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big mario

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Posts posted by big mario

  1. I wish! the reality is that I actually do a rather  impressive imitation of a responsible adult Monday through Friday

    Yes, Nate, I too can quote myself

    I mentioned my being responsible adult to my current building inspector whom I know from lovey, which led him to roll on the ground in fits of laughter. I must be fooling myself

    • Like 2
  2. How can anybody "like" this post? I do NOT like that you imitate a responsible adult any day of the week! There are standards to uphold.


    Are you insinuating that I have standards? 

    • Like 1
  3. WooHoo! Loveland opens Thursday!


    I expect that Mario & Don will on the first chair. Make sure you bring your powder boards!


    I wish! the reality is that I actually do a rather  impressive imitation of a responsible adult Monday through Friday 

    • Like 1
  4. Ach, I'm exposing myself as weak, unenlightened and feckless.



    So beautifully teed up, a hanging slider waiting to be crushed into the upper deck....

    must.... resist....the.....temptation.....


  5. they are firing the guns tonight!

    Jonesin real bad too...


    188 skinny aloha monster shipping in a week, 183 f2 heading this way as well.  Shaking with anticipation

    bouncing off the walls as well

  6. The thing is, a plate is mostly unnecessary piece of equipment, for most rec riders.


    I have yet to ride a plate, and have never been an early adopter. The cynical side of me has always wondered if those that are in love with them were just fan boys, or looking for the next big bling thing they could buy to improve their riding instead of working on technique. I must say, after seeing Kevin's opinion in Sean's video:


    I am intrigued


  7. Oh god, I'm hoping The Heckler is something Mario keeps chained up in his boiler room. Please, please, please, please...

    Fixed that


    What is the Heckler?



    Hi back, it is my Mountain bike

  8.  Surely you're not suggesting I consider the needs of your willy every time I express an opinion about CDOT's activities. This feels a bit extreme.


    I do not know how to respond to this other than to say " well played sir, well played!!"

  9. Yet another example in the mindless march to America's wussification. "Oh hey, maybe gently breathing warm air onto those slabs of snow will coax them down the avalanche chute without unnecessary harm or noise." If lobbing grenades and cannon fire was good enough for General George S. Patton, it should be good enough for CDOT.


    Whilst I agree that artillery, tanks, Bazookas, and grenade's were sufficient Ol' Blood and Guts Patton, your statement overlooks one thing: My needs.  Now I can sleep in for 5 more minutes on a powder day and not worry about not getting my breakfast in a timely fashion because "cdot has to blast before we can let you in the parking lot dude" and I wont have to worry about hanging my willy out in the cold wind if I have to pee. These are very important points that cannot, and should not be overlooked.

    sounds like a win win to me

  10. I love all of the comments period. someone is always asking if the new chair will be a detachable high speed quad, or,"dude, where are the jumps",  "if it doesn't have a safety bar, I am going somewhere else" dude, like will there be jumps?, "cutting that lift in half is stupid", are there any jumps? ect ..... I have to agree on naming the lift, it should just be called "Upper 2" and not the ptarmigan lift, that is just way too out of character. And it always circles back to: Will there be jumps in the park this year? if not I am goin to Breck man, you can keep you're pass, you suck


    • Like 1
  11. Sweet! Why am I unsurprised the Descendents have a sock sponsor? Somewhere in Milo's discarded lyrics is probably something called "Sockage." 




    Nicely done once again.  You continue to thoroughly  amuse, surprise, amaze, and occasionally confound me.  I find it unpossible that you are not a paid comedy writer!

    or I am insane.


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