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Jack M

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Everything posted by Jack M

  1. Limewire lights up my spyware detector. yeah, iTunes does require you to drink the Apple kool-aid, but it works. And if you have an AirPort in the house, you can broadcast your tunes to your stereo. Just remember - mp3's and their ilk are crap for anything remotely resembling somewhat serious listening. Their only use is for walkman-type applications. CDs are still the only way to get audiophile quality digital music. And the retrogrouches would argue only vinyl delivers audiophile quality...
  2. Okay, I suppose tuning the flex is not theoretical, but I think the benefit to a carved turn is. I mean, I can't see how a split in a board can do anything to the flex pattern other than put a kink or hinge in it at the point where the split begins. Therefor, the board is not going to bend into a smooth arc along its entire length. I know the problem of boards kinking in the middle is what Donek sought to remedy with its quadratic sidecut and specially matched flex pattern. Sean has some very interesting side-by-side closeups of boards in mid-carve and the results are telling. Perhaps this is not a bad thing, in the case of a split tail board like a Burner, where you are supposed to mount them ahead of center - maybe the length of the board ahead of the split handles the job of carving, and the length of the board behind the split handles some other job (quasi-suspension?). Perhaps. But I just don't see a benefit to putting two kinks in a board. Theoretically, of course!
  3. Interesting. So you could "theoretically" have a stiffer board on toeside or heelside, and a softer board on the other side. If you wanted to, that is. Perhaps these boards should be named "Tinkerer" instead! Coiler did a split tail and nose board a number of years ago. I'm still not sold on the whole concept of partially split boards. I would think it would put a kink in the flex pattern. But I've never ridden one.
  4. Will do. You can also rent a track bike for the day there.
  5. Here's pics from our track day at New Hampshire International Speedway yesterday. The past two years have just involved Bob and myself, but this year Bob roped in some more of the alpine faithful. Riders included Bob Jenney (silver/black Suzuki GSXR1000), Shaggy (red Buell Firebolt), AlexJ (black/white Suzuki GS500), and PaulK (stripped silver Kawasaki ZZR1400). Cheering section included Steph, Cheri, and myself. Photos by me. I was not riding because my bike needs lots of new stuff in order to be track-worthy, and it just wasn't in the budget this year. Hope to see more BOL moto riders there next year! http://picasaweb.google.com/michaud.jack/NHIS_20060809 <img src="http://i6.tinypic.com/246nui9.jpg" width=600>
  6. Clearly, it is too easy to become a lawyer.
  7. The RSS feed is set to update hourly. I've got an email in to Fin asking him to change it. (to like, 10 minutes!)
  8. Did you know that BomberOnline's forums have RSS feeds? Yup! (info here) And now those clever folks at Google have figured out how to have that pipe into a "gadget" on your Google homepage. Then your page will show a preview of the latest posts in the BOL forums, like this: So, if you want this, click this button below to add the BOL gadget to your Google homepage: <a href="http://fusion.google.com/add?feedurl=http%3A//www.bomberonline.com/VBulletin/external.php%3Ftype%3Drss2"><img src="http://buttons.googlesyndication.com/fusion/add.gif" width="104" height="17" border="0" alt="Add to Google"></a>
  9. This gets proposed here on a roughly annual basis. there aren't.
  10. Okay Boris, you're telling me that if you had small children that you would have no qualms about owning such a snowboard? Or that you wouldn't be the least bit annoyed at the guy riding one who slides up next to your kid in lift line? Actually we are forced to look at it. At least once.
  11. Those are some great boards - $100 was a steal, congrats. For info on setting up your bindings and getting started at carving, be sure to check out our Welcome Center Have fun!
  12. I don't like the implication that a Samurai could defeat a Jedi.
  13. Actually, I meant both. The account was less than accurate, but it was also completely unnecessary to include it. All that needed to be said was "Ross Rebagliati, 1998 Olympic snowboarding gold medalist, says..." That's all the history that bears relevance to the story. If the IOC reversed their decision, then there is no need to put an asterisk next to his name forever. But instead the author decided to paint him with the same brush as any other pot-head. Why? What purpose does that serve? Nothing, other than the author's agenda. Everyone has an agenda, only the very best journalists are capable of hiding it. Unfortunately I can't think of a single one these days.
  14. See... this is why you can't trust the media. Ross's marijuana scandal bears no relevance to the story at hand whatsoever, yet they threw it in there anyway for no apparant reason. Perhaps the author wants us to think that Ross deserves to be cast as an unsavory character, or maybe he has something against snowboarders in general. I find that whenever the media turns their attention on something that I am intimately knowledgeable about, 90% of the time they get it wrong.
  15. I think he means Silberpfeil, but I'm pretty sure that means silver arrow. RC30 = 750cc V4. a.k.a. VFR750R. Honda's unobtanium Superbike before the RC45.
  16. ...was a cool shop in Boston in the very early 90s. The entrance was a sketchy looking hole in the wall in a, shall we say, less than inviting area of Boston, but once you were inside it was pretty huge and a fun experience. I think they were probably the first "alternative" (read: no Burton products) snowboard shop in New England. There you could finger such oddities as the Flite Weapon and Kemper Bullet. Indeed, Madd Mike was the same dude we all know and love who makes Madd snowboards.
  17. Man... recalling the epiphanies I had after stepping off Burton products and onto Prior and Donek, I see scant few reasons to buy another Burton. Besides, wouldn't you rather support a company that supports alpine? Or at least, a company that doesn't <i>purposely marginalize</i> alpine?? I do give Burton a lot of respect for being the only <i>snowboard</i> company that can compete with the <i>ski</i> companies. I'd rather have a snowboard company be #1, and if it ever looks like they will lose their lead in the market to a ski company, I will buy another Burton. But until then, I will buy from the alpine folks - people I actually <i>know</i>, and like!
  18. heh, no, but similar theme. see my description above. ahh, here it is: http://www.snowboard-mag.com/node/8152?res=original this pic doesn't quite do it justice.
  19. I don't have a scanner, but basically there's a board with graphics that feature a painting of a partially obscured naked woman in a provocative pose wearing pasties. And it's not abstract or tasteful or anything like that. It's in your face. It's not like these Rossignol skis, which I actually think are pretty cool:
  20. Just got the new Vogue, err, Burton catalog. See page 27. Jake has really lost his way.
  21. you gave out a phone number that Bruce has not made publicly available. no worries.
  22. I need that t-shirt. But Phil, Burton has always supported smoking. Don't you remember that inside cover ad in TWS in '94 of the dude doing a phat logslide with a cig in his mouth? Another good shirt: http://www.burton.com/gear/products.asp?productID=920&shortMaterialNumber=B7ADR101
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