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Jack M

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Everything posted by Jack M

  1. A few ECES details to get the juices flowin'... We are confirmed for the Carver-Only Trail on Friday March 10th. We will have Widowmaker roped off for our private plundering thanks to a generous donation from Bob Jenney Designs. Call Bob for all your mechanical design needs - mention the ECES and the first extrusion is free! ;) The bonus here is that Widowmaker includes two other fun trail sections, Choker and Flume. Prior Snowboards will be sending some of their sexy new WCR Metal boards for demo. Come see what the bling is all about. Jeff Caron of Catek will be in attendance and will be bringing his OS2s for you to oggle and demo and if you're lucky, win in the raffle. Bruce Varsava of Coiler will be there. Bruce will be offering one lucky raffle winner a free board of your choice from his huge portfolio of templates, in standard construction. Donek will be sending demos of their new high-tech Olympic construction boards. And once again, they will be providing their coveted raffle prize - a full custom Donek built to the winner's order! Fin and Michelle of Bomber Industries will be here all week. Bomber will be providing demos, and TD2 bindings and a pair of DeeLuxe boots for the raffle. Friday night, beers are on Bomber! Billy Bordy will be here from Utah representing www.hardbooter.com. Watch for him on the hill or in the pub, either way, you're sure to pick up some great riding tips. Madd will be back in force - demos abound! Take out a Madd, point it at some ice and prepare to be amazed. Thursday Night - be there! We've swanked up the banquet with your choice of beef, chicken, or veggie lasagna, and the raffle is not to be missed. The clock is ticking, so get your reservation in by following the instructions at our <a href="http://www.eces.us/info.htm" target="top">Event Details</a> page. Let's make it huge!!
  2. Does "dork" qualify as an image?
  3. bad day for North American men, good day for North American women: http://www.bomberonline.com/events/world_cup_watch.cfm Alexa Loo became the first Canadian woman to stand on the FIS World Cup podium - congrats!
  4. I've got one for sale, mint condition, used 4 days.
  5. Will be great to see the Donek name on TV, and hopefully on the podium!
  6. jschal, I was not trying to be antagonizing earlier, sorry if I gave that impression. But I disagree with you that the swing weight of a board magically disappears when it is on the snow. Any time you have to steer the board around, especially in moguls, trees, powder or anywhere you have to make quick turns, swing weight is a huge factor. You're right that surface area is another, a longer board simply has to push around more snow.
  7. Anyone know why he is always wearing something over his face?
  8. oh I know, I was just being facetious. But we <i>were</i> looking pretty good before that call. Oh we know all about that too. Before the Parcells/Bellichick era we were routinely sub-500.
  9. I'm not sure which screws go where, and I'm not sure what you mean about four places, but there is an article about binding set up here: http://www.bomberonline.com/articles/setup.cfm Since you only have one cant/lift wedge, experiment by putting it under your rear foot sloping toward the front, and also under your front foot sloping toward the rear. Personally I think you'll find it more comfortable under your front foot.
  10. I'm selling a Madd 170 if you want to go a little longer.
  11. Interesting, the $50 add-on for the round tail is now gone from the purchase page. Looks like they'll all have the round tail. Also, how do these boards have 5mm of taper if the nose width is 25cm and the tail width is 24.8cm? Typo?
  12. That was embarrassing. I've seen fewer fumbles at high school games. I blame it all on the ref. That BS interference call burst our bubble. I turned the game off after that final interception. Oh well, I'm impressed we made it this far with all the injuries.
  13. can't get to the superbowl on 5 turnovers. the bronc's earned - 0 - points tonight.
  14. We will have some of these bad boys on hand at the ECES for demo. D-Sub, yeah, mods can change thread titles. I had to because it appears these boards are no longer being called 2010.
  15. It's a C$50 add-on. I don't think it would affect the ride positively or negatively. I'd also like to point out that that's a great pic of the man himself executing a sweet toeside.
  16. If you are capable of following directions to the letter (many people are not), you can do it yourself. Here are some good directions for home molding: http://www.yyzcanuck.com/E_tech_cooking.htm Even if you screw it up, you can remold them like 6 times.
  17. Dude, this happens every year. It's the January Thaw. And often we get a preview in December too. I've been observing this for at least 10 years. Don't worry, it'll get better. Spring doesn't start for another 2 months.
  18. Mike, You're just toying with me, right? SWING weight is the issue.
  19. The fact that it's 182! That's a pretty long board to push around. 10cm is a huge difference in overall weight and especially swing weight.
  20. Iron cross mule kick with a grab - now that's cool! From the Sugarloaf daily update:
  21. Whoa! http://www.priorsnowboards.com/boards_wcr_metal.php
  22. How would you know - nobody makes one! Don't love it till you try it. Burton doesn't make a single board with a radius larger than 8.95m. That's just dumb. The folks at Steepwater are starting to figure this out. I'll bet they'll come out with some even bigger sidecuts in the future.
  23. Even so, I really don't think the actual edge length has much effect. Having 10cm less lumber to haul around and change direction should be what you're feeling. I'm sure it's fine, but I think you'd enjoy less sidecut depth better. I always wondered what Kent (ironman) was smoking when he would harp on sidecut depth, but after riding my Madd 180 (16 or 17m), I'm a believer. That board is sneaky maneuverable. So much so in fact, that it fooled me into thinking I could do some tight trees on it. It's not quite up to that task, but it's surprising how easy it is to steer that board around. (Austrian accent) Do it now!!
  24. The board I tried was pretty much useless for the speed I like to ride at. And I don't ride at ludicrous speed either. The carves were too tight, too abrupt, and too numerous. The use of 4WDs for PGS was an experiment. I don't think they're being used anymore. Besides, the reason for using them was not the shorter radius. Well, 12.5m is not a very long sidecut radius. Not even GS territory. A longer sidecut simply lets you go faster before it starts to chatter. One of the biggest causes of chatter is the board trying to turn tighter than you are letting it. Check out the physics article if you don't believe me. I'll never forget the epiphany I had when I rode my Donek 186 (15m) for the first time - I was like holy cow, I'm going as fast as I want to go and there's no chatter! The board was just quietly carving along, saying "it ain't no thang!"
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