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Jack M

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Everything posted by Jack M

  1. Jack M

    New Camera!

    Mirror can't say that Canon bodies are better but you get to say that Nikon bodies are better?
  2. Jack M

    New Camera!

    Thanks Maciek.... I think? When I got my old job (the one I just left, the one I had for 5.5 years) I had no professional programming experience and no degree in CS, just a few classes under my belt and my own aptitude that someone recognized. So I went to work and took classes part time. Without the degree, I'd probably be stuck at my old job, or I'd be taking a lesser position with any new company. With the degree, now I can write my own ticket. No regrets. CS job market in Maine is looking bright for now. Anyway, back to cameras... Sean, thanks, and great shots. Did you have to manually focus on the owls? My camera would have autofocused on the tree branches in front of them I'm sure. Yes, as Mirror says, only the high-buck Canons are full frame, though I've heard rumors of a $1500 full-frame Canon body "just around the corner". Who knows. I couldn't wait, the kids are growing too fast. Mirror70, I wholeheartedly disagree that a 3mp ccd beats film for resolution. I've read that you'd have to go to about 20 megapixels to equal the resolution in a 35mm frame of film, and numerous articles about how film still beats digital. Not that I care, I'm totally converted, but let's be honest. Canon vs. Nikon - I've heard all kinds of contradicting arguments - Canon lenses are better and Nikon bodies are better, and vice versa. I think whatever camera you're most comfortable operating will give you more consistent results. For me, that's Canon. JPEG - yes, I have recently seen the light of RAW. Storage is cheap compared to the pricelessness of memories. And to be fair to child #2: http://www.cs.usm.maine.edu/~gmichaud/dory.jpg (400k)
  3. I know what you mean, the article is a real revelation. I have the Z1R and it is an excellent value, but if lots of ventilation is very important to you, then look elsewhere. It only has the chin vent and the basic two holes in the forehead and a pair of exit vents in back. That's fine with me because I live in Maine and I don't do a lot of long range riding. Also the liner is decent but pretty basic. Still, better than you'd expect for $90. If you want to feel like your head is being cradled by Angelina Jolie's bosom, you'll have to look to Arai or Rossi's AGV, the latter you can buy here with BSI certification and not Snell.
  4. umm, no. http://www.motorcyclistonline.com/gearbox/motorcycle_helmet_review/index.html
  5. not that these get in my head, but... Wind Beneath My Wings - Bette Midler. Purple Rain - Prince I Will Always Love You - Whitney Houston And no bar mitzvah or cheap wedding would be complete without the Chicken dance.
  6. I thought the carving with dozens of great folks was the best part. Willy - are you the illegitimate offspring of Nicholas Cage and Edward Norton? ;)
  7. I <i>really</i> don't think the article said that at all. Even the softer helmets stood up to the most gruelling tests. Be sure to read the bottom of the article where Snell responds and then Motorcyclist rebuts. Snell comes out looking like fools. agreed.
  8. http://www.kickina.com/chokeback/ChokebackYanks.wmv
  9. ...on a website called "old snowboards" Phil, my b-day was in March, but I'll take it. Bryan, this gallery is incomplete without the Logical!
  10. Simple scare propaganda. The above article proves this isn't true. A $90 helmet beat all others in their test. Of course, there are crappy helmets out there that say "DOT" on them, but won't do squat in a crash, like many of the Harley type half helmets.
  11. Read this in its entirety. Seriously. http://www.motorcyclistonline.com/gearbox/motorcycle_helmet_review/index.html The good news is you don't have to spend $$$ on a helmet if you don't want to. After reading that I went out and got a Z1R ($90) and have been quite happy with it.
  12. That's your board? Very nice! Reminds me of a blond Stratocaster.
  13. another homebrew from that site: some people just don't get it.
  14. www.grafsnowboards.com very interesting. one example: nice choice of bindings!
  15. Jack M

    New Camera!

    Apparantly there are widely available adapters called "T-mounts" that allow you to attach a DSLR to a telescope. Then if you want to get really serious, Canon makes the 20Da which is a 20D modified for astrophotography. Go here, and then click the link for the 20Da: http://consumer.usa.canon.com/ir/controller?act=ModelDetailAct&fcategoryid=139&modelid=10464
  16. I never lock my alpine board because I (perhaps naiively) think that nobody wants it! No problems in 17 years!
  17. Jack M

    New Camera!

    Thanks. Nice shot, looks like it will be a real winner after some Photoshopping. Are you prefocusing? If you do that, the response should be almost instant. Yes, the Digital Rebel will accept all Canon lenses. The Rebel has really come down in price.
  18. Jack M

    New Camera!

    My 30D came bundled with some pretty nice software, including a RAW viewer/editer/converter, so I'm going to get into it. Up to now I've been turned off by the extra post-processing time required, but the Canon software is pretty straightforward and works well. My understanding of working in RAW so far is that it basically allows you to change "camera settings" after the fact - most significantly white balance, sharpening, and color tones. The benefit here is that you get to work on the image <i>before</i> any JPEG compression is applied. As the guy in the camera shop said, when you shoot in RAW, you're shooting negatives. When you shoot in JPEG, you're shooting slides.
  19. Jack M

    New Camera!

    Thanks, yes that's my son, with MUD on his hands. Bob Jenney is a Nikon guy, so I have already been given my ration of crap! :)
  20. Jack M

    New Shoes

    Ha! cool. Those same sipes have been used in boat shoes (think preppy Docksiders) forever.
  21. Jack M

    New Camera!

    Sorry to hear that Pat!
  22. Jack M

    New Camera!

    What can I say, I am a gearhead. Boards, cameras, motorcyles, home theater.... there was considerable sticker-shock, but photography is a quasi-serious hobby of mine and the camera will be put to good use. The kids are only going to be young once, may as well have the best possible pictures of them! Here's a sample...
  23. Jack M

    New Camera!

    Thanks! Actually, I have a bachelor's in ME, but I've been a software developer for the past 5 years and am almost done with a master's in CS. New job is programming for a company in the health care industry. Although there is a distinct possibility I could go back to engineering someday if all the stars align.
  24. Jack M

    New Camera!

    I know there's some fellow digital camera geeks lurking about here. Landed a new job last week so I went out and finally got a DSLR, which I've been wanting for years. Picked up the Canon 30D with 17-85IS-USM lens. Really thrilled with it so far. Can't wait to get it on the slopes and put the 5fps continuous drive to work. I don't really have a point here, just wanted to gab about cameras while I'm now a "short timer" at my soon to be ex-job. Yeehaw!
  25. Jack M


    It so happens, I raised the rear with a longer shock (first a modded cbr900rr unit, then a Fox). The bike rides nothing like stock now, which is good. Nah. Agreed on the SSSA, durace!
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