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Jack M

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Everything posted by Jack M

  1. I'm saying you don't <i>carve</i> nice round turns off piste. You may let your edges track in order to traverse, and you may be doing steered turns where you're using the edge for some direction and speed control, but in any case, less sidecut depth is better. This is a joke, right? Come on, (looking around) where's the hidden camera? Exactly. This makes your board more squirrelly. This is skiers' major complaint when switching from old "straight" skis to new "shaped" skis.
  2. Thanks, but you don't actually use the sidecut when you're not carving. In fact, a <i>shallower</i> sidecut is more maneuverable off-piste. So I think a longer sidecut on an Axis/4WD would be a double benefit.
  3. I may be in the minority here, but I think both the Axis and the 4WD have woefully short sidecut radii. I always "knew" this just by looking at the numbers, but I finally got a chance to demo one last season (I won't say which brand) in the low 170 range, and my opinion was confirmed. I couldn't get off the thing fast enough. If I were buying a custom Axis or 4WD, I'd get a 170 with a 12.5m radius.
  4. I think I've only had very few times where a skier purposely avoided riding the chair with me. Sure, if there's a line there's no excuse for that nonsense. But if there's no line or not much of a line I can imagine a skier simply not wanting to deal with a snowboard banging into their skis the whole way up. It may not be that they think you're a hoodlum or something. One time I had a guy offer me a pole on a flat and I said "watch this!" I stepped out of my step-ins, pushed a few times, then stepped in on the fly and glided past him. His jaw dropped and I could see the wheels spinning in his head like he just saw the one thing that would allow him to try snowboarding now.
  5. Jessica is the greatest song ever written.
  6. Why would he be booed in NY? New Yorkers love stealing our players.
  7. Jack M

    Politics here

    Well, that didn't take long. I agree that picture in the other thread is hilarious, but I just want to state my opinion about politics at BOL once for the record. I am speaking for myself here. It has been decided to allow politcal discussion in this forum. I think that is a huge mistake. In my 14 years of being online, I cannot recall witnessing or participating in a single political debate that changed anyone's mind. At best, you walk away in "respectful disagreement". At worst, you create enemies. It serves no purpose here. <b>I would like to ask the community to consider two things before making political arguments here, if you must:</b> 1. Is your position a <i>fact</i>, or is it something you <i>choose</i> to believe on faith? And if you think it's a fact, is it really, truly a fact? Or is it a statistic? Or poll data? Was your opinion formed by your own research, or the media? I've found that the vast majority of political arguments I've heard on the internet or anywhere else are things that people <i>choose</i> to believe. Bush is evil. Global warming is a scam. We never put a man on the moon. Republicans want to starve old people. Democrats are rooting for Al Qaeda. It blows my mind that people can state these things like they are cold hard truths. It's all conspiracy theory if you ask me. 2. Do you really want to find out that people who you thought you respected here are actually your political enemies? I've been reading one other forum for 9 years now, where anything goes. That forum has generated sworn enemies for life. There are people in that forum who if they ever meet each other in person, will punch each other in the face. Even though BOL hasn't been around as long, I feel much closer to this community. I think BOL is a much friendlier place and a closer knit community. I hope it stays that way. Thank you. -Jack
  8. remove the bail and bend it ever so slightly so that when you re-mount it there is some friction between the shoulder lug and heel block.
  9. Ben, get with the program. Money is evil. Therefore successful business are also evil. This includes Burton, Intrawest, ASC, Microsoft, Apple, IBM, Intel, McDonalds, Ford, Raytheon, Pfizer, ADM, Fidelity, and yes, Google, among countless others. Nevermind that we can't live without them. D-Sub, just teasin' man. But this is why you attract it: Top 5 BOL Posters, posts per day: Me - 2.02 Randy S - 1.70 Mike T - 1.67 bobdea - 1.52 D-Sub - 10.00
  10. I should have guessed dual core meant two processors. I would think parallel processing would be a boon to windows users - so much crap seems to be running in the background at any given time, would be nice to have another processor dedicated to what I'm actually trying to get done! Isn't OS X really just lightly-massaged Linux with an Apple GUI?
  11. I was wondering two things about this thread - how long it would take for someone to diss iTunes, and how long it would take for D-sub to chime in. :p
  12. OKAY. Here are the rules. Name your top THREE favorite songs you want in your mp3 player while carving. Yes, ONLY three. AND - they MUST be available in <b>iTunes</b>. I'll start: Telepopmusik - Breathe (from the EC video "Stoked") Joe Satriani - Summer Song (ironic, no?) Jesse Cook - Mario Takes a Walk (I would say Eric Johnson - White Cliffs of Dover, but iTunes doesn't have it.)
  13. what kind of chips has Apple been using all along? AMD? and what does "dual core" mean? what is it, and what does it do? does it have double forward loaded camber? ;)
  14. I would try molding your Intuition liner again. I experienced similar foot pain after the first time I tried to mold my Thermoflexes. I didn't keep enough weight on my foot while the liner was cooling, so my foot was not as wide, and the liners ended up being too narrow. Another molding session and all was right with the world. Aaaaahhhhh. (do them one at a time so you can properly weight each foot.)
  15. They're putting Intel chips in Apples now? Sweet, maybe Intel will claw its way back up to 31.20... where I bought it.
  16. Actually according to the specs on their site, the waists are 189mm on the 170 and 192mm on the 180. I'll bet the twin tip design creates an illusion that makes them look narrower. But even at ~19cm, they're very... unconventional. It'll be interesting to see them on snow.
  17. Our first soft deadline for the ECES is looming: on <b>January 22</b>, the resort will adjust our lodging block based on the number of reservations made up till then. So it would be great if you know you are coming to go ahead and make the call to 1-800-THE-LOAF and ask for the East Coast Expression Session deal. Other important deadlines are discussed here. For those new to the ECES, we've (finally) written the "<a href='http://www.eces.us/about.htm' target='top'>about</a>" page at www.eces.us. Check it out.
  18. For the TWO people in Australia, and the TWO people in Japan, I suggest you get each other's email addresses! :D And for the 9 people in Europe, why not lobby the EC guys for a ride board? http://www.bomberonline.com/VBulletin/showthread.php?t=8680
  19. Thanks, nice job. When you get a chance it would be nice to have that here: http://www.bomberonline.com/reviews/boards.htm Did you get a chance to have any of your students try the board? My hat is off to Donek for building a budget-friendly entry-level board. I hope it sticks around.
  20. Latest results in the World Cup Watch
  21. I believe the only boards that actually perform better with a more forward located stance are the ones with funky asymmetrical (lengthwise) camber/flex designs, like Madd. Otherwise, if your board's camber and flex is symmetrical with respect to the sidecut, then binding placement is strictly personal preference. That said, I don't know what the deal is on the WCR. Fortunately you don't have to drill to find out!
  22. The exact quote is: "During my service in the United States Congress, I took the initiative in creating the internet." http://www.snopes.com/quotes/internet.asp Basically, it was an unfortunate mis-speak on his part, but it is an insult to anyone's intelligence to suggest that he believes he invented the internet. I'm sure he does not. Anyway, I have not ridden a Swoard, but I would think it would be pretty good as an all-around ride. The width must be nice off-piste, I would think it could serve double-duty as an all-mtn carver. But I generally value philfell's opinion.
  23. I actually don't feel like wearing a helmet on the mountain is a necessity, like it is on a motorcycle. <i>Not</i> wearing one is an acceptible risk, in my book. I survived about 25 years on the slopes without one, and only had one incident where it would have been nice to have one. However, I was given a Giro 9.9 as a gift, and I find it to be just as comfortable as wearing a knit hat, if not moreso. So I have no excuse not to wear one anymore.
  24. has some wider stock boards. http://www.donek.com/specs.htm
  25. That's because... oh nevermind. You should see Ray link eurocarves on his 17cm wide Virus. They will be smaller and/or slower, but it can be done. They will be larger and/or faster, but it can be done. You forgot to say "and 0 degrees of cant/lift on both feet". You guys make me laugh. :rolleyes:
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