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Everything posted by pebu

  1. I die a little inside. Oh, yeah, I golf and I work. This year it's lookin like I'm gonna be a new homeowner so I'll have plenty to do there. I guess I also rollerblade and/or waveboard with or without my dog. That's about all I can think of right now.
  2. KC, how are those boots for insulation? Do your feet get wet or cold when riding?
  3. Just out of curiosity, what do you mean by "campers" and "non-campers"? I could speculate, but it seems a little bit cold for what I think of camping.
  4. And the customer service is to die for!
  5. Look at the stack of baseballs in the background... Holy crap!
  6. They can't ship till 2018? You mean all of these boards that you have your tools setting on are already sold and awaiting shipment?? I wish I would have gotten in sooner.
  7. I use the super hot sauce. My brother and I got a 10 lb box of it, so that should hold us over for a couple seasons... The cool thing is it's really not expensive being a flouro and all.
  8. Back in the day we used to rub on turtlewax right before headin out. I don't know that it did anything cause I was too young and stupid to know what I was doing anyway... But that's what we did..
  9. I've learned that hardboots and hardwood floors don't exactly go together.
  10. I was unimpressed at first, but being an engineer I'm just curious about the thing in general. Was the front wheel fixed and the turning was caused by the relation of the body to the ground? I have to believe that vehicle is hard on tires...
  11. I kinda skewed the results slightly... I only wanted to see the results of the poll, so I chose td, only because this IS bomberonline... It seems like I've seen both, but only briefly. The cateks sure seem nice, if only for the adjustability, but if their stiff enough to make the ride uncomfortable for me then I guess I wouldn't really like them. The bombers seem pert-near bulletproof, so that's definately a plus. I ride physics and performance sis right now. Maybe some day I'll be able to afford to try tds or oss, but until then...
  12. Bomber Classifieds. I need to have so much more. I search tirelessly.
  13. Alright, who's gonna come up with a Bomber Haiku? Remember, 5 syllables, 7 syllables then 5 syllables... Haikus can be fun. They don't have to make much sense. Refrigerator.
  14. pebu

    hey fin!

    Fin, would it be possible to team up with some of the other alpine gear suppliers to build up fairly substantial catalog? I realize there is some competition there so that's a reason not to team up, but it would be cool to have one catalog with tons of stuff in there. Enough for everybody.
  15. I wish we still had snow in the lower peninsula
  16. Hows abouts "Oh man, I am so lit... Listen to this... I think the only reason we die... is because we accept it as an inevitability! What now??"
  17. This is actually the compilation of my brother's and my quiver. (skis are my bros, boards are mine) From left to right... A bunch of crappy ski poles of various lengths I believe they're solomon short skis Atomic Arcs Atomic (i forget the model) Atomic something... they're real old and my brother picked them up for a buck because he wanted the poles that came with them... Volkl Allstars ('06 I believe) Volkl Porsches (not sure of exact model) Rossi Budweiser board, 156cm 162 Nitro Supercarve sl 162 Rossi XVas A variety of bindings on a stringer.. The only skis that get used these days are the allstars and the porsches and occasionally I'll get on the short skis just for the hell of it.
  19. Boys (or babes) On Many Boards... That's as far as I've gotten so far... I'll be back for the rest..
  20. Does anybody feel like "hiking" crystal lately? I'm jonesin for snowboarding. I better just bust out the golf clubs already and practice pitching in the yard...
  21. Did you count this post? If so, which category would it go in, noise or humor? I'm happy to say that I'm responsible for a couple humor posts.
  22. You forgot the "this is still an issue?" option. Also the "Who is Bordy?" option, though it may not be used much.
  23. I'd have to say it was my first day of the steamboat vacation. Sun was out, switched to soft boot setup at lunch and took part in the morningside park... The pow was a little bit heavy, but much better than what we get here in MI, and much deeper too. Came down between some trees and a little roller caught me a little off guard. I thought, oh, I'll just get a little air off of it... Came down a little nose heavy and tumbled like a rag doll. It was so unbelievably awesome and totally made my day.
  24. No experience here, but you can buy bootfitting foam at tognar toolworks here. (clicky) They also have tips and stuff. But what bobdea is saying makes sense. If it's gonna be that cheap, it sure as hell makes sense to have it done right.
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