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digger jr

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Everything posted by digger jr

  1. Would like to thank the Turner ski patrol and Rob from Ontario for helping Gloria get back to the bottom on the last day. She buried herself a couple times in the powder on the backside trees and was pretty beat up by the time she got out.
  2. Amen! As far as hardboot carving angles go,I always followed the “put your toe and heel as close to the edges as possible. This makes sense from a leverage point, but I’ve recently in creased my angles to 65-68 front and 60ish rear ( used to be 60/54 )with some underhang on the front heelside to eliminate bootout (20 cm board).These angles have freed up my ability to angulate and eliminated front leg knee pain. Just saying sometimes a little experimentation can really make things work. My heelside was always very strong, but toeside not so much. Especially transition from heel to toe. Now with new angles , transition has become more seamless. Angulation is much better on toeside- more powerful toe turns. Could always dump speed on heelside but not on toe. To be able to dump some speed on toeside is great now able to keep a more steady speed Not pimping any specific angles, but just saying if things aren’t working great, might pay to change things up a bit. It’s only taken me 13 years to figure this out:).
  3. LMAO. You Montuckians are too much:) I hope we can survive MCC.
  4. It’s getting a little nuts around here.
  5. Did you see if Donek has any parts?
  6. Hi Boris! Just started screwing around with the DGSS spring system. The springs themselves are MUCH softer than BTS,so you get easy flexing at first,but then resistance or stop.you could also cut down front boot forward spring to lock in sooner and put sleeve or much stiffer spring for rearflex on back boot. I run my boots ( Deeluxe) pretty upright, probably at the 4 position and like the increased flex, but also didn’t feel like was going to hurt my ankle like in walk mode.
  7. I would do a 2 spring Deeluxe set if still available. I’ll be at MCC. Thanks.
  8. Thanks so much for your generous offer. Couldn’t put it together this time. Maybe next year. See you at Turner?
  9. Sorry for the delay MLY 167,22.5 waist 10m sidecut . In very good shape. Early 2000s?
  10. My address, Ron Fechter 2855 Carole dr Cottonwood Heights,Ut 84121 Thanks Bill
  11. Hi trikerdad, I’ll take them thanks. I can PayPal you tomorrow. Is that ok? Ron
  12. Maybe I’ll steer him towards the F2 bails.
  13. He’s 180 lbs and in his 20s so he’ll get aggressive.
  14. Have a friend whose getting some size 27 UPZ boots and F2 Intec Titanium. Which size binder to get M or L? I know UPZ are a little harder to center up. Does the large size binding give you more fore/ aft adjustability? Thanks
  15. Skier guy comes up behind Gloria in the lift line and asks her: Hey what’s your radius? Gloria looks at me and I tell him 10 or 11. Later we decided the correct answer was 36-24-36.
  16. Yes, also looking ahead of where you are going. “ Look up to hook up”.
  17. Hi, Watched you a bit when we met at Solitude. (This is Ron). Also like dredman don’t claim to be great instructor. Getting the board tilted up higher on the edge is what you need to do. Saw some good turns on the flatter terrain then when we got to Main Street more skidding. Maybe every once in a while when you know you’re clear really go for a hard turn and just ride it until you stop to give you the feeling. Also like Dave said angulation really helps. To get the ribs to hips feeling you can try sliding your outside hand down your leg or reach for your outside boot. Just thinking about that can make it easier,so you’re just thinking about 1 thing at a time. It’s like golf, if you try to think about more than one or two things at a time you’ll get confused This also helps with Dave’s #1 don’t reach for the snow with the inside hand. Sometimes easier said than done. Also don’t be shy about spending time on the green runs. Some days, especially when the snow is fast, I have the most fun on the easier runs.
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