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Everything posted by Fleaman

  1. We have some unnamed runs at apex, but there was some talk to name some of them after the head patroller. His last name was Hirsfield so we were going to call one of the runs The Hershey Highway. But I dont think the general public appreciates names like that.
  2. At Apex , the one side of the mountain is dedicated to guns, we call them the gun runs, some of the names are ...Magnum, Dirty harry, Winchester etc. Some of the patrolers have cleaned lines in the trees between the runs in the summer time and named them Shotgun Wedding and Pump Action. Pump Action is hard to find, but it has a cool name and is a sweet line.
  3. Well up here in Canada, I like to buy bacon and lots of it. I find that bacon cooked in some maple syrup is good too, but I also crave the odd time some peameal bacon cooked on the bbq. If you ask the cooks behind the counter at the ski area, they will even put your bacon in the deep fryer so you can have some extra crispy bacon with your breakfast. Nothing pisses me off more than a rainy day at the hill and nothing to eat but soggy bacon with my eggs. ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................UHMMMM, Nevermind!!!
  4. I think it used to be called Todd Mountain, then Nancy Greene was involved with her husband or something and turned it into a big resort. They had a lot of problems along the way with the First Nations and land disputes etc.
  5. Some of the Private clubs in Southern Ontario are really pricey. The one I patrolled at (Beaver Valley) was $12000 initiation and $1000 per member per year. The initiation was lowered a few years ago because they had a hard time filling their 750 member family limit. They aslo had to use their minimum bar tab every month. It sure made for low lift lines and empty slopes, it was really nice. There was the odd snob or rich A$$hole, but you ignore them and they go away. Other private clubs like Osler Bluffs are really pricey. I am not sure of the initiation, but I did hear it was over $100000. You cannot join right away either, you have to be on a list and wait for someone to die or you marry a member to get in. They are great places to ride if you can get someone to sign you in, the grooming is excellent ( It is really hard to please rich people).
  6. I only live a few hours away, but I need to plan for it maybe next year, I used all my holidays this summer and have none for the early winter. It sounds like a great time.
  7. Like lonerider said about low speed, sometimes when I stand around in the lift line or just starting a run, I will fall down and flail like a beached whale for no reason. But once you start picking up speed, you become really really stable.
  8. Skidded turns are pretty easy on an alpine board, You can skid your turns if you are lazy, or you can rip them. Basically the same way as your soft setup, just with higher angles. Most groomed terrain is ok for carving, but when you get into trees and steep powder, you need to skid to check your speed. I even find that some trails are too narrow for my coiler PR so I have to skid them, the board wont turn fast enough while I am carving it. Anybody who says they never skid, is lying!
  9. RAD CHAD??????????????????? Come on man, who in their right mind would accept being nicknamed like that and hold some credibility. hang on, maybe he is onto something.................FLY FLEAMAN Yeah!!!
  10. I am the real lucky one here, I discussed this with my wife before we got married, she doesnt wear much jewelery, so we skipped on the engagement ring and bought a nice custom wedding ring for around 600 (CND). Her uncle is a goldsmith, so it was a sweet deal. I didn't even get a wedding band because I cannot wear rings at work (Powerlineman) and never have worn anything on my fingers. We feel that rings and such are superficial and do not bind the marriage, its trust and loyalty and a healthy amount of sex :D . Plus we saved lots of money for free beer at the wedding!
  11. G.O.R.B. Geeks on rental boards cya Jason
  12. Doesn't Burton (I know, I know) make a jacket with an mp3 built in with speakers in the collar? Someone told me about it a while back. The controls are on the sleeve and I guess the player goes in a pouch or something. I have also witnessed some GORB chicks with a backpack pumpin out some Britney Spears, it was wired with speakers on the outside and everything. Might be some options, and are probably alot safer than having ear buds.
  13. I had a carving lesson at Sunshine Village in Banff Alberta Canada. I had to ask for it(it was not advertised). But I did learn alot.
  14. Woooohooo, That is so cool. Thanks.
  15. Look here, its a famous snowboard for big bucks. Expensive snowboard way out of my league, but I wonder how much it will go for.
  16. I like Cookies! and besides, the Cookie Monster is cool!. I would like to have something else, but I don't really have time to size one up.
  17. Just wondering which hill has the most vertical in north america or which one has the longest run. I know that my home mountain Apex is 2000 feet even of vertical, but there are bigger ones, no?
  18. If you look hard enough, you might be able to find a sky hook for a good price, it will eliminate the timbers and give your chair the desirable free hanging look.;)
  19. Like they said, it is true that electricians use one hand. With the rubber gloves we wear at work, we can touch up to 15KV and with thicker pairs we can work on 30 kv. But mostly from an insulated bucket truck. Any higher voltages we use leather gloves and fiberglass sticks.
  20. Heh, Being a Powerline man, I hear tons of stories of people playing around and making mistakes. Rule Number one for power is not to give it a path to ground, I like to stand on rubber mats or use rubber gloves when handling live cables. I have never gotten a shock on the job, but lots as a kid playing around at home. Someday I want to build a Tesla Maching, I saw one that one of my trainer built and It was ***king Awesome!. I just need the space to build it and the balls to draw Arcs off of it.
  21. Speaking of movies, I was just wondering when the eces video will be done for our consumption!?
  22. Well up here in Canada, we have it expensive too. In southern BC, we are paying between 90 and 98 cents a litre. I dont know the conversion but its still ass expensive especially when we run the snow machines year round when the dogs from the dogsled usually tire out by June!
  23. I know if you use quicktime, if you have a registered version, you can comver file types quite easily. its under the file menu and export option from there you can change file extensions etc. click on options and you will have tons of controll over the quality etc.
  24. I have used that tecnique to duck ropes while patrolling. We pull ropes across the hill at final sweep to shuttle people back to the village and we have to duck them to go to the lifts. One day I forgot it was there until one turn before it, so I nonchalantly laid one out under the rope and carried on. I was sweating bullets, but at least I dont look like an idiot with rope burn on my forehead!
  25. Take a look at the sidecut radius of the different lengths. IMHO If you ride tighter trails, get the one witht the smaller turning radius. I have a Coiler 189 Pure race, it has a huge radius, and I cannot carve it across the hill properly on some of the tight trails, whithout scrubbing off some speed. My rossi alpine with a smaller radius turns fine on these trails. Generally shorter boards have smaller turning radius. If you like to go big, get the longer board, and if you like to turn lots, get the shorter one.
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