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Everything posted by fishrising

  1. I heard the low light improvement is really not that much of an improvement. I haven't seen a side by side yet for low light. But everything else that I have seen out of it is an improvement.
  2. My current favorite (for a while now): And don't laugh, but it is really good:
  3. Not bad, I like it a lot, but I don't think I could drink 4 of those without getting a headache.
  4. I'd be interested...in at least hearing more as more develops...and know knows from there. Ps...my off-piste hardbooting is much better than my on-piste...east coast tanker fun maybe!
  5. I think it moved, how about some more pics of the F1?
  6. Sorry to hear about everyone's devastation. I am going to the Waterbury/Stowe area to help out some life long friends with their clean up and re-build Friday - Monday. Their basement was completely flooded, 1 foot of water in their kitchen, 4 feet of water in their yard and they were over 75 yards outside of the 100 year water mark.
  7. *ACE*, looks like I can still go hit some golf balls and get some ice cream there though. But seriously, you live like 8 miles from me, I am over in WH. I think I saw a leaf roll across my lawn during the storm, and bit of rain. But I go 2 blocks away or a town away and its like a different planet. I was left in awe. did the Farmington River Sewage Treatment Plant overflow?
  8. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VNLPCtKG9I4&sns=em
  9. Congrats on getting the magazine going! I emailed you to add me to your subscription list. If you need some photos I can dig some up for you from the last ECES and plan on shooting the upcoming ECES as well as some other informal get togethers.
  10. I'll be there (at least Thur & Fri)! Thanks in advance for all of the work you all have put in! I'll be more than happy to pitch in where I can during the event so you guys can get some ride time! I will also bring camera and video gear, with guaranteed better results than last time! Also, if there is a plan to "rent a trail" on Thur or Fri, I'd like to pitch in.
  11. So, here is a pic of what I just obtained for her, to screw around in, to ensure she wants to do it, before diving in full bore on a quarter midget. Needs a little TLC and a few safety additions, but it has a gas pedal, brake pedal, and a throttle limiter:
  12. They had a "club promotional day" in order to spark interest in racing for the kids. So, kids who never tried it could give it a whirl (my daughter Veronica being one). She crashed at the end of the first lap, was too scared to go again today, but she wants to go again "after today," as she put it. I give her props for trying though! And she says she really liked it.
  13. I had to post some pics of my 6.5yo daughter trying out a quarter midget at the Silver City Quarter Midget Club in Meriden, CT:
  14. Last minute family duty calls, so looks like I am out. You can take my name off the list. Have fun all!
  15. Dialed them in at Bolton Valley in VT today! What a great board for 6" new on the ground plus at least 4 more during the day! Loved it! Handled great off piste and the ungroomed double blacks and trees! Very happy! Thank you all! Tomorrow is Stratton!
  16. Please add fishrising aka Ben to the list for at least Sunday, Saturday is up in the air still.
  17. Here is my best example side by side: RED = FC179 (Oppenheim) 21 waist BLUE = AX177 21.5 waist Boots: Head Stratus Pros mondo 31.5 This was the best setup, but still didn't feel right:
  18. Hey All, how do you setup your bindings on your all mountain boards (as compared to your carving board)? I just acquired my first all mountain board, a Donek 177 (21.5 waist, 10.9 SCR) Axxess, rode it the other day and could not get comfortable in my stance. Whereas my carving boards, like my Donek 179 (21 waist, 11.2 SCR) Oppenheim Free Carve, I am comfortable. I tried mimicking the binding setup and locations and that did not feel comfortable on the Axxess. I tried other spots and positions as well. Is it I just need to get used to the new ride because it is not a pure carving board and therefore just simply rides differently? Or is there a certain "spot" to place my bindings on an all mountain board, that is different than a strictly carving board? Thanks!
  19. Andrew, nice to meet you today sorry for not being able to ride with you had to switch to skis to ski with my daughter. Steph, I stopped in Equipe (in the village) and didn't see you. Will look next time again, I'll probably be up for zoo day on MLK day next Monday.
  20. Car is packed and ready for a 5:30am departure...
  21. Will do Steph! Do you know where I go to pick up my X2 card? I usually get an Okemo/Stratton midweek pass, but not this year :-( which I would pick up at Okemo. But, I have no clue at Stratton where to pick my X2 card up. Worse case I'll 800-stratton over the weekend to find out. Thanks!
  22. I plan on riding at Stratton the morning of on Monday 1/10 while my daughter is in ski school. Then I will switch over and ski with her in the afternoon. Anyone going to be there?
  23. So, I've got the week off between Xmas and NYE, first time in years. Who is riding where? What's the best bet to get away from crowds (go ahead laugh)? Should I stay local in CT/MA, or head to Southern VT or NH? I'm in CT. I bought the X2 at Stratton, and no other passes this year. I'll most likely have my 6 yo daughter in tow, she will go to ski school in the AM while I carve, then I will ski with her in the PM. Anyone else in?
  24. Got this one in 57* in Amenia, NY on 11/14 at 3:45pm with my Black Widow recurve, 10ptr broken to an 8, and a punction wound by the left eye, which I saw all happen. All in all I saw 20 deer in 30 minutes and 2 fights. Tried to find his broken piece, because I watched it happen, but couldn't find it.
  25. What's the waist width on this one, 21.5?
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