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Everything posted by floBoot

  1. floBoot

    HTML help

    http://support.sendgrid.com/entries/21193533-how-do-i-integrate-sendgridMichelle, does the above link help? It says it can integrate with Outlook, gmail etc.
  2. Hahhhaahaaa lol!Is it true or is that a joke that everyone knows except me..in case you wonder i knew someone who used to put chewing gum in parking ticket machines!
  3. floBoot

    HTML help

    Just curious Michelle, what are you looking to do?
  4. http://www.google.co.uk/url?sa=t&source=web&cd=4&ved=0CEIQtwIwAw&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DwIbKWeY0RY0&ei=a0HaT57iMYag8gORhPD3AQ&usg=AFQjCNGFMfd-97AYIW-uE-gBugAblvB3SACorey-d nice driving, good fun! Scotland's Colin McRae having fun some years ago...sadly he's no longer around..i like the bits where car gets some air...id like to do that on my snowboard, kinda wheelying at speed:-)Ive done the 1/4 mile straight at Scotlands Crail in a Chevy V8 engined mod car:-)
  5. Someone i know has a Felt carbon frame bike, recently paid approx £4k with discount...they,re insured i asked! Way in the past i have broken a Reynolds steel frame,after about 14 years of use...i now have an aluminium frame road bike that is still great after 13 years..i also have a mountain bike a couple years old with some carbon bits on it...i better watch out...!
  6. Hi BumpyrideI am genuinely sorry to hear what happened and wish you good health hereafter.FYI i have been a Vegan for about 19 years. I have had to be thick skinned, with the many insults thrown my way. I have had 3 major operations, the first when i was 30, followed by another 2 a few years later. I have a rare condition with such long words it would be a hacker's nightmare ha ha! I see a consultant specialist in Edinburgh,Scotland every 6 months. Anyway, to cut this short, i shouldn't be able to: get to the top of munros; cycle for miles or snowboard but i do- yaay. So genetically i got the joker's card but i've always done sport and being Vegan i believe has helped too. Main reason for going Vegan was compassionate grounds though.So if you want to start a thread on healthy foods including Vegan options i would be more than happy to join in :-)Bryan, a speedy recovery to you too. Cheers for heads up on bungee cords, as i usually bungee cord stuff onto my bike!BTW i'm newish to this site, so hello:-) Mostly post on Swoard under Keepthesport. Very new to the alpine ways.
  7. Hi drhughesIs the board n bindings still for sale? Would u ship to Scotland, UK?You can email me at: lemonrind at yahoo dot co dot ukThanks
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