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Everything posted by floBoot

  1. Michelle, I wouldn't be able to breathe at 9K feet......here in Bonnie Scotland the mountains don't go higher than 4k....rye flour it's known for making denser bread etc...my bread is dense but I love the texture..in terms of eating this cake it's great, doesn't seem dense..I just noticed it didn't rise as much as much as lighter flours...:) C5Golfer imagine admitting on a public forum that you don't function properly :eek:and resort to artificial means......I expect you have fast cars with a finely tuned and perfectly functioning engine: to make up for the lack thereof:biggthump
  2. Michelle, the Tacos look great too.. People keep telling me I should eat more pies..so I might have a go at making your pie above...from tomorrow I have got 6 days off work..that means I can eat pies and snowboard:D In the meantime here's a pic of a fruit cake ready sliced waiting for a cup of tea..:rolleyes: Oh I meant to say, I used rye flour, the cake was sweetened only by the mixed fruit etc, for a bit of moistness water with melted coconut oil (to try and avoid Trans fats, supposed to be stable at higher temperatures) it's interesting using rye flour much harder to get to rise with baking powder...:D ..perhaps someone has some tips
  3. LambertoMI Your experience and advice appreciated. I think moving my arms forward as you said will help. I am only adding one or two new things at a time, so trying to lean more into turn as well. I'm not quite sure what I read recently that enabled me to experience my first possible g-force type turn last week end... See if I can replicate... Fyi my aim is to extreme-carve...I post on that site too...I also find interesting the current styles of carving... Anyway, what's the waist of your soft board, such that you can do angles of 50..perhaps I'll increase my angles too...:)
  4. I have a mental block as far as visualisation for toe-side turns go. I am extremely new to carving with my third season of snowboarding almost under my belt, so not much of a base to work off either. However, I am determined:) This is what I do on softies, angles 30f 27b.c...any advice appreciated: -push-pull works well for controlling my speed -I try to remember to get low before turn is initiated and rotate upper body more out less at same time -the master/slave mentioned above works for me. I didn't realise I was doing this on my heel side carves until I read this but I also drive with my lead leg on toe side, maybe this explains the skidding out/losing edge much, much more than heel side? My heel side 'carve' has been really good (for me, not good like you Guys n gals:biggthump). Good as in I have confidence at speed that the edge will hold; I go through lumps and clumps of snow, maybe a bit of air but the heel edge holds;I can choose how long to carve for, it's intuitive to people getting in the way or unexpected ground conditions. I am most of the time on the board edge and not skidding. BUT: -how do I get nearer to the snow (besides falling..haha) -how can I unblock my mental block for visualising what I need to do on toe side -shall I continue to improve (get lower to the snow) on my heel side and then Pennies will drop for mental clarification on toe-side -should I make my binding angles steeper or will I lose control on a wider board.I really don't have the confidence to try this on my hard boot set-up. I don't believe I get onto any edge /down hill edge early enough although with my heel edge I don't know when I get there but with toe edge I have enough time to notice I'm still not on edge and I kind of have to force it! Anyway help is appreciated, this year I want to use as a year of drills and learning, no matter how many falls:)
  5. CasperCarver is the best Carver I have ever seen...I am utterly in awe...especially the switch carving and the strength and fitness that guy must have to carve with such force, energy and speed...wow..
  6. my era was when punk, rock or disco music came in..at the time I went for disco :rolleyes: but it was more jazz funk, which is where I came across a talented saxophonist called Gary Bartz.... yeh sax music is pretty cool:biggthump
  7. progress pics are looking great...:biggthumpmy last house I had a concrete floor put in and then covered it with real slate...I done all the electrical work myself including a new consumer unit, got passed by anelectrician for building control but I couldn't tell:) him I done the work as I'm sure he would have failed the circuits etc thinking a female couldn't possibly do this stuff...I know not all men think like this but I couldn't take a chance... Anyway these pics are spurring me on to to start ripping out the kitchen although I haven't finished upstairs yet:rolleyes:
  8. off the grid... I'm definitely a cynic of the 'smart' technologies creeping into peoples homes...I see the dark-side of it... I just want to get my house so well insulated that a joss-stick burning would warm the rooms...still thinking about ways of lighting...hmmm...like the idea of a range cooker..good old fashioned larder, not a fridge/freezer... Currently...demolished most of the top floor in my house...been tinkering with the radiators...all this helps me think and gain ideas... I'm very hands on with these jobs...do about 80% of the work myself...quite therapeutic:D
  9. He really has that nerdy coolness which is under pinned by such talent and passion for what he does..
  10. Bruincounselor, over the years I noticed more people having dairy allergies...what are some of the alternatives that you used? I hope to post a Pic and recipe shortly for a cake:D...especially as the week end approaches and snow is here in Bonnie Scotland, where I will need energy and scrumptious food. Anyway, I don't use: eggs or butter etc and I am a dark chocolate lover, so that gets used too...:p
  11. I must admit I had never heard of Sarah... After having read the article about her, she seems to have been a beautiful person both inside and out...what a sad, sad loss:( ...and how her partner tried to fill a void: *"He took long bike rides to mountains they had visited together, only to experience a terrible sense of loneliness once he arrived. He tried to lose himself in their adventures, like surfing in Los Angeles or street skiing in Australia, but what was the point without Burke waiting..." On the upside, Sarah's inspirational legacy will live on through many...:)
  12. Work's Christmas lunch...looks like thumbs-up for me...i had an extremely lovely reply from a restaurant in Perth, to my request for a vegan 3 course alternative... ...happy days...I won't be left alone in the office... Michelle, I would have posted a couple of food pics but I ate the last piece of cake this morning...:D
  13. Michelle thanks for starting topic:D fantastic looking pies..yum...yum I hope anyone posts here Vegan or not:biggthump I get many inspirational food ideas from meat recipes and I make a Vegan version. My understanding of vegan includes besides no animal products/derivatives, also includes some products that to eat would be vegan but an animal may have been used in the process, and avoiding things like Pringles because Proctor and Gamble make them (they are known for their cruel animal experiments)... But some of this does start to hit grey areas...:rolleyes:
  14. Well,well I am amazed :) ..another Vegan...hmmm....there's another lurking in the background, isn't there...Bumpyride...posted on the AIL thread... It would be really nice if ANYONE posted recipes on a foody thread, as I'm used to finding alternative ingredients...and I feel like a 'food scientist' :rolleyes: when it works...my cooking skills aren't that great but I enjoy it... RESTAURANTS:boxing_sm...another story...last year, Christmas lunch re work colleagues..I emailed a so called decent restaurant to let them know in advance of my dietary requirements.......we all turn up, they're all happy with their food lot...me...I get served a PLATE OF SLUGS with a few potatoes and various slung on the side...quite an incongruous looking mix... ...after stabbing at and sliding the slimy tasteless mass around my palate...I then realised I had been served a.... last-minute-chopped-up-and-fried-with-no-spices-AUBERGINE.... ...I complained, sent it back..and got an acceptable alternative:rolleyes: ...so you can guess what'll happen this year...there's a very good chance I will be the only person left working that afternoon whilst the others have their posh lunch... ..but hey ho that's my choice in life... On the up side, I can usually find something in cafes, I do on occasions have a good greasy fry up at a Tesco store ...:) Perhaps this can be moved to Michelle's new foody thread:biggthump
  15. Dantheman0177 thanks for the foody encouragement.... Michelle I shall let you do the honours of starting a mouth watering thread..perhaps with a favourite Christmas recipe:biggthump
  16. Great video, such fun and"married to the board" ...good to be a little whacky..think I'll watch it again later:-)
  17. 2010 soft boot set up,as these were the only lessons I could get...however even before starting snowboarding I decided I wanted to extreme carve...this year about march I got my first hard boot set up...as only just got confidence to give it a go...I'm quite rubbish but having loads of fun and not put off at all ...when it's powdery I go back to softies as I don't really understand hard boots and powder set ups ..I just love it...
  18. Well Michelle, how 'normal' I feel after reading your post..Hahaha...and a fellowess Vegan..how rare yet welcome( no offense meant to anyone else):) It certainly is good to come across people that aren't sheeple..and yes certainly some interesting posts to reply to... Ditto on the black sheep and marriage thing.. Here's an example of me being the black sheep... I was brought up eating white bread (society's norm at the time), aged 17 having left home, I decided to go to a health food (rare at the time)shop and buy brown bread...I also started eating hummus, black eyed beans (I was a meat eater at the time) ...anyway my brother found out what I was eating and during a row he said"...and all that weird food you're eating...":rolleyes: ...how again, society has changed... In terms of snowboarding attracting slightly off-the-wall people..let me just say I thought snowboarding was the only snow sport there is:eplus2: I don't know much about Plato but as a slightly cliched comment I'm certainly on planet Pluto..:p IanM's comment about shorter relationships today? besides a myriad of things that can affect relationships, I believe that certain types of TV programmes and magazines have a big influence in shortening relationships... Not just the obvious like certain soaps but programmes that make people think they can have it all now with little effort:big brother,x factor etc...IMHO of course:biggthump
  19. Allee, you probably know more Vegans than I do by the sound of it..haha..oh yes I'm used to down right rude..tbh...I do find it rather amusing...women have been the worst......why? I also believe in say something nice to people (only people I like though) the rest I don't give the time of day...:rolleyes: life's to short to be around negatives:biggthump Oldsnowboards, Feel the fear and do it anyway, Susan Jeffers, I've read the book..the road less travelled, m Scott peck, I've read the book... I always assume failure but don't care, as I know I'll try again n again..I'm patient that way...:) I make myself appear totally confident...I am not..but I dealt with any demons that I may have had from a dodgy upbringing..in my 20s ...not wanting to spend my adult life blaming the past for my failures...it's a liberating experience ...any insecurities I do have well hey ho...they're there:rolleyes: COMPROMISE...not when it comes to SNOWBOARDING:biggthump KINDNESS first..yes.. IGNORING HISTORY...only if you're not given reason wonder otherwise:eek:
  20. Yes, very true...I definitely had an upbringing that should have left me as a down and out of society, with no self esteem or confidence etc...but for some of reason I pulled away from all that stuff and was the opposite...which leaves me to wonder the nature/nuture argument? The positives of a dodgy upbringing in my case, was that I knew what I didn't want in life...but I've not yet decided what I do want...:rolleyes: So as the decades rolled by I just lived life as I wanted regardless of peer pressure, societal expectations etc, As an example when I left school I carried on my sport of long distance running. Women in those days did not exercise unless they were an athlete..I wasn't an athlete but I loved running...I started dating some guy and when he found out I 'ran' he said "are you a man or a woman...I want you to stop running...":freak3: I dumped him...and carried on running...:p Also whilst out running I used to get cans of Coke thrown at me from cars driving by, and stones from people on the street:eek:soon after came the first London marathon which changed society's attitude..not mine.. perhaps I live on another planet and that's how I don't take any notice of the negatives;) Oh one last thing, I've been Vegan for 20 years, that doesn't go down well either in terms of starting a relationship... I could tell you some negative stories there:biggthump ... I simply believe in what I do and respect other people's choices too:)
  21. In my 20s a female friend of mine (absolutely stunning looking female, who could manipulate men to do whatever she wanted) found her Mr right, or so she thought. They both worked in London earning huge bucks in the financial Bond market. got married, no kids, charming thatched roof country cottage,swimming pool in garden,company sports car each etc. she was brought up middle class, he was an East end boy made-good. they both looked like a TV advert, living and looking the perfect lifestyle. Apparently he had a deviant side. As the marriage fell apart they became enemies.he ruined her.she ended up on Prozac, jobless and losing everything. As we kept in touch and finally met-up a few years after her divorce, to me, she was not the kind, intelligent, lively, classy friend that I once knew. She had become vulgar and embarrassing and not quite on planet earth, as well as fearful of men as far as relationships go. I left that day sickened and saddened to see what happened to my once friend. I tried staying in touch but over the years I realised the friendship was no more..
  22. Okay...slight confession....some years ago in a job where I oversaw computers and people using them(when 386 processors were still being used, win 95 just hitting the market); I used to reserve a PC for some chap that I became platonically (married guy with kids)friendly with...I was quite impressed of his keenness to learn n use the internet... ...the guy was having an online relationship with a lady from Canada...he fell in love, left his wife n kids in the UK, and moved to Canada ...overtime he told me what was developing.. There ya' go I was party to a relationship breakdown and development simultaneously...:-o
  23. I apologise in advance for my cynicism....:rolleyes: It would be interesting to look into a) who started giving out funding to medical schools back in 1913 and thus quashing a side of medicine that believed in using the body to help heal itself, therefore leaving today's system of treat the symptoms but don't look for the cause B) who are the big shareholders in the insurance companies and drug companies c)are these funders and big shareholders also connected to the FDA and 'friendly' with the those in the white house Some very interesting dots connect.. Although in the UK, we pay differently for our health system, the same type of treat the symptoms but don't help patients find a cure exists, thus making drug companies damn rich I have developed this attitude due to personal experience and do a huge amount of research on a condition I have, as the medical system I believe is trying to brain wash me. I ask questions that doctors and specialists will not answer directly, they turn into medical politicians... as an aside, I have recently solved a very small part of the equation of my condition by a process of trial and error over the past 2 years and done purely by nutritional means.Not as easy as it sounds when I've had to compare farming practices of yesteryear to modern practices and work out what missing in the foods we eat today including organic. But it's worth it No wonder I joined the Californian petition for Americans to have a right to know what's in their food.. As part of my cynical rant...I am disgusted by companies like monsanto and Dow who don't appear willing for the food labelling to go ahead...hmmm...i wonder why it is that they don't want you to know that you are eating ... Recent research by the French shows some ghastly outcomes to 3rd generation rats having been feed GM food through the lineage... ....I wonder if the same shareholders I refer to above have shares in these companies and connections to the FDA again? So I conclude it is all about money and power:angryfire
  24. Is it correct that growing or the sale of hemp (this hemp doesn't have the side effects) in the USA is forbidden? If so very strange that a similar plant is allowed, although for own use... Europe allows hemp and I eat loads of hemp... As an aside, I voted for the Californians on prop 37, and am appalled that GM companies are trying to stop Americans having the right to know what's in their food...
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