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Jack M

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Everything posted by Jack M

  1. I thought the thread title said resort? Why are all these mole-hills being mentioned? If we're going to play that game, I'll add Lost Valley in Auburn, ME. Can't believe nobody is taking my SR flame-bait!
  2. Actually it's pretty good, but the amount of g.d. traversing you have to do to get around the place drives me up the wall. They have a trail they actually named "Kansas" because it is so long and *flat* - like, take your back foot out and skate for what seems like a mile, flat. And you cannot avoid taking it multiple times a day. I am thankful SR exists though, it acts as a crowd buffer for Sugarloaf.
  3. the examiner knows that instructors doing that will inspire a lot of newbs to try to put their hands on the snow, which will just be bad. getting your hands on the ground is a byproduct of carving, not the goal.
  4. So it's basically serrating the edge? Interesting. I guess I would do it on B&C. If I could only pick one, I guess C.
  5. Jack M


    I think you mean 26 degrees of rake. No bike has 6. Also you probably <i>raised</i> the forks in the triple clamps, thereby lowering the front end. I've done this with my bike, just 10mm, and it totally transforms the bike. Best mod for the money I've ever done! (free)
  6. Jack M


    Suzuki. http://www.sportrider.com/bikes/2005/2005-suz-sv650-b-3.jpg Also comes in crotch-rockety flavor: http://www.sportrider.com/bikes/2005/2005-suz-sv650s-b-3.jpg Or if that's too exciting, check out the Suzuki GS500, the alternative to the Ninja 500... http://www.ridertraining.biz/GS500.04.jpg newer vintage comes in sporty dress: http://www.sportrider.com/bikes/2005/2005-suz-gs500-a-3.jpg Or if you need REALLY low seat hight, Buell Blast http://www.sportrider.com/bikes/2005/2005-buell-blast-3.jpg
  7. Yup, in grad school I had a statistics professor who was Indian. Every now and then he would come in to class looking all tired and dishevelled because he'd been up all night watching an Indian cricket game on satellite. Apparantly a single cricket game can take 8 hours or even days to complete! If it wasn't that I was going to say Manchester United vs Liverpool. Or maybe UM vs. OSU. Nah, OSU sucks. :p
  8. Sweet graphics! But have you heard from Sims yet?? I like the specs, both boards will be great for freecarving. However, I don't know of any race/carving board maker using biaxial glass, so that claim on the spec sheet is a little tall. congrats!
  9. I tried that and felt like the board turned nothing like a snowboard, more like a car. On a snowboard and a normal skateboard, the pivot point is between your feet. If you lock out the rear truck, the board now pivots about your rear foot. That feels weird to me.
  10. Portland is a suburb of Boston.
  11. Yeah but it shouldn't be! They're supposed to love Boston and never want to leave! Like Ted Williams! Actually Jeter has voiced such devotion to the Yankees. Always wanted to play there, has no interest in playing anywhere else. I give him a lot of credit for that.
  12. Players defecting from the Sox to the yankees is among the sluttiest moves in all of sports. It's like your college girlfriend dumping you for the guy across the hall in your dorm, and you have to listen to them having loud sex on a nightly basis. Err... so I imagine. 'course, we'd take him back with open arms. We're all slobbering over the prospect of Rocket finishing his career in bean town.
  13. you knew it was only a matter of time...
  14. I read a study (heh, past tense) that said that the international language of business is rapidly becoming english, however this is actually bad for people who speak english as their native tounge. It's because two people who speak english as their second language can understand each other better than if one speaks it as their first language. People who learn english as a second language, or for business purposes typically only learn one meaning per word, so "right" only means the opposite of left, it does not also mean "correct". And so on.
  15. Of course, every board has a speed/carve size limit. Perhaps you would have liked the f2 better, or rather, found the f2 to be more stable at speed. I didn't try the f1 (I'm 175lbs), but I would think that the f1 would have given you the same ride as the f2 gave me. Maybe not. Anyway, Madd claims improved vibration dampening characteristics with the brass inserts. They also have a larger diameter flange on the bottom, and have a stepped profile. According to Madd, if you get your screws at least 3.5 turns in, the board will rip apart before the inserts strip.
  16. Sounds good. Longer sidecuts are good for *not* carving as well as carving. Less sidecut *depth* makes the board more maneuverable - it doesn't always want to hook into a turn.
  17. Good grief man, you just can't catch a break! Get well soon. (Switch?!? Old men aren't supposed to ride switch! :p)
  18. Nope, it's just that it wasn't very good advice. There are better choices both in terms of performance and availability. still want a t-shirt?
  19. The irony is, this is Sugarloaf's biggest dump since October. Reggae fest is going to go OFF.
  20. I think some of my comments have been misconstrued as bashing EC. Ride however you want, if you're having fun that's all that counts. My only problem with EC as a technique is when (all too often) beginner carvers get a hold of one of their (awesome) videos and make EC their holy grail. It simply teaches a lot of bad habits, like reaching for the snow and swiveling at the waist, which are both, yes, wasted motion, for a newbie. Learn how to carve first. Learn about angulation, inclination, cross-over, cross-under, cross-through, learn how to carve the downhill edge, and learn how to carve from the ground up, with your ankles. After you master this stuff, THEN you can try to EC. (speaking generally here, by "you" I don't mean Ken D) Or go ahead, try to EC from day one. You'll spend years with your ass in the air, groping for the snow with your hands and wondering why you can't carve that well. Then someone will point out that you've got your ass in the air and your hands on the ground, and you'll spend more years trying to fix it. Suit yourself.
  21. taken today. http://www.sugarloaf.com/daily.html
  22. Kimo, true, without lessons, softboots might be easier. But nobody should learn to snowboard on their own, right? Steeps - if we're really talking about steeps, standing up between each carve takes too much time and you will quickly exceed your speed limit. I think the best advice for steeps is to learn cross-through technique (see tech articles). Pumping carves is fun, but only when you have total confidence in the snow. Willy (or is it Jasey?)..... Purecarve Maverick? I cannot think of a worse board for the east. That, and it's discontinued. Are you trying to mess with our newcomer or something?
  23. 12-14" new snow at the loaf http://www.sugarloaf.com/daily.html
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