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Everything posted by Fleaman

  1. I was tuning my board this weekend and noticed that my base is convex, the edges are about 1mm lower than the center of the board. Is this excessive? I was wondering if a base grind would clean it up? The board seems to handle well and I have no complaints about it other than the edgehold on ice, the edges have been sliding over too many rocks this year. Any ideas on how I can level it myself? I dont want to spend too much on the board as I have a new Coiler AM coming next season. Thanks Jason
  2. WTF!!! see what you guys started!
  3. I share it on overnet (edondkey) but I dont have it on now, I sometimes turn it on overnight to get large files.
  4. 190 lbs eh? Is that so she can ride a longer board for her weight and you could "Borrow" it all the time?
  5. I ride and my wife is learning, she likes it but cant do it for longer than 2 hours. She can ski with me all day and likes to stay on the groomers so I get a chance to use my Coiler PR (I can't patrol on it because it wont go in the trees or bumps or powder)
  6. I was riding today, and standing in the lift line, I saw this guy riding an old 80's checkered pig alpine board with plates and ski boots at 0 degrees. I talked to him and he loves the thing. He wants to buy new equipment but cant find any, so I steered him here, I hope he continues plate riding, but what blew me away was how much fun he said he was having and how his straight board rides in the moguls better than the new boards. Well each to their own, I agreed with him and smiled and carried on to eat up all the rest of the powder on my rossi alpine deck. It wasnt a carving day, the snow was too soft and I dug in too much and scrubbed to much speed, so I just did quick fall line turns or rode in the trees.
  7. Fleaman


    What can I say? SWEET!
  8. right click on the links he has and choose "save target as" Worked for me
  9. Kinda sounds like a lawsuit to me, Chairlifts that are too low are to be roped off so you cant hit them.
  10. I have one too, its a KR 159 Asym board, with Morrow or Mistral ?Bindings. I have no clue what kind of board it is. I have not been on it yet, it was given to me from the left overs at the ski swap. I was hoping to give it a tune and let my short friend try it out to get the feel of hard boots.
  11. This has happened to me a few times also, it hurts like a son of a bitch. When you go over the handle bars, you smash your noggin and shoulder at the same time. The first time I did it, I saw stars, I thought that was just a myth, but I really saw stars. It feels like someone grabbed you by the legs kinda like a baseball bat and swung you around to hit the ground as hard as they could. It has happend on my 167 rossi alpine and my 188 coiler PR, and usually when I am going pretty fast. By reading Bordy's thread about detuning, it made sense that it will reduce nose loading, and come to think of it, all the times it happend, my boards werent detuned. Cya Jason
  12. I didnt get to see your friend ride, but I heard about him, He was diggin and draggin pretty good . I was actually humbled by it. My friend said he was better than I was. I have to admit, there are tons of riders better than myself and I love to watch them, it gives me something to look forward too. I can learn better ways to ride from them too.
  13. Hey Skate goat, I did see you at Apex, I remember the board you were riding. I didnt get to see you ride though. But while I was patrolling I went over To the Prior tent and checked out one of their WCR's. I found that if I wasnt centered on the board on my heelsides, it would skid. But with my Coiler Pr and Rossi I can lean forward lots and it doesnt affect the board at all. So while I was riding the WCR, I would initiate the turn a little forward then rock back slowly to finish the turn and it worked great.
  14. No, it wasnt me, I moved out here from Ontario, but it could be my fellow patroller Darin, He is a master of the bumps on plates. He goes to red for training every once in a while.
  15. If you go to Apex, anything off the triple chair is groomed, and there are a few good steep groomed runs of the quad. I will be there on saturday. I will be the patroller on plates, there are two of us, I will be the big tall one. Say hi if you see me. The nice thing about apex, is there is now crowds.
  16. I detune my coiler pr 188 and also my rossi alpine 165. I use an edge hone to detune my boards. I havent played with detune length so I cant help you there.
  17. I need to detune my boards about 10 cm in front and in back. I use 1 degree base bevel and 90 edge seems to work ok for me, but if I dont detune my board, when skidding turns or sideslipping on ice or boiler plate man made snow, (I am a patroller, I do have to slow down or stop once in a while) My boards grab big time and its tough to keep my balance. With the edges detuned, I can sideslip easily. I doesnt affect its hold on hard pack while carving that I can notice. I think it makes the board handle easier all around for every day riding. IMHO if you ride groomed all day and dont skid any turns at all (RACING?), you probably dont have to detune, but normal freecarving you should.
  18. I used to wear reactors, for about 8 years, and they sucked every day I rode them. I finally convinced my wife I need a new pair of boots and bought a pair of Lemans and they feel about 100 times better. My riding seemed to improve a bit also. After 8 years of hurting feet, now I am comfy.
  19. if they are anything like my lemans boots, the dial cant be turned to 90 with the lever up, it just wont fit and it wouldnt do anything. To lock your boots with the powder dial, stand in your boot and lean it just below the number you want and then turn the dial then lean back to lock it on the number you like.
  20. While Ski patrolling today (on my board of course) I was ripping up the hill under the chair for our end of day sweep. It was awesome, no one on the hill and I was laying them out with the best of them. Just one problem, I was having too much fun and forgot about the rope drawn across the hill to shuttle skiers back to the village, but I had to go through it. Without missing a beat, I switched from a heelside to a laid out toeside and sneaked under the rope. If I was a freestyler or skier, I would have been seriously injured. After the fact, it was pretty cool and I cant wait to try it again.
  21. I am trying to get my soft booter friend into carving, short of letting him use my rossi alpine deck with ski boots does anyone have any tips like angles and tecniques to work on with his own freestyle board that help? I moved his bindings to 30 front and 27 rear, and worked on getting low. He improved his riding but still has the wash out hurdle to surpass.
  22. last year around xmas, I went to the ski school at sunshine and asked for an advanced lesson on Hard Boots and they offered a rider named Ricky, He rides hard boots sometimes and he improved my riding 10 fold. I would highly recomend him, he carved the mountain up like no tommorow. He rides with the Japanese team when they train in Canada. Call the school and find out if he is still there. Also you will have to pay for a private lesson, its not cheap but its worth the 2 hours.
  23. I was just wondering what happened to the pureboarding site www.pureboarding.com or www.pureboarding.ch they dont seem to work anymore. I love their movies and I was hoping that they would have some new ones for this season.
  24. Thats an easy one, Move to CANADA! We rock!
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