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Everything posted by Fleaman

  1. I need some longer cap screws for my new COILER AM and was wondering how many full turns is the norm for bolt insertion, I am currently at 3 full rotations on one board, but the bolts that come with the binding only turn 2 times.
  2. Thats all fine and dandy, but what do you do if you are hanging off the chair and they fix the chairlift and they start it back up..................There goes your modeling career! We can do it as mountain staff because we have communication with the lift mechanics and they will tell us when the lift is locked out and we can zip off the chairs. Any other time is dangerous not to mention the **** you will get from the mountain manager.
  3. eh? My inlaws live in Banff. Whenever we go, we get free babysitting and stay in a nice house on the Bow River for free. Then we ride like mad at Sunshine or Lake Louise, depending on the mood of my Wife. I haven't done it yet, but the Men's Downhill at LL looks like a good low carving steep run. I rode it lots before I was able to carve steeps.
  4. Let's hook up, drop me an email at fleagalbaum@hotmail.com
  5. I live in Penticton and dig trenches at Apex, but I do want to go to Big White someday especially with it being so close. I have only lived here for 2 years and have had no time to travel around to other areas.
  6. SWRiverstone, Have you lost your toenails yet hard carving on softies?
  7. This is what it was like early January, but it was only for about 2 1/2 weeks.
  8. Well it snows in the higher elevations and usually rains in the valley. we do get a few weeks of winter in the valley with some snow, but it doesn't last long. I don't have any pictures of the valley today, but I can say my lawn is almost green and it went to 10C today. I feel funny walking into Tim Horton's with my snowpants and jacket on when it's +10 before I go the the hill.
  9. On the Apex ski patrol, we carry nylon slings to make a waist belt and everytime we ride the chair, we pick up a bag of rope at the bottom station. If they call a lift evac, we can rig up and tie a munter hitch on our carabiner and rapell off the chair to help in getting guests off as fast as possible. We practice it every year, but I have never had to evac during open hours. At Beaver Valley in Ontario, they send up bags of blankets to all the riders of the chair while others are evacuating guests.
  10. We got 10 cm's overnight, woohoo. Now which wax should I use? This is kinda funny because we are riding our mountain bikes today on trails up to 2500 feet and then going snowboarding tomorrow. The greatest spot to live in Canada is here.
  11. Here is a description of the bevel sleeve, I thought it was like you described but it has a one degree bevel built into it. I will work like Neil's diagram described.(Thanks Neil) Base Bevel Sleeve I wasn't really sure what you were getting at in the other reply. But it's Ok, Fleaman has big shoulders.
  12. I dont think so, I did learn something in this thread, so for that I am greatfull. Neil's diagrams answered my question. Upon further inspection of my guide I now know how to use it and now it makes more sense. I found it hard to convey my question in writing. I am more of a show person.
  13. I use the 1 degree file sleeve that came with a KUU file. So if I put it closer to the edge, I will get more bevel and further away, less bevel, is there any way to find out the right distance to keep the sleeve?
  14. I use a file guide that slides on the file and raises it one degree on the base. I also use it on my DMT diamond stones (4") I was just wondering if my file is quite a bit longer and the file guide is further away from the edge, do the two tools work at different angles? For instance with a file, the guide is approx 8" away from the edge, and with the diamond stone, it is about 3" from the edge. If they produce different bevels, how do I use my diamond stones to hone the 1 degree bevel made by the file?
  15. Your mad is so easy, I was going to be her........ Uhhmm never mind. Please post a photo of you and your Madd in bed, would you kick her out for wearing socks?
  16. Maybe we can start a southern interior Carving, Killing-it session SICKS Now that would be cool! There would be like 3 of us there and we can carve the bumps and trees.
  17. I live in Penticton and ride at Apex.
  18. I am hoping to get up there this year for a day trip, If i do, I will contact you and maybe we can hook up.
  19. I used to have my CASI level 1 back in the 90's. I got it the year after I started riding. I passed it on plates. Back then plates were more common and for Level 1 all you need to know is how to do dynamic carves. I never pursued it more, I heard you needed a freestyle module and other stuff that I wasn't interested in. At our local area, we had a level 3 rider on plates (Smooth rider) and we had quite a crew of carvers in Northeastern ontario/northwestern quebec. It was kinda like a mini ses everyday. It was great riding with these people, it really pushed me to improve my riding. BTW I also had my CSIA 1 and Freestyle ski coach level 1 also.
  20. Dr Zone, do you have a link to the interview, I would be interested in hearing it.
  21. This is typical of my trenching, especially on steeps and fast runs. The lady and the detail are in my dreams.
  22. dunno. But there is one thing I do know, if all of us at Bomber followed mainstream and advertising, we all would be riding Burton freestyle boards with cheesy bindings and showing more than enough ass crack to kill the whole sport alltogether.
  23. I was thinking about contacting you via telepathy myself, but I got my dog to do it instead. Beer is working here too.
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