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Jack M

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Everything posted by Jack M

  1. No Bob, you see, stealing is illegal. (whether or not downloading music for free is really stealing is a different discussion, but for now it is considered illegal) Corporations, such as ski resorts, have to litigate everything now because individuals sue them for their own actions. I believe it stems from the overal malaise in this country that is doing away with personal responsibility - it's easier to consider yourself a victim and demand a payout than it is to take ownership of your situation.
  2. What makes you think you want to ride flat/flat? And if you really do, Bomber TD2s with flat discs are pretty low. Lower than TD1s.
  3. Shootings don't happen in Canada, Michael Moore told me so.
  4. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/business/5344884.stm
  5. My brother-in-law is a softbooter, and he wants to get good at alpine so he can carve with me, but his funds are limited. I helped him get into a cheap (bro-form) pair of Raichle 413's and I was letting him use my old FP167, but the 13.2m radius on that board isn't so great for learning. 11m would be perfect! He's also got big feet and is over 6' tall, so the 21cm waist and 173 length are also perfect. I think he'd have a blast on this board. I'd reeeeally love it if I could sink the hook in him, that would give me a carving buddy in the family! Pretty please?? Edit - Tex, I know of scant few women who would enjoy getting back into snowboarding on a 173!
  6. http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-8186083394586729321&sourceid=searchfeed
  7. http://www.improveverywhere.com/mission_view.php?mission_id=57
  8. Ahh, I missed the part about a board for riding with hardboots <b>and</b> softboots. Yes, as Phil says, the All-Mountain Carving boards such as the Axxess, 4WD, AM are probably too narrow for your softboots. But those companies make some fine wider boards too.
  9. Very nice cross-through transition, however you don't follow through. Notice that as your heelside turn comes around, your right hand ends up behind you. This means the board is rotating under your body, and that your board and body are disconnected. Try driving forward with your right hand throughout the heelside carve, and keep it in sight. Board and body should carve as one.
  10. With all the great all-mountain offerings from Alpine-loyal boutique companies like Donek, Prior, Coiler, Madd, etc, the only reason left to consider a Burton is if you happen to find a sweet price on one that is in stock and ready to be picked up or shipped now. Otherwise, check out (in no particular order) the Donek Axxess, Prior 4WD (4x4), Prior ATV, Coiler All-Mountain, Madd BX. All excel at riding all terrain with hardboots.
  11. ahem, you are correct sir. Here's a distantly related question.... Is there any difference between a regular blank writable CD and one that says "music" or "audio" on it somewhere?
  12. Jack M

    RIP Croc Hunter

    He was one of the good ones. I absolutely *loved* it how in his interview with Matt Lauer, which they've been replaying, he pretty much told Matt and the press in general exactly where they could shove it.
  13. Jack M

    new convert

    Many answers to your questions and others are here: http://www.bomberonline.com/articles/welcome_center.cfm
  14. After much deliberation, Todd and I and other intimately interested parties have agreed that in order to uphold and grow the quality of the event, the ECES should stay on a biannual schedule. See you in 2008!! We encourage anybody else to organize a carving get-together in the east in the off years. But out of respect for what the ECES has become and all those involved, we would really appreciate it if it didn't have a "MacDowell's" type name like East Coast Carving Session or Ice Coast Expression Session or whatever. Thanks.
  15. Jack M

    Colby College

    College a capella groups are just about the lamest thing ever. I went to UNH, where they have the "New Hampshire Gentlemen". These guys thought they were gods gift to women and probably more than a few thought they were gods gift to men too. But in reality they were oblivious embarrassments to themselves and their family names. Anyone who wasn't a starry-eyed chick or in the drama program wanted to beat the snot out of these primadonnas. Maybe other colleges have a capella groups that are somehow less, um, uncool, but I can't fathom it. The NH Gentlemen made my skin crawl.
  16. Jack M

    Colby College

    My wife just called me from route 95 here in Maine. She just drove past the Brunswick exit, where there is one of those big green road signs that says "Bowdoin College Exit Here" or something to that effect. However today, there is a poster affixed to that sign that says "Colby Wait List Exit Here".
  17. Racing scooters is almost as cool as racing lawnmowers.
  18. Jason, I wonder if it would be beneficial for you to step back to basics and try a learning drill we call The Norm....? http://www.bomberonline.com//articles/feel_the_carve.cfm
  19. Well I don't know what an .ogg is, but the difference between a lossless file and even a 256kbps mp3 is quite obvious to me on my system. And I'm not bragging about my system, it's not <i>that</i> great. (well okay, my Transparent speaker cables are friggin' awesome, probably better than anyone here's except maybe Gilmour's, but only because I got them for 70% off when I worked in a hi-fi store for a summer) umm, see kjl's posts. Actually much of what goes over the internet is losslessly compressed, especially text. If the html file your browser requests gets corrupted en route even by one <i>bit</i>, your file has to be re-sent. CDs get scratched, fingerprinted, lost, stolen, bitten, etc., especially by four year old boys named Teddy, and one year old girls name Dory. Also, you can't play a shuffle of your <i>entire collection</i> in your CD player (assuming it's not a jukebox).
  20. Article about this here: http://www.bomberonline.com//articles/seperate_zee_knees.cfm
  21. or there's this one. heh, That shot is from 2004, I have a few new boards. That was a Donek 186 (15m). Spectacular board. I'm "making the rounds" so to speak - Madd, Prior, and a Coiler on the way. Can't wait till I can justify putting one of each in the quiver.
  22. Yeah, something is definitely wrong then. When your stance setup is working for you, (and you are in reasonably good shape), you should be able to carve and ride around all day in relative comfort and freedom of motion. Here's an article on canting that might give you some ideas: http://www.bomberonline.com/articles/canting.cfm Glad you liked that vid. (gosh, where is it now?) There would be more of that if Bob would get off his GSXR-spoiled butt and finish up the SES/ECES footage! :p
  23. The best stance advice is to experiment. Personally I think lots of heel lift and a flat front foot is a recipe for front quad burn-out, followed by unbalanced muscle development. But some people enjoy this setup. Try a stance with equal toe lift and heel lift, or at least <i>some</i> toe lift, and try to ride more centered and upright, without bending all the way forward at the waist (see below). I like bindings mounted centered on the sidecut. I think more than an inch of setback is ill-advised for anyone.
  24. Played through a real system, they will sound like crap when compared to the original. Disk space is cheap. Your music collection is priceless. Rip everything using lossless compression, then make 128kbps "portable" copies from those for your mp3 player.
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