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Everything posted by daveo

  1. I'm sure he has signed something that said 'if we mess you're board up, too bad' and he's not entitled to anything, from a legal standpoint. I'd hold off calling the police. Let's be honest, the board isn't worth anything these days, perhaps a refund of the tuning cost could go toward you treating yourself to a new board. Naming and shaming can go terribly wrong unless you have hard evidence they did it. Otherwise, you could end up in legal trouble yourself. Tread lightly and consider it a lesson learnt.
  2. What does that even mean? Whatever it means, I'm glad you responded :) But as Corey and I have both said now, this is about how damp a board it, the plate has nothing to do with it.
  3. But I don't think a plate has any bearing on how the board handles ruts.
  4. I think what Corey is referring to is the post above in this thread.
  5. My Catek OS1 Short bindings' kingpins have both been rounded over time. I don't currently have them with me so I can't take them down to the local nuts n' bolts to get new ones. Does anyone know the exact specs of the Catek OS1 Kingpins- like the thread type and bolt length? SB
  6. I'm not that handy, unfortunately. I've always been blessed with the choice of plain topsheets, like on my oxess, kessler and coiler. It's an important factor to me.
  7. They're definitely around, spoke to the a few days ago.
  8. That's one hundred percent correct. I believe the graphic is an expression of form and emotion- and I don't feel like this is a reflection to the legacy this board should portray, therefore the graphic does entirely dictate getting this board or not. For me, anyway. If it is offered in black, sign me up.
  9. +1 on Steve Fleck If the board has the option to have plain black, I'd prefer that, and get one, if not, I'll pass.
  10. is it just me or is the graphic basically the total opposite of what the original madd stood for? =\
  11. Are you asking for money for this board? Or?
  12. Are you asking for money for this board? Or?
  13. I am one of the eBay sellers.
  14. nah it's really worth nothing. better off just give it to me and let that be that
  15. Hm I already don't like the way this is headed. I'll pass. Good luck finding an Arbor alpine, sir.
  16. What is your budget my friend?
  17. I sent ya a pm, got some stuff
  18. Now I know the reason behind all the missing threads...
  19. considered foam injected liners?
  20. I have a sale pending on a set of burtons. I'll let you know if it falls through.
  21. how many monies do you want for a set?
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