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Jack M

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Everything posted by Jack M

  1. Not to worry Mrs. Brown, it was a trick question. Asked the way I did, the answer is simple, snowboarding. But if something or someone other than my wife forced me to choose between snowboarding and her, she wins. Like, if I had to give up a leg to save her life, I'd down a fifth and hack the thing off myself.
  2. http://www.outdoornewswire.com/v/current/htdocs/etc/sa.php/63617465676f72794c6162656c3d536b69696e67266c6f636174696f6e3d323030362f30342f313134343137363537302672737349643d33333039
  3. don't forget to look here: http://www.bomberonline.com/VBulletin/forumdisplay.php?f=3
  4. I thoroughly disagree. I've taught several skiers how to snowboard on alpine decks and in their ski boots. None had ever snowboarded before. Oh yeah, one of them was my wife and we're still married! Only thing I would say is that snowboard-specific hardboots are better for learning.
  5. http://www.firsttracksonline.com/news/stories/114412980844506.shtm I met him at a Warren Miller movie. Super nice guy, seemed real down to earth.
  6. I think you mean the BX, right?
  7. Jack M

    Ingrid Update

    Bad news fellas.... I was at Sugarloaf this past weekend and I ran into Seth Wescott at his brew-pub (The Rack) and yes, Ingrid was with him. On a good note, she remembers our group fondly and says hello!
  8. I've still got some of these left over from the event - medium, large, extra large (large shown in picture above - I'm 6'0", 175lbs). $15 <b>DELIVERED</b> in USA. Proceeds will be invested in the next ECES. Contact me!
  9. I don't think they were that flip, just trying to be sorta funny I guess. At least they included the thumbs-up icon. http://www.bomberonline.com/VBulletin/showthread.php?t=9617 The difference between BOL and TWS is that BOL doesn't pretend to be anything other than a carving website. TWS is a magazine called Transworld Snowboarding, not Transworld Freestyle Snowboarding. If they're going to be a "snowboarding" magazine, they should throw us a bone here and there. For the record, I think noboarding looks awesome! I've often wondered why it hasn't been done and promoted before. Powder is a fluid much like water, why not surf it?
  10. Did nobody catch the obscure Alex Humpel quote from Snowrules?
  11. For some reason that just looks weird to me. He looks like a spider or a crab or something! I can vouch for Przemek's abilities as well. EC done with authority. Yeah, if your hip is on the snow too, then you actually have to <i>try</i> to keep your hands off! I've got no problem with using the hands as "feelers" to gauge inclination. But for beginners.... DON'T PAT THE DOG!!
  12. Here in Maine, most public school districts have had exactly -zero- snow days this year. School's out on June <i>ninth</i>!!
  13. Something got me to thinking about this... if you've got kids, pretend you don't. It's just you and your spouse, or your fiancee, or soon to be fiancee. One day, said significant other turns to you and says, "I really hate that you spend so much time, money, and thought on snowboarding and not with me. If I'm going to be your spouse, you have to choose, snowboarding or me." What would you do? Not that I've been given this ultimatum, and not that I ever would be (wife skis), but it's an interesting question. I have to admit, I'd probably go for the board, no matter who my spouse was!! Does that mean I love snowboarding more than my spouse??!?
  14. I just had my associate in Boston call... Icons all sold out.
  15. wait a minute... did a software salesman just call somebody a dweeb? :p
  16. wait a minute.... did a carver just call another carver a geek??
  17. Surf-Rodz was at the ECES, and the "demos" they brought weren't really demos, but experimental prototypes. The mission wasn't to get people to try and buy the boards, but to get feedback on the designs. IMO, they still have a ways to go before they're ready for prime time. But the guy behind it is a cool cat and has a lot of passion, so definitely keep an eye on them.
  18. Ahh, that's a 93. The coolest graphics ever to grace the PJ. That year PJ was possibly the most geometrically complex (or at least, strange) snowboard ever built. Dual asym offsets - I believe 7cm tail, 5cm nose. And the rotated quadratic sidecuts, i.e., reverse taper, and the heelside radius was tighter than toeside.
  19. Pretty sure they were always Variplate. "Variflex" was the name of a cheap skateboard.
  20. An eye-opening account, Erik, thanks. That is probably true, but living in one of the most homogeneous states in the union I can't speak from experience. However I believe this malaise started a long time ago, with The New Deal. Create a welfare state where people can choose to be picky about working, and where responsibility for the individual falls on the state, and this is what you get. I think the Mexicans have the work ethic because they know if they don't work they'll starve and die. Americans simply don't live with that mortal fear. The solution to this problem will probably take as long as the problem has taken to grow. But I think we've got to take some kind of step in the right direction. We need to make sure the people coming here are going to be law abiding citizens. Studies have shown that illegal immigration is a net drain on our economy: http://www.cis.org/articles/2004/fiscalexec.html http://www.google.com/search?q=cost+of+illegal+immigration And then there's the crime: http://www.cis.org/articles/2001/crime/toc.html http://www.google.com/search?q=illegal+immigrant+crime
  21. Really? The S40 looks so much bigger than the 3. Barely disguised. Yes, same engines. The Aero is a WRX. My friend picked up an Aero during that GM employee discount promotion for a song. They were practically giving away the 9-2. Like 8 grand off the sticker. So he got a nicer WRX for less than a WRX.
  22. someone in your group had a cool coat like ours! My PJ7 is in the basement. Too bad I had to sell the Safari to finance it. :( Burton boyz:
  23. I wonder if this same wood is in snowboards. Snowboard cores are hardwoods like maple, ash, aspen, poplar... oh look: http://www.hardwood.org/species_guide/display_species.asp I want a snowboard made out of Sassafras. Just so I can say it. Skatha, even though Day After Tomorrow was obviously trotted out by the Vast Left-Wing Conspiracy, what of the observation that Wooly Mammoths have been found frozen with food in their mouth? Or was that made up too? I thought I had once learned that elsewhere.
  24. I've heard one possible explanation for the unrepeatable excellence of Stradavarius violins is that they were made during a mini ice age in Europe. During that time, the trees there grew at a fairly constant and slower rate regardless of season, so the rings in the trees were more dense, more homogeneous, and more regular. That is, a winter ring was nearly the same as a summer ring. This resulted in superior violins and other wood instruments/products.
  25. Pretty confident the Malibu and 9-3 share the same chassis. Yeah, anything less than 100hp/liter is nothing to be proud of. I think it would be cool to have the old Saab with the V-4 engine.
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