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Jack M

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Everything posted by Jack M

  1. Try it, it's fun. It's just a drill, not a way to ride around all the time. I remember the first time I tried it, it was an eye-opener.
  2. tt, remind me to deck you tomorrow! That's the 177. 19.5cm waist, 11.9m radius. Basically it's the WCR175 plus an extra cm in the nose and tail, and of course the bling bling materials. Yeah, the pic does not do it justice - it looks absolutely killer with the Bombers mounted up. Now it just needs some spikes and chains and neon lights.
  3. Kathy, Based on what I'm seeing in Bob's pics, I'd like you to try a practice drill. On toeside, take your left hand and grab the top of your rear boot cuff. As you do this, keep your head up and your chest facing mostly forward and as upright as possible. This works in conjunction with the advice PSR gave you to feel your inside flank stretching. I'll expect to see this tomorrow! :)
  4. Anyone who drinks vodka should do themselves a favor and check out the new potato vodka from Maine - Cold River. Very distinctive, unique flavor. And Justin, don't forget the Mojito (mo-hee-toe) - it's trendy but very good. silver rum, club soda, lime juice, sugar, fresh mint.
  5. Heh, well, I didn't originally intend to pimp my pixels there, but after I wrote that, someone went in and attached a picture of a softbooter to the article, so gosh, what was I to do? :) Umm, Scott - 69-49? I hope that's a typo.....?
  6. Porfidio Chamucos El Tesoro Don Julio Patron these are my favs. Herradura is a good "gateway" into the world of blue agave tequilas, and makes a great premium margarita. Avoid 1800. It may say 100% blue agave, but it is piss.
  7. The board is a Donek 186gs - 15m radius, 18.5cm waist. Awesome board. Angles about 63 degrees on both feet. Boots size 28.5.
  8. You've never had a White Russian?? Go ahead, The Dude abides. What day is it? FYI - Kamora is just as good as Kahlua for half the price.
  9. http://www.bomberonline.com/store/accessories/liners.cfm
  10. Yeah, leading with the shoulder is very old and obsolete technique. Your upper body should remain quiet and your shoulders should be about square to your binding angles, or more towards the nose.
  11. I have yet to find a regular, non-mexican bar where when you ask "do you have any fine tequila" the bartender doesn't say "we have Cuervo Gold, Sauza..."
  12. http://www.goslingsrum.com/recipe_detail.asp?RecipeID=8 My favorite after the Margarita. Soooo good. After this would be the Dark 'n Stormy, which is Gosling's Black Seal rum and Barrett's Ginger Beer in a tall boy over ice, optional lemon wedge. Only Barrett's will do. Stewart's is an imposter and is too spicy. Reed's Jamaican Ginger Beer is weird and tastes more like honey and lemon than ginger. Serve up these two and anyone who has ever been to Bermuda will love you forever. Among others. Another good one is the Paloma, which is tequila, ginger ale and ruby red grapefruit juice over ice in a tall boy. Yummy.
  13. Get well soon, Bruce! Hope to see you at the ECES.
  14. In case you haven't seen these already: Welcome Center FAQ I'll second the recommendations above. Sounds like you're ready!
  15. Big turns, big speed - Donek 186gs Bigger turns, bigger speed - Madd 180 steep ice, short to medium turns - Madd 170 All-around carver, medium turns, can go off-piste - Donek 171FCII Ask me again after Thursday when I take delivery of my new Prior WCR-Metal 177! (Coiler is next on my to-own list!)
  16. I'd also recommend you check out our Welcome Center and our FAQ I believe both your daughter's feet are big enough to use most bindings. All bindings are size adjustable. Look for Burton race plates in the classifieds, or buy some Raichle X-Bones from the Bomber store.
  17. Jack M

    Tyler Won!!

    Congratulations Tyler, now go collect some hardware! Klug, 2002 was unforgetable. Thanks.
  18. The Swiss bloc - Simon Schoch, Philipp Schoch, Heinz Inniger, Gilles Jaquet, and Austrian Sigi Grabner. Of course, the Olympics are always good for an upset, and underdogs digging deep to pull a medal out of thin air. Underdogs to watch are Mathieu Bozzetto, Jasey Jay Anderson, Nocolas Huet, Richard Rikardsson, the Hermanator's brother Alexander Maier, and of course Tyler Jewell and/or Chris Klug. (was a decision made last night???) I just assume these people are all going, maybe some of them didn't make their teams. I'm basing this off WC points and past olympic experience.
  19. http://www.aspentimes.com/article/20060125/DAILYCOMMENT/101250020 So now we have the Massachusetts editorial and the Aspen editorial. Jeff Greenwood above makes some good points that make a very strong case for Jewell. Unfortunately, the selection rules from the USSA site are ambiguous - the term "results" could mean either points or placing. However if "everybody knows" it's supposed to be points and not placing, then Tyler's case gets stronger. Whatever happens I hope that both of them can go because it's bunk that two women get to go but only one man. Furthermore it's bunk that 13 freestylers go and only 3 racers. Here are the selection rules from the USSA site, as posted earlier by Phil Fell: c) Objective Criteria PGS Nomination of (2) athletes: Up to two (2) athletes per gender in Parallel Giant Slalom will be nominated to the team as follows: 1. Up to two (2) Parallel Giant Slalom athletes per gender who have had a top four (4) finish in World Cup Competition during the selection period will be named to the Olympic Team. If more than two (2) athletes in either gender have had a World Cup top four (4) result then ties will be broken as follows: A. Highest single finish in World Cup competition during the selection period. If still tied then B. Second highest finish in World Cup competition during the selection period. If still tied then C. Highest World Ranking during the selection period from the 2005/06 World Cup ranking list within the relevant discipline. 2. If no athletes were selected in #1 above then one (1) athlete per gender will be selected using an average of the top two (2) World Cup results during the selection period in the relevant discipline. Ties will be broken as follows: A. Single highest World Cup finish during the selection period B. Third best result (World Cup finishes during selection period) C. Fourth best result (World Cup finishes during selection period)
  20. Klug has money, therefore he is evil and shouldn't go. Is that the jist? He is backed by "big auto", "big pharma", and "big snowboards"... can't you just feel all that evil? :rolleyes: I say they should both go.
  21. cool, what's the difference between zazzle and cafe press?
  22. Major improvement over your first photos. Now you should think about keeping your shoulders more level to the slope. Try not to dip them into the turn so much. You can get very low without bending over, like Mr. Anderson here: Remember, the snow should come up to you - you shouldn't have to reach, dip, or bend down for it.
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