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Everything posted by pow4ever

  1. tpalka: wow!!! I didn't know you can use intec/fintec heel in the standard binder. That's good to know. I can't belive how much flex you get out of td2!!! What sort of boot are those? hmm the tax return can come in handy for a set of sidewinder :) Thanks David
  2. dredman: Thank you for the offer!!! I have a orange helmet as well. Too bad I will be traveling Sat... ridding Sunday to Thursday. :( That's good advice on board selection. decision descison decision... Enjoy SES!!! Thanks -- David
  3. Hi all: Just started out hardbooting for about 1.5 seasons. Still doing more sliding than carving. Would love to meet up and ride but don't want to slow anyone down. I will be staying in snow king from jan 30 - feb 5. Probably will going to JH for 4 days and 1 day at Targhee. Want to check with you guys on the condition. I am guessing 5 feet of snow and cold weather should keep the condition pretty soft? If you can only ride one board for this week which one would you choose? Carving board? All moutain? Powderboard? Thanks David
  4. Very nice!!! I got the same/similar spec board. 173 x 21 x 12M VSR. 9.9/12.7/12m You will love it. My ride like a dream. Now I am kicking my self for not getting custom top sheet. Now mount the binding on it and go ride:biggthump -- David
  5. OSIN 3800 $150 USD is that shipped price? thanks David
  6. LOL... I got that too @ Aspen. The skier I was riding around with wanted to tried hardboot now. The exact phrase is "It's so graceful; looked like you are dancing" Guess my riding is finally improving :)
  7. very cool stuff!!! Me being a geek love the technology. Isn't the spirit of olympic suppose to equal the playing field? Push the limit of human potential. Hence they used to compete in the nude. Do we not want to win because we are better snowboarder and not because of better equipement? Like when audi first introduce AWD in racing; eventually it got banned. If it's a safety thing; I figure we all want to share the advancement. I would hate to see a fellow athelete get hurt because he/she push way beyond the limit of equipment. I guess that's part of the competition too "to know the limit of one's gears". -- David
  8. pow4ever

    VIST Plate

    http://hardbooter.net/blog/?p=596 The blog from hardbooter is pure gold for additional infomations on vist plate. -- David
  9. Thank you for the review!!! Look forward to see the video. Quote "I used to get anywhere from 250-300 days a year " You sir are my hero Can you elaborate on beefy? That's an interesting term :) -- David
  10. I stand corrected :) I def agree with the way you put it. For me: Everytime I switch from HB to SB. I can push the SB stuff so much more. In that sense I would recommend to give HB a try. -- David
  11. I experince similar but might be different with higher angle. http://www.bomberonline.com/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=23458 Went back to lower angle and all is well. HTH David
  12. http://www.bomberonline.com/vbulletin/showpost.php?p=238133&postcount=28 I ask similar question before and got the answer of 90-110. HTH David
  13. If I am reading the article correctly. That would be cross over. How long you been boarding? If you like carving hardboot is the way to go. It took about 1.5 seasons for me to make the transition. I still take the softboots out in the tree/bump. Most of the time I prefer the hardboot as it's more comfortable now that I finally broke them in. -- David
  14. Brand new. Reasons: I wear glasses and they are NOT OTG... They are really nice googles. http://www.giro.com/en-us/products/goggles/manifest/ Giro Manifest goggles in Matte Black/New Basic color. Comes with 2 lens: Gold Boost 75 Rose Silver 23 I can take picture if you want. $100 + shipping + paypal fee. Thanks David
  15. awesome video!!!! I really enjoyed it. Is it only me or the upper body seems to be quite noisy? -- David
  16. agree!!! Here are the 2 "armor" that i am looking at and it shouldn't cause any issue of overheating.
  17. Just wondering if there are any update on this? I am looking for some shoulder protection and found this thread. so far the following 3 seems to fit the bill: Spyder D3O Armored Top Equetech D3O Intelligent Competition shirt (for horse riding) :) Quiksilver d3o protect top However I can't find anyone that carry them :( Thanks -- David
  18. Jose: I am very sorry to hear that. At least you got some good carve in :) It's those great run that keep us coming back for more. Just wondering where is the arm suppose to go? My arms currenly are out infront of me; like I am holding a big barrel. Figure I should correct any bad habit as early as possible. Hope you heal fast and happy/safe new year. Best Regards -- David
  19. with some velcoro; you might be able to tight a skate board to the bag. Like some mfg try to sell: http://www.backcountry.com/outdoorgear/Burton-Gig-Bag/BUR1893M.html My first board bag is like that and it worked ok...
  20. Eric. That sucks man. Luckly you are not hurt. I sure hope the break-in time for the new boots is quick and painless. Thank you again on the tip you gave me @ Stratton. It made world of difference in my riding. Best Regards. -- David
  21. Thank you all for the advice and encouragement!!! Went to the ER so they just took some x ray, gave me a sling and prescription for pain med and send me home. I will see a ortho first thing next week. This sucks.... no snowboard/gym. What am I to do with all these pent up energy? lol Jose/Ernie: So Sorry to hear about your injury and hope that you guys heal well and fast. -- David
  22. Thanks!!! Bobby it's me wrong island from ECES :) I am just going to run for the next 2 weeks since I can't lift/squat/snowboard :(
  23. me <-- :( sprain AC joint -- doc said need about 3-6 weeks to heal. Does it really take that long? what a bummer. I was at Jay Peak Vt. It happen on the last day so I got tons of ridding in. I was ridding Donek Razor with TD2 on the green slope OMG. It's a game changer for me. Doesn't feel like a board with wide waist. Now most the easy tech doc make sense to me now. Something must click. Crossing through :1luvu:granted it's only on green/blue but I had the grin of life time. I was stuck in the stage that my heel side turn is much stronger than my toe side. After first couple run on the razor; my toe side turn had catch up if not surpass my heel side. On couple rare occasion i felt the glove touch the ground(no i didn't reach for it :) ). It was quite unsettling. The Donek 180GS was way too much board for me to learn on. The 176 razor is just perfect for me at this stage of development. Oh yea the soft boot was what did me in... lol It was so cold up in jay i took refuge in the tree. It's fun to just mess around after couple day running laps on the hard goods. It feel like 3 feet of powder in Andre's Paradise. Jay was blowing snow. Got a face shot of the mixture so my goggle is all ice up. It was so cold -20 with the wind howling. I didn't want to take my hand out of glove to clean the lens. So with impaired visibility; i went down hard on Ullr... kept on going till end of the day. Went to the ER and got X-ray and all is well. Nothing broke but hurt like hell. Anyway just want to share this experience. Happy holiday and be safe!!! -- David
  24. pow4ever

    Jay Peak

    I will be @ Jay Peak from Dec 19 - Dec 24. Any weather/condition update and trails recommednation are very welcome :) Hope to see some forum member on the slope!!! -- David
  25. A guy in my ski club use them. However he won't let us hit him with a shovel :) Here is an idea; group purchase!!! Lots of internet forums does it. We pool the buying power together. Save some $$. $400 is a lots of PB&J lol -- David
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