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Everything posted by Zone

  1. Thanks for the handle pic! I think I know what you mean by hurting your neck with 'heavy' helmet. I used to own a Boeri Shorty Postal (hard thick shell on the outside), and when I fall can really feel my neck (I don't have a lot of neck muscle!), whereas now I can't really feel the helmet with the Giro G10 (thin shell on the outside). The Boeri is 19oz, the G10 is 14.5oz, or a difference of 125g or so. Does not sound like much but when the G10 only weight 410g, that's significantly more.
  2. Thanks. I'm taking my statement back.
  3. To be fair to Sooperburd (what does it mean btw?): older/heavier helmet cause more neck injuries esp. in children due to the lesser neck muscle strength that cannot hold back the combined weight of their head+helmet.
  4. You're right. I usually shoot jpeg with the occasional RAW in difficult lights. Looks like RAW is not supported in Flickr Pro, so that's out for you as a Pro!
  5. Jack, How's Smugvault compared to Flikr Pro? Flikr Pro slow to upload (running around 70kb/s for me) but unlimited storage including video for $25/year or so.
  6. You can't get in the park here without a helmet around here. Wearing a helmet? It's a no brainer (couldn't resist!)
  7. I personally used skis with my first child then eventually skiboards with my next two and for turny, slow speed, carving, switch the skiboards were great. In addition I can use my snowboard boots on them, so no going back to the car to change when the kids are tired of learning. Hopping between gear is a breeze. Smaller gear to carry, esp. when you have a bunch of kids stuff to take along. And you can still support Fin since the top skiboard binding is Bomber. You're going to get weird looks but no different than when you're on carving board:eek:
  8. Muscle weights more than fat, hardbooting is hard work. I'm sticking to that (not that I need to, but for those that need an excuse!)
  9. I can't remember the research quotes I looked up at the time: soft boots: break the ankles (no support) snowboard hardboots: break at the talus (on top of the heel bone) at the extreme of the forward flex ski boots: break at the tibia/fibula at the boot cuff releasable snowboard boots (if they dont' release immediately at the same time): this is my guess, because the board continue to rotate at a different rate than your leg: spiral fracture of tib/fib ?ankles, ie very messy. And that's without going into knee injuries. So, avoid loading the nose in soft snow and don't submarine your nose. My 2c.
  10. Bruce V broke his in similar fashion, sudden stop, folded the nose and forward flip. Xray might not show this kind of break, you might need an MRI. The fact that you can't weight bear right after is often a good indicator of a break. Get seen, get well.
  11. Sorry, we usually don't do family showers. Nice suggestion if you're at the GF stage though!:lol:
  12. There was a video of it. Can't find it though.
  13. Close calls x 2 within 1 week by very experienced skiers on empty slopes (and I looked before carving hard across). Both about a foot away or so. Even though there are lots of hardbooters here, even good skiers are not used to us cutting so hard across. No hits, so both times, we just had a good laugh, but we could have been crying.
  14. Yes for winter, summer does not seem to be a problem with a waxing where I leave a coating of wax on the edges after the last run of the season.
  15. With 3+ boards, a bunch of skis from the family, skates, etc...rust is a pain in the derrière. Even after wiping the edges clean, it seems unless I leave the gear in the car on very cold days, even the cold garage produces enough condensation on cold edges to induce rust. I sometime apply car rust proofing oil on them, but am afraid it will damage the base or the board somehow. Any good tips out there, short of stainless steel (Bruce?) or titanium (Bruce with $$$)?
  16. Hotbeans, You sent me a message but your email needs to be turned on and your email address needs to be updated. John
  17. Interesting, my first day on mine was at SOS, with 2-3' on top of hard pack and I had the same feeling. Should have taken out the Dual to try instead but first day out on new board I persisted like you and have to watch the nose (not a huge deal but still have to watch that nose). However conditions like that are rare around here and on hard pack the board has been just fun and effortless.
  18. Agree, GREAT board. Smooth riding at much higher speed than I'm used to, any radius with metal flex in the middle of the turn when you push, and great pop at the end. I'm leaving the plastic protector on as long as possible (looks better than shiny in the wood topsheet IMHO). I changed it's name to Tongue Depressor
  19. 'Looks like you were having fun, laying it all out'
  20. Nice set up, makes for very smooth videos considering it's on the board
  21. Really nice video. Where do you attach (and how) you GoPro? Boots/bindings or on your board? I'm trying to avoid the helmet since it does not seem to show the sense of speed that your video is showing.
  22. Original article: http://www.theglobeandmail.com/life/health/how-do-snow-sports-stack-up-as-workouts/article1464390/
  23. got the feeling CBC is not doing the olympics this year. CTV/TSN, although I could not figure out from their schedules when the snowboard racing is going to be
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