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Jack M

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Everything posted by Jack M

  1. I've ridden Todd Brown's Donek 205 which has an 18.5m sidecut. It's awesome. It leaves a trail of plaid in the snow. I was actually surprised by how much tighter (relatively speaking) it would turn than I thought it would.
  2. you can tell the board is badass just from the scowl on his face! But the same price would buy you two of any other board!
  3. Mapquest Kingfield Maine and add 20 minutes.
  4. The one trick I saw Seth pull was a quick everyday method grab. Up and down. Lindsay was going for the sustained frozen-grab money shot, complete with a point to the cameras. My hat is off to her parents who have brought her up to look on the bright side of life and persevere.
  5. has similar characteristics. squeeze it slowly in your hand and it's all gooey. Roll it into a ball and drop it and it bounces. Or, pull it apart slowly and it draws out into a thin strand. Pull it quickly and it snaps in two.
  6. She's only 20. She's got 2 more Olympics in her, where she'll be able to vindicate her self. At least... she freakin' better! Or else she'll carry this fumble to her grave. But it's easy to criticize her now. If she had stuck the landing nobody would be saying today "she shouldn't have grabbed that method". Wescott pulled a method on the final jump in one of the qualifying heats, and not even with a seemingly invincible lead like Lindsay's. Does anyone care? No.
  7. I don't know what the rules are, but it appears that speed suits are banned, because if not everyone would be wearing them. Seems like a hard rule to hold up, how long before someone protests because they think someone else's clothing was "too tight"?
  8. Seth is a friend of mine from Sugarloaf. This is a huge day for Seth, CVA, Sugarloaf, and Maine!! It's CVA's and Sugarloaf's first Olympic gold, and Maine's first Winter Olympic gold!! Seth is a great guy, really gracious and down to earth. This couldn't have happened to a nicer guy. I can't wait to congratulate him in person. I agree with the above comments about Seth's technique. He is ultra smooth and when riding with him it is obvious he is a professional and a natural. I'd put his freeriding skills and style up there with the late great Craig Kelly. As far as at least Maine is concerned, tonight Seth has achieved immortality.
  9. For a sport, activity, hobby, band, artform, bar, hangout, club, etc to have "soul", it must be exclusive or unpopular, with bonus points if it's also cutting-edge. Once it becomes neither exclusive nor unpopular, the soul is lost. whatever. if it feels good do it, I say.
  10. woops, didn't see that she was already in hardboots. Still, she should be able to do the Norm on her current deck. She'll have to try it on a green circle at medium to low speed since her freeride deck surely has a ridiculously small sidecut radius. If she can't do the Norm, she's not ready. After that, it's alpine board time! I'd still recommend an all-mtn deck though (4WD/Axis/AM)
  11. Do NOT attempt hardboots and/or carving board until she can do The Norm on her current setup. If that works (jeez, it should), try hardboots on her current deck. If that works, get a sub-160 4WD or Axis.
  12. we feel your pain, brother. for gear, this is all you need to know: http://www.bomberonline.com/store/index.cfm
  13. Prior Snowboards is graciously donating a standard snowboard (excluding split and metal boards) as a raffle prize. Thanks Prior! Oh yeah - and Red Bull has taken notice of our little shindig and will be kicking in a few cases.
  14. I haven't wasted any time looking at that other site, but just tell me one of you has posted this:
  15. http://bomber.smugmug.com/
  16. no. package deal = on-mtn lodging & lift tix. If you want a lesson you can sign up but you'll have to pay for it.
  17. http://www.bomberonline.com/articles/brief_history.cfm
  18. Please click here if you want to sign up for professional carving lessons at the ECES. Thanks.
  19. If you are just learning how to carve, yes, that radius is too large. Try to find something around 10-12m for learning. On the other hand, if you know how to carve you can lay out very nice low carves with any radius. It's just that the larger the radius, the faster you have to be going.
  20. http://www.sugarloaf.com/daily.html Who dat?
  21. http://www.bomberonline.com//articles/setup.cfm http://www.bomberonline.com/articles/canting.cfm
  22. I think Shaun White made that video.
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