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Everything posted by P06781

  1. I really wanted to be there but my car got a flat on the home from work the night before . The tire had a chunk out of it and had to be replaced instead of just fixed and the shop didnt open till 8am. Jim
  2. Wow, Those look like the ones I sold earlier this year ..... Jim
  3. This is a great experience if you can find the time. Unfortunately I will be beaching it in florida at that time . Jim
  4. Mike and others, My wife and kids decided to take a florida trip for spring break and see their grandparents so I wont be able to make it to MBES. I have an older tanker 192 with burton raceplates that I would let anyone demo if you can arrange a pickup from portland. Its not perfect and is t-bolted. Its a green one with hibiscus flowers (these ones had a bad insert design). Hope you guys have fun Jim
  5. Sandy or Bryan , I have this monday and wednesday off this week. Let me know if you are going to ride so that I can meet up with you. We could have a tanker 2k day at MHMs. Jim
  6. Use a marine grade of epoxy , usaully takes 24hr to set but will be stronger and more flexible and fully waterproof. Home depot carrys some stuff. Jim
  7. +1 on the swim thing. Its an awesome no impact way to work out. Doing the breast stroke kick really helps with the legs in its squeezing like contractions to build powerful carving muscles. Jim
  8. P06781

    Human Gates

    Had the same issue at Meadows at the bottom of the vista chair. They actually want you to go so slow you have take your foot out and push over to the chair .... Jim
  9. When are you going to make it down south to Oregon so we can give the new tankers a spin ? Jim
  10. I need some 6 bumpers (any color) if you have any extras... Jim
  11. I saw a couple of alpine riders and always tried to find them but never could . I got there late at 10am and left at 1pm . Its too bad I didnt find you Eric as it would have been nice to ride with someone. I know what you are saying about the powder riding , looks like a big dump thrus/fri .... Jim
  12. It was the last sunny day before the snow before the snow comes back again. The top by cascade was kinda ruff with lots of chicken heads. Vista and Shooting Star were nice , firm yet carvable. I might go again in the mourning with 5" tonight and 6-14" predicted during the day tomorrow. Jim
  13. Burton Performer elite burton safari comp II 165 nitro epic asym 169 hot ? alpine 165 ride kildy 169 nitro fury 176-1st pow board mistral 174 & 169 volkl rt 178 radair tanker 192 another volkl rt 178 donek fc 163 more radair tankers 187w, 192, 2k madd 170 prior wcr 185 Jim
  14. Mine was a burton performer elite, blue with rubber band binding and tail fins. Since I lived in wisconsin at that time I realized how useless it was on ice and took the fins off and added screw on metal edges from an old set of wood skiis. Next board was an alpine burton sarfari cruise 165 with 3 buckle bindings. I switched to burton variplates and modded rachlie flexons a year later. jim
  15. I agree with RJ , tankers work great everywhere. I have a 187 helicat, 192 and 200 of 03 white ones and the are easy to ride in the woods. It make even not so steep stuff super fun . Jim
  16. I have one the 187 wide helicat's also and they rock. Took it snowcatting in BC and it was awesome in the trees. Jim
  17. It was some nice powder today. I was lucky MtHood express was broken down till 930 so I got 3 perfect pows runs down my favorite lines. Again Shooting star was the best .... I left at 1230 and it was snowing hard. I going again in the am if anyones interested. Jim
  18. I have off tuesday and wednesday before having to work 6 days in row and plan on riding both days if possible. Anyone who wants to join i, let me know. Looks like wet powder tomorrow and better stuff wednesday. I will be on frs 5-12 or email me.... Jim
  19. Yea, the valley between Mt Ranier and Crystal must drop 4000Ft then back up 7000ft higher than the top (10000ft difference). Its really a quite impressive change in scale. Jim
  20. I was up at Meadows on monday also on a Tanker 192 . It was first time back since snowcating in BC (quite a difference). MtHood has gotten alot of snow recently and the base has really filled in now. We keep getting big storms that start out slightly above freezing then cools off and snows hard after the cold front come through. We get all kinds of snow from sleet to cement to fairly light pow and even bullet ice . Its going to be an awesome april and may up at T-Line this year :) Jim
  21. Crystal mtns views of Rainer are awesome ! This place has some of the best views in the NW . Jim
  22. Mike, I am coming down on Feb 24-26 for sure with another family. We might stay in sunriver. Jim
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