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Everything posted by charliechocolate

  1. I let the mixed precipitation and fog pass before heading up. I caught my first chair at 7 PM and it was still light out. It was chewed up and bumpy sugar on ice everywhere which is why I dislike night riding. But, I figure I'd get one last night session in before they close out evenings for the season.
  2. First tracks down easy rider. We had some pretty good quality snow today, kind of made me wish I was on a board. I don't last long on skis so I was out of there by noon. The car was under some 7 cm and now the Cypress snow stake is approaching 25 cm. It was snowing well past the look out. Not bad for March. It should be very good tomorrow.
  3. Wow they have good roads down there. I think the camera guy was also on a board. Holy crap, indeed.
  4. I would bet that the exploitive child labour practices this place engages in makes the accommodations super cosy. Bet hey, I also love snow until I have to shovel it.
  5. Nope, they're terrible. Just as bad as those Oxess ones which you really should just put up on the classifieds.
  6. It sounds like a solid carver and I've been meaning to demo one. My favourites are Nidecker spectre carbon and the Yes Optimistic Both are a hoot.
  7. Yesterday's awesome snow is today's hardpack with some 5cm of unforecasted chowder from last night. The light rain and the crowds packed it down into some dense grippy stuff so it's actually pretty good carving snow. I had some good runs down Jasey and Rainbow then finished the day off running laps on Midway.
  8. "When you can't make up your mind, half-ski, half-snowboard."
  9. I got to the parking lot at noon, was on the chair by 12:30. Some grippy hardpack today. Massive line up on Lions and it just kept getting busier. It snowed nicely most of the afternoon, there was some 5 cm on my car by the time I left at 4.
  10. One option for gear is to cruise the for-sale section of this EU carving forum.
  11. Pow-ish day, at least on Raven and Eagle. Had first tracks down Raven and it was pretty sweet considering how just a few cm came down overnight. First sun and Trumpeter still yucky. Everything got tracked out and lumpy around noon so there was no point staying. It was still coming down nicely when I was heading back.
  12. Nice bindings. How much steeper can you go with the angles? Looks like there's going to be a fair bit of overhang.
  13. I might have seen the same hardbooter on easy rider. It wasn't much better in the afternoon. That one-pass nonsense they try to pass off as grooming just turns into sugar on ice very quickly.
  14. I had the urge to put this on and now it's stuck in my head. Thanks a lot.
  15. I ride a spectre carbon, also from the carve series. The specs look very similar. Even though they market it as a board that you can ride with hardboots, it doesn't hold an edge like a Coiler all-mountain. But it's more playful and better in the glades, in my opinion and is a ton of fun.
  16. Yes, it's still available. It ships from B.C. Canada.
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