yesterday and wonderd if that was yours, they do that alot to unattended cars left over night. As someone whom has also knocked my noggin hard enough for an ambulance ride, it is very important to take it easy for a bit, and let your brain heal, you only have one! Stay off of the snow for a bit, no matter how much you want to get back up, and we will see you in a few weeks


  9. Quality of the snow is amazing considering the drought we are in, though it is getting thin in a few areas. Crowds where non existent,

    roulette was nice. Mr. Positive and I hopped on the short bus for a few on 3, switch back was firm, but very grippy and carvy and most excellent. new virus is such a sweet ride


  10. Nice firm grippy snow today, Mr. positve, Everette, James, and myself up today. Rode the 195. it was awesome. a few race stragglers around, but there was little of the previous madness.


  11. So, I guess you could say that's the "money shot?" :lol:

    Nice one glenn!

    Aaron, no plate, have not tried one yet, not sure if its a good idea for me to ride one, I've heard one of rhe effects of a plate is serveriously increased speed, something I do not need, and with our Co snow being so smooth for the most part, I'm good without. And yes, those are cateks that I won at a raffle one year. Ride report from today:

    Smoove, and fast. veeery nice. me likey. alot

  12. post-1551-141842375205_thumb.jpg

    taken with my crackberry, so the resolution is horrible. I was going for that 8 and 16mm retro 70's porn look. sorry for the lack of sound track

    195 virus sparten, picked it from Bola on thurs., and 184 Donek Rev prototype picked up from Sean last april

  13. Hey Aaron,

    its clothoid, whatever that means, but checking against a few different boards, I'd say about 15ish, with about an 1 1/2" of camba. Pics, I'll have to find the camera, or use my crakberry


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