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Everything posted by Fleaman

  1. I am not sure but I think if there was lots of sponsorship logos, the racers would look like nascar cars! It would kinda ruin the purity of the sports. Just my point of view. Commercialism has it's merrits, but when do you draw the line. Look at the tobacco companies and their sports programs.
  2. I was discussing this with a friend the other day and I attributed it to being an amateur sport. They aren't "paid" to do what they do. They get sponsorships and living allowances from the goverment. The life of an amateur athlete is sometimes pretty dreary when it comes to cash.
  3. I would love to go down and ride some other mountains, but I need more time off. My goal in the next few years is to go to the SES and also one of the Carve Camps at Sun Peaks.
  4. I am sure glad Apex has snowmaking, at least there is a base on the groomed runs. Most of the trees and steeps are closed because there is nothing but icy hard mounds of cement. I was out today and the groomers were fine, other than a few spots. I cut a huge gouge on my base on god knows what and my friend on brand new skis blew the edge out and wrecked his base. At least all the snow is gone in the valley and it has warmed up eh?
  5. I rode the 175 on the demo day, I wonder if the longer board hooks up better and is more forgiving?
  6. Become a mountain patroller and you will get first tracks every day guaranteed!. We usually get 2 runs before the public, so it makes for some epic riding with fresh legs and not to mention poaching powder stashes.
  7. I ride with mostly skiers all day and they wait for me all the time, clicking in my bindings, riding across the hill etc. But I don't care, at least I am out and riding with some company. There is another Hard boot rider on the Patrol, but we never seem to be paired together.
  8. At apex, there is a sign at the top of the lifts that tells you which runs are groomed. Now imagine this. If they said something like "Ridge Run, Groomed by employee#7", that way the public can bitch and if they get too many demerit points taken away, the management should take their nightly weed stash away for a week untill they groom more consistenly:D This could work ?
  9. Those turns are fine on blue groomers, but when you get on diamonds and steeps, you will have to crouch as low as possible and get on top of that edge or it will take off on you. The same goes for anything that is bumpy or icy. Getting as close to your board really makes a big difference. Your legs will scream in pain but you will get used to it after a few days. Or you can just go out there and rip up the mountain and have fun learning and doing. :)
  10. I am 6'4 and I ride with 19.5 width and 62 front, 58 back. a bit of toe lift and back foot canted about 3 degrees. I do get lots of front leg burn at the start of the year, but it wears off as I become seasoned. I sometimes ride with my front foot locked and let my back foot unlocked on my lemans boots. But I find if it is really icy, I have to lock my back foot as far forward as possible. The only time I had problems with the tail skidding was when I demo'ed a Prior WCR. I was a real snappy board, but i found that I had to finish my turns with weight on the tail or it would skid. I didn't have time to see if it was my binding setup or just the board. But I did find it easy to compensate after I figured out what was goin on. Have you tried lowering your back foot angle a bit say 2 to 5 degrees lower than your front foot?
  11. I find angulation is the easiest way to get really low, but sometimes when I really want to lay one out, I will angulate to start then push away from my board and straighten out my body. This way you are still pressuring the edge and it wont skip out on you.
  12. I bought mine at the newstand on monday Nice Mag, good shots, even one of a carver. Pricey though, it cost me 18 bucks canadian. The Magazine seems focused on Big mountain riding. Kinda cool.
  13. Choosing which girl(s) you will sleep with tonight!:D
  14. Has anyone had any problems with Snow Pro's FAST heel system?
  15. I had a friend who had a dumb girlfriend Friend and father are replacing the chimney one day, she asks "Does your dad put the chimney up every year?" He had a dog that goes outside and is tied to a heavy brick with a chain. To make it easy to attach the chain to the dog at the door, he hangs it on a small hook. She asks "why is the house tied to the brick?" Last but not least "I didn't know you had to drain the noodles when making Kraft Dinner!" All are true, it is a good thing she put out alot.:D
  16. The only thing I am limited by my stance is riding switch. It can be done, but it's uncomfortable and slightly dangerous (not being able to see where you are going.) Some of the longer race boards don't handle all that well in powder and bumps, but I only ride mine on groomed runs and use my all mountain setup for the rest of the days. It is actually better because you are matching the board to the conditions and it helps improve your experience. I think ski areas should promote carving by offering lessons on a freecarve board and plates, kinda like they did when shaped skiis became the norm. Lately, you have to beg and plead for the snow school to give you a lesson on plate board, not to mention paying through the nose for a private lesson. They could also stock a few lengths of boards and boots in the rental shop. The only thing holding back the masses from picking up the sport is the lack of exposure and stock in snowboard shops. I would be willing to bet that the majority of alpine equipment nowdays is bought online.
  17. I love snowboarding but don't like riding the terrain park or hucking cliffs. I just like laying out turns at will. My favorite is taking my 188 Coiler PR and riding it 'till it's done turning by itself and switching edges and doing it all over again making huge radius turns using the width of the run. I sometimes crave carving and cannot wait to get to the mountain. It is a great feeling when you are riding down and pulling sweet turns like no tommorow, then riding the chair and checking out your line. Do this a few times and you will always see some softbooters or skiers trying to mimic your carving by dragging their hands in the snow trying to get as low as possible. I also love riding powder and trees too, but all roads lead to corduroy. So if you can ride the rough areas on plates and enjoy it, you can have a blast all over in the trees, steeps, bowls, groomed runs, not just in the halfpipe or the terrain park. Oh ya, I forgot. Chicks Dig It!
  18. I might be going up to Vernon this weekend on saturday, is anyone going to be there and what is the hill like after this thaw we are having? Cya Jason
  19. Sweet, It kinda give me some inspiration to race now. The only problem is no racing at apex, Does anyone know if there is some other adult program in the Okanagan?
  20. Usually found at Beaver Valley!
  21. The wait is worth it, I know that I am going to get the best board money can buy. I kinda thought you would be tied up with Jasey's equipment so I will just hang on for a bit more. Waiting in BC Jason
  22. Man I must be a rocket scientist or something. Dsub, are you mad that I am in front of you for a coiler? I was just kidding.:D I dont care about dirt on my base anyways, I go so fast that I need all the help I can to slow down.
  23. I used to carve squares awesomel but the biggest problem I had on Black diamonds was that I was going way too fast after 2 or 3 turns. I did find out however after a while that if I stayed in my carve untill I am going slightly uphill then finish it and start the other one, I would scrub some speed and could carry on down the hill with some normal speed. It made a big difference in my riding. I also found angulation and getting as low as possible on my board made it hook up in any conditon, even ice.
  24. D-Sub, I got on the list in March so even I am in front of you. Nya nYa nya nYa :D
  25. Just wondering why you shouldn't use an iron with holes? I have used one for a long time and the only thing I can think of is the holes hold wax and dirt which can contaminate your board base.
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